Cara Reset Windows 10 Tanpa Instal Ulang 8,8/10 9450 votes

I made a mistake when I tried to delete Fern cracker, now I cant even find it anymore.

Installing it doesnt work. I have tried this under me, didnt work. got the error E: Unable to locate package kali-linux-full

How do I make a System restore or reinstalling the kali linux?

When I press on the setup I keep getting the error Cannot find win32-loader.ini but I can see the file in the folder where I run the setup from. so the file is there.

Cara Menginstal Ulang Windows 10 Tanpa Kehilangan Data Anda.Jika Anda menjalankan Windows 10 dan menghadapi masalah yang tampaknya tidak dapat dipecahkan, menginstal ulang sistem operasi mungkin merupakan pilihan terbaik Anda.Kami akan menunjukkan cara menginstal ulang Windows tanpa kehilangan data pribadi Anda.

Is there anything I can try to reinstall the whole kali linux or doing a system restore?

Refresh Windows 10

I have fully installed kali linux on a laptop.

Type in the followings in your terminal:

Remove and purge Kali-Menu

Remove local applications in your profile

Remove Kali Menus from .config

Reboot your machine

Windows 10 factory reset from boot

Reinstall Kali-Menu

If this doesn’t solve the menu problem, only then move to next step.

Reinstall Kali-linux-full

Now your broken menu in Kali Linux should be back in order.

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The backup/restore data feature was introduced in Nox 2.5.1 and above versions. It’s very useful when you want to reinstall Nox without losing all your data.

1. Open Multi instance management panel by double click the Mutli-drive shortcut on your desktop or the Multi Player button on the sidebar

2. Click the Backup/Restore button of the instance that you want to backup, and choose Backup. The backup file will be saved as a vmdk file.

Note: the Backup/Restore button is only accessible when the Nox instance is not launched. If the instance you intend to backup is still running, click Stop first then you will find the Backup/Restore button showing up.

3. Click OK when the backup process is successfully finished.

4. Then you could choose to create a new instance either in the current Nox or in a newly installed Nox and click the Backup/Restore button again. Only this time, choose restore and open the backup file which contains the data you want to restore.

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