Crusader Kings 2 Piety 9,7/10 5999 votes
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War is one of the most important element of every strategy game. Although in Crusader Kings II it doesn't matter that much, you shall pay attention to it. Medieval art of war is shown in this game in very detailed way. Unfortunately, as it happens in simulations, reality makes a lot of problems to the nowadays players.

Of Paradox's Grand Strategy titles, I dare to say that Crusader Kings II is the most unique. Essentially character based, it astoundingly simulates the interpersonal nature of politics in the Middle Ages before the advent of “nation-states”. The sweeping, human narratives and dramatic turns blur the line between RPG and Strategy without ever losing its 'Grand' pedigree. To be truly successful in this game requires more than just careful logistical planning of troops and supplies: it also requires playing the great chess game of courtly life.

To that end, my liege, whether you're a new count or a battle-scarred Crusader King, allow me to offer some of the most important tips for the novice and veteran alike. Advice is correct as of the most recent patch with all expansions.



Unlike other games both in Paradox's stable and outside of it which ties your fate to a nation, in CKII, your fate is tied to a particular dynasty—and, more specifically, to one person at a time in that dynasty. Thus, even if your great nation controls the known world but your family loses control over any lands, it's “Game over, man. Game over.”

Securing that your titles are succeeded by someone in your family becomes your most primal concern at the start of the game and securing that your family succeeds to titles as it grows is one of the best strategies to “peacefully” acquire more control. This is especially important if you're starting a custom character which has no dynasty to rely on.

Most of the time, accomplishing this task is simple: get married (make sure it's matrilineal if you're a woman), have children, and sit pretty as you hope your children aren't idiots. However, here are some nuances to be aware of:

  • Make sure your spouse loves you. Lavish him or her with gifts and other favours that will entice them to your side. This not only mechanically improves your chances of conceiving, but it also helps to ensure that you are not a poor cuckold.
  • There's no real harm in Family focus for a longer period while you wait for heirs. The diplomacy bonus to it is significant enough to be a good focus in and of itself while helping you to conceive children.
  • Don't be afraid to annul marriages that are barren. If you can get your religious head to be on your side to grant you an annulment, do not hesitate. After all, how can a realm breathe with no heir? Just be aware that divorcing your spouse will enrage their family against you. The only exception is if you're hoping to get a claim on your spouse's demesnes.

Finally, and perhaps most 'importantly', change succession laws. Gavelkind is perhaps the worst possible succession law ever invented by man. Cutting up one's realm between one's heirs is not only detrimental for larger realms that might split into various Kingdoms (and basically set back all the work you've done), but it might cause rivalries between children. Which leads us to our next major tip...


So long as you can control the majority of the electors through diplomacy or intrigue, Elective Monarchy almost always ensures that you select the best possible heir for your realm. Whether it's pure elective monarchy or the Imperial style of elective, I have found that this succession law helps to select not only well qualified rulers based on stats and traits (while avoiding those insane inbreds, of course), but also grants you the ability to choose young rulers which is essential for building up that long term legacy. Realms are often unstable after a new ruler ascends and Elective Succession Law helps to alleviate this concern by choosing younger candidates who reign far longer on average.

The game is all about building and cultivating loyalty and leading through awe rather than mere power. This is the radial ideal of Medieval Imperial ambition. The problem, of course, is that Elective Monarchy is high risk high reward. You will want to actively kill, exile, or otherwise bribe electors who don't support your candidate or 'eliminate' your rivals that aren't your ideal candidate. However, keep in mind that you don't need to worry so much if it's another family member that is being favoured. So long as your dynasty is on the throne, that's sufficient and the electors will almost never pick someone “so bad” that you'll immediately be beset by civil war. Don't be too hung up if your ideal heir is not selected so long as he's of your blood.


Sun Tzu said that to defeat your enemy through great strength is not the onus of Supreme Excellence; Supreme Excellence is to defeat your enemy without lifting a finger. Thus, learn how to “politic” your way to power.

Perhaps the best way to explain this tip is to give you an example from one of my playthrough: I started as a lowly count of Santiago who managed to wrest control of the Kingdom of Asturias. Unfortunately, the Muslim neighbours to the south were poised to destroy my tiny Kingdom. Instead, as soon as I had control of the crown, I bent the knee to Charlemagne who was all too happy to be my overlord. The Caliphate to the south would not dare entrench themselves in a war against a whole empire so I was safe to scheme from within. Since I was already a Kingdom with various demesnes, I was one of the most powerful vassals of the Emperor and set to work befriending enough nobles in the Empire to be crowned Emperor not too long after.

If I had remained independent, I would have had no hope against the Caliphate to the South and the Empire to the North. Instead, by working from within, I was crowned by the Pope. Not too bad for a lowly Count to accomplish in the span of twenty years. Which leads us to our next tip.


You don't need to win over everyone. Simply win over the appropriate people to get your job accomplished. For example, if you need someone dead, befriend their spymaster. If you need someone deposed, befriend the most powerful vassals in the Kingdom. Focus on quality of characters rather than quantity. Focus your money on those who have influence and focus your military forces on those who are weak and you will find yourself rising to the heights of power.

Learn how to eliminate your rivals and to be selective about who you place in power even if they have great stats. Which dovetails nicely into one of the most important parts about managing your court.


Like learning how to breed beautiful flowers, playing CKII also invites the player to generate genetically favourable traits. Unlike some traits which are based on personality and experience (like the virtues and vices), some traits are genetic. These include Genius, Tall, Strong etc. If possible, learn how to consistently include these genetic markers into your family line.

This hoarding also applies to Bloodlines. Avoid bad traits and bolster good traits. Always avoid detrimental genetic traits like inbred, but, keep in mind, that choosing between a spouse that might be great genetically and one who has no negatives but is the heir or heiress to a title, it's almost always better to choose to pursue the title to expand your realm. Once you have control of most of the realms of your religion, that's when you can focus on genetic supremacy.


Strange, you might say. Yet, I have often intentionally triggered civil wars for myself. Why? If you can be sure of winning a civil war by inciting a faction against yourself, you can actually eliminate the power base of rival dynasties. Whenever you win against a faction or vassal in a war, you can strip their members of one or two titles without suffering penalties and, thus, install one of your loyalists (preferably family members) in their place. This is especially useful if you're looking to replace cultures.

Learn how to properly prune out factions in your realm by targeting opponents and inciting them to rebellion by getting reasons to arrest them and attempting to arrest them with an intentionally low chance of success forcing them to raise arms against you. This is also a great way to accelerate cultural assimilation as you can choose a top tier vassal of your culture to lead the new viceroyalty or duchy.

Keep in mind that you can also raise your levies and position them in their demesnes even before you send out the arrest order so you can have a huge mobilization advantage over your opponent right in the beginning.


Unlike other Paradox titles which require you to strategically deploy troops against fortresses and achieve wargoals, CKII rewards a player for winning decisive engagements. Huge amounts of “warscore” is awarded if you manage to defeat an enemy “doomstack” (their combined armies in one location): sometimes by as much as fifty percent. By capturing only one castle and squashing the rest of the armies, you could sometimes force a peace. Thus, with no fortresses to get in the way of mobilization, squash the enemy army first, attain a massive advantage in warscore, then while the enemy army is trying to regroup, capture enough castles to force a peace. Take note that you ought not pursue an enemy army too far into enemy territory as attrition will kill you. Wait until the doomstack is visible and then pursue it on your territory.

This is, of course, assuming you can defeat the enemy army. Thus, target opponents weaker than you are. It's easy to check by looking at their ruler and seeing how many levies they can raise in their character profile. Usually, most armies are equivalent in strength so determining by numbers is easy enough. Avoid fighting those with similar sized armies if you can help it since chance may easily turn your parity into a route. Almost always fight those significantly weaker.

If you can't find someone significantly weaker, either wait until they are involved in another war with a powerful opponent, raise religious levies against them if they're of another religion, or build up a massive war chest to employ mercenaries. Mercenaries are more unforgiving in CKII than in most other Paradox games so be careful.

The only exception to these tips is for fighting the “bosses” such as the Mongol Hordes, Aztec Invaders, and China. These entities with their special “event troops” don't suffer attrition and are generally of higher quality troops. Defeating them is the true test of a Crusader King and requires careful planning and preparation.

Unfortunately, Crusader Kings II is so vast that all the possible tips can't fit into one reading, but we shall cover some more in other articles including tips on how to defeat “bosses” such as China, how to navigate some of the more convoluted event chains (such as the Immortality event chain) as well as the mystic orders and their rewards, and a how-to-guide on creating an immersive storyline to maximize your CKII experience.

Crusader Kings 2 Piety Meaning


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scorescore [amount]This command adds the specified amount of score to your character. If you don't specify a number after the command, 5,000 score will be added by default. Specify a negative amount to reduce your score.
prestigeprestige [amount]This command adds the specified amount of prestige to your character. If no amount is specified, 5,000 prestige will be added. Specify a negative amount to remove prestige.
pietypiety [amount]This command adds the specified amount of piety to your character. If you do not specify an amount, 5,000 piety will be added. Specify a negative amount to remove piety.
infamyinfamy [amount]This command adds the specifiy amount of infamy to your character's infamy level (max. 100%). Infamy is also known and displayed as 'Threat' in the game. Specify a negative number to reduce infamy.
max_techmax_tech [province id]This command advances all technology to its maximum level in the province with the specified ID. If you do not specify a province ID, technology will be maxed out in all provinces.
killkill [character id]This command kills the character with the specified ID.
religionreligion [character id] [religion id]This command changes the religion of the specified character. If you don't specify a character ID, the religion of your own character will be changed. Note that if you change your religion to one from a DLC that you do not own, your game will end.
add_artifactadd_artifact [artifact id] [character id]This command adds the artifact with the specified artifact ID to the specified character. If you do not specify a character ID (just the artifact), the artifact will be added to your character.
get_all_artifactsget_all_artifacts [character id]This command adds every artifact in the game to the character with the specified ID. If you do not specify a character ID, the artifacts will be added to your own character.
destroy_artifactdestroy_artifact [artifact id] [character id]This command removes the artifact with the specified artifact ID from the specified character. If you do not specify a character ID, the artifact will be removed from your own character.
add_diplomacyadd_diplomacy [character id] [amount]This command adds the specified amount of diplomacy to the character with the specified ID. Specify a negative amount to remove diplomacy. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove diplomacy from the character you are playing as.
add_intrigueadd_intrigue [character id] [amount]This command adds the specified amount of intrigue to the character with the specified ID. Specify a negative amount to remove intrigue. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove intrigue from the character you are playing as.
add_learningadd_learning [character id] [amount]This command adds the specified amount of learning to the character with the specified ID. Specify a negative amount to remove learning. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove learning from the character you are playing as.
add_martialadd_martial [character id] [amount]This command adds the specified amount of martial to the character with the specified ID. Specify a negative amount to remove martial. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove martial from the character you are playing as.
add_stewardshipadd_stewardship [character id] [amount]This command adds the specified amount of stewardship to the character with the specified ID. Specify a negative amount to remove stewardship. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove stewardship from the character you are playing as.
add_traitadd_trait [trait id] [character id]This command adds the trait with the specified ID to the character with the specified ID. If you do not specify a character ID, the trait will be added to the character you are playing as.
remove_traitremove_trait [trait id] [character id]This command removes the specified trait from the character with the specified ID. The trait will be removed from the character you are playing as if you do not specify a character ID.
add_modifieradd_modifier [modifier id] [character id] [duration]This command adds the specified modifier to a character for a specified amount of time (in days).
remove_modifierremove_modifier [modifier id] [character id]This command removes the specified modifier from a character.
ageage [character id] [years]This command changes a character's age by the specified amount - i.e. you can make a character older or younger with this command. If you want to change the age of your own character, you need to specify your character's ID. Specify a negative number to reduce a character's age.
banishbanish [character id]This command banishes the character with the specified ID.
capitalcapital [province id]This command changes the capital of your kingdom to the province with the specified ID.
clr_moved_capitalclr_moved_capital [character id]This command clears the 'moved capital flag' that your character receives after moving your capital. Clearing the flag allows you to move your capital again (as you can't move your capital twice). The character ID argument may not work.
cashcash [amount]This command adds the specified amount of cash (gold/wealth) to your chracter.
claimclaim [title id] [character id]This command adds a claim to the title with the specified ID for a character, or for your own character (if you do not specify a character ID).
coalitioncoalition [character id] [character id]This command will make the first specified character start a coalition against the second specified character. If there is already a coalition between the two characters, the coalition will be ended.
council_positionscouncil_positions [character id / title id]This command shows the AI score of each council position for the specified character or title.
clr_focusclr_focus [character id]This command clears the focus of the character with the specified ID. If you do not specify a character ID, the focus of the character you are playing as will be cleared.
cultureculture [character id] [culture id]This command sets a character's culture to the culture specified.
decadencedecadence [level]This command sets your kingdom's decadence to the specified number (0-100%).
decisiondecision [decision id] [character id]This command makes the specified character execute the decision with the specified ID. If you do not specify a character ID, the character you are playing as will execute the decision.
diedieThis command will make your current character die of a natural death, making you play as a new character.
enforce_peaceenforce_peaceThis command enables the enforce peace mechanic in your realm, note that you may need to restart your game to disable the effect of this command.
liege_enforce_peaceliege_enforce_peaceThis command enables the enforce peace mechanic in your liege's realm, note that you may need to restart your game to disable the effect of this command.
enable_ambitionenable_ambition [character id]This command allows the character with the specified ID to cancel their existing ambition and set a new one.
eventevent [event id] [character id / province id]This command runs the event with the specified event ID. You can optionally specify a character ID, or a province ID, that you wish to run the event in or on.
testeventtestevent [event id] [character id / province id]This is a test command, use the event command to run events. This command will test an event without actually triggering it.
favor_getfavor_get [character id]This command grants a favor to your character from the character with the specified ID (i.e. they owe you a favor).
favor_grantfavor_grant [character id]This command granits a favor from your character to the character with the specified ID (i.e. you own them a favor).
gfx_culturegfx_culture [character id] [culture id]This command sets the ethnicity (i.e. GFX culture) of the specified character, this changes how they look in their portrait.
give_birthgive_birth [character id]This command forces the character with the specified ID to give birth. Note that the character must already be pregnant (it doesn't matter what stage they are at, however).
give_titlegive_title [title id] [character id]This command gives the title with the specified ID to the character with the specified character ID. You need to specify your own character's ID if you wish to change the title of your own character.
imprisonimprison [character id] [character id]This command jails the first specified character, and makes the second specified character the one who puts them in jail (i.e. character 1 is jailed, character 2 is the jailor). If you do not specify a second character ID, your character will be the jailor.
join_societyjoin_society [society id]This command makes your character join the society with the specified ID.
leave_societyleave_society [society id]This command makes your character leave the society with the specified ID.
movemove [character id] [character id]NOTE: This command has been reported as broken or incorrectly functioning - it may not work as intended. This command moves the first specified character to the court of the second specified character.
neg_opinionneg_opinion [character id] [character id]This command adds a negative opinion from the first specified character towards the second specified character (i.e. character 1 hates character 2). Note that there is no command to add opinion so the effects of this command are not easily undoable.
nicknamenickname [nickname id] [character id]This command gives the nickname with the specified ID to the specified character. If you do not specify a character, the nickname will be given to your character.
playplay [character id]This command will make you play as the character with the specified ID. NOTE: This command resets the chronicle of your character when you use it.
runrun [file name]This command runs the script/commands in the specified text file. The file should be placed in your game's main directory (where CK2game.exe is located), which is usually found in your Steam Library.
techpointstechpointsThis command adds 1,000 technology points for each type to your character (Military, Economy and Culture).
recalc_succrecalc_succ [character id]This command recalcuates succession for the character with the specified character ID. If you don't specify a character ID, succession will be recalculated for your own character.
secret_religionsecret_religion [character id] [religion id]This command sets the secret religion of the specified character to the specified religion.
set_governmentset_government [government type id] [character id]This command changes the government type of the character with the specified ID. Note that if you change your government type to one from a DLC that isn't installed, the game will end.
titleownertitleowner [title id] [character id]This command has two uses. If you specify just a title ID, the command will print to console the current holder of that title. If you specify a title ID and a character ID, the specified character will become the holder of the title.
validate_governmentvalidate_government [character id]This command validates the government of the character with the specified character ID. If you do not specify a character ID, your own government will be validated.
validate_lawsvalidate_laws [character id]This command validates the laws of the specified character's primary holding. You need to specify your own character's ID if you wish to validate your own laws.
validate_liegesvalidate_lieges [title id]This command validates the lieges of the title with the specified ID.
set_society_grandmasterset_society_grandmaster [character id]This command sets the grandmaster of your current society to the character with the specified ID. If you do not specify a character ID, you will become the grandmaster of your society. You need to be in a society for this command to work.
show_all_societiesshow_all_societiesThis command enables and disables (toggles) the showing of all societies in the society view.
society_rank_upsociety_rank_up [amount]This command ranks your character up in his/her society by the specified amount of ranks.
society_rank_downsociety_rank_down [amount]This command ranks your character down in his/her society by the specified amount of ranks.
society_currencysociety_currency [amount]This command gives your character the specified amount of currency for the society they're currently in. If you do not specify an amount, the default amount of 5,000 currency will be added to your character.
quickbuildquickbuildThis command is also known as the 'instant construction' cheat, it enables and disables (toggles) quick build. When quick build is enabled, all of your constructions will be completed within one day (regardless of how long they usually take).
usurpusurp [title id] [character id]This command makes the specified character usurp (take by force) the specified title for themselves.
yesmanyesmanThis command toggles (enables and disables) yesman mode. In yesman mode, the AI will accept all diplomatic offers you make.
allow_lawsallow_lawsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the ability for you to change laws freely.
real_fathersreal_fathersThis command enables and disables (toggles) true fathers being shown in the family tree.
charinfocharinfoThis command enables and disables (toggles) the display of debug information being shown in the tooltips of characters, titles and events. Debug information includes character IDs, ethnicities, AI stages, and more.
debug_modedebug_modeThis command enables and disables (toggles) the display of debug information being shown in the tooltips of characters, titles and events. Debug information includes character IDs, ethnicities, AI stages, and more.
de_jure_countiesde_jure_countiesThis command switches the map mode to the de jure counties map mode.
discover_plotsdiscover_plotsThis command enable and disables (toggles) automatic plot discovery.
fowfow [province id]This command enables and disables (toggles) fog of war (FOW) in the province with the specified ID. If you do not specify a province ID, fog of war will be toggled across the entire map.
game_speedgame_speed [speed]This command sets the speed that time goes by at in the game (a number between 0 and 4, 0 being the slowest).
game_pausedgame_paused [true / false]This command sets the game's pause state - true being paused and false being unpaused. If you don't specify true or false as an argument, the pause state will be toggled.
get_offmap_holderget_offmap_holder [offmap power id]This command prints to console the name and character ID of the character in control of the specified offmap holder.
set_offmap_statusset_offmap_status [offmap power id] [status id]This command sets the status of the specified offmap power to the specified status. See argument information for status IDs.
set_offmap_policyset_offmap_policy [offmap power id] [policy id]This command sets the policy of the specified offmap power to the specified policy. See argument information for policy IDs.
kill_offmap_rulerkill_offmap_ruler [offmap power id]This command kills the ruler of the specified offmap power.
kill_offmap_dynastykill_offmap_dynasty [offmap power id]This command kills the ruler and dynasty of the specified offmap power, and then generates a dynasty and ruler.
add_offmap_currencyadd_offmap_currency [offmap power id] [amount]This command gives you the specified amount of currency for the specified offmap power. Specify a negative amount to remove currency.
manpowermanpower [amount]This command adds the specified amount of nomadic manpower to your kingdom (provided you are a nomad character). If you do not specify an amount, 5,000 manpower will be added. Specify a negative amount to remove manpower.
populationpopulation [amount]This command adds the specified amount of nomadic population to your kingdom (provided you are a nomad character). If you do not specify an amount, 5,000 population will be added. Specify a negative number to remove population.
marry_anyonemarry_anyoneThis command enables and disables (toggles) the ability for you to marry anyone in the game (restrictions no longer apply).
morehumansmorehumans [amount]This command adds the specified amount of humans to your kingdom.
neg_diploneg_diploThis command enables and disables (toggles) your ability to send diplomatic messages to other kingdoms, even if they will be refused.
nextsongnextsongThis command skips to the next song in the game's soundtrack.
outbreakoutbreak [disease id]This command starts an outbreak of the disease with the specified ID in a random province. See argument information for disease IDs.
plots_knownplots_knownThis command enables and disables (toggles) the knowledge of all plots in the game (i.e. with this enabled, all plots are known).
recalc_councilrecalc_councilThis command will make the game recalculate the positions of each member of the council. Usually council positions are calculated periodically, so this command is useful for making things update sooner.
set_flagset_flag [flag name]This command sets the specified flag (to true).
clr_flagclr_flag [flag name]This command clears the specified flag.
set_prov_flagset_prov_flag [flag name] [province id]This command sets the specified province flag (to true).
clr_prov_flagclr_prov_flag [flag name] [province id]This command clears the specified province flag.
set_char_flagset_char_flag [flag name] [character id]This command sets the specified character flag (to true).
clr_char_flagclr_char_flag [flag name] [character id]This command clears the specified character flag.
validate_cultural_namesvalidate_cultural_namesThis command makes the game validate cultural title names.
spawn_diseasespawn_disease [disease id] [province id]This command starts an outbreak of the disease with the specified ID in a specified provice (specified by its province ID). See argument information for disease IDs.
character_statscharacter_statsThis command prints to console a collection of statistics about characters in the game.
dynasty_statsdynasty_statsThis command prints to console a collection of statistics about dynasties in the game.
destroy_settlementdestroy_settlement [settlement id]This command destroys the settlement with the specified ID.
murdermurder [character id] [character id]This command will murder a specified character. The first character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the murderer, the second character ID is the ID of the character you wish to be murdered.
pollinatepollinate [character id] [character id]This command will make a character impregnate another character. The first character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the mother, the second character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the father.
cuckoocuckoo [character id] [character id]This command will make a character impregnate another character, but the father will be unknown. The first character ID you specify is the character ID of the mother, the second character ID is the ID of the father.
revoltrevolt [province id]This command initiates a revolt in the province with the specified ID.
succsucc [succession type id]This command changes the succession type of your kingdom - i.e. who is heir to the throne when your character dies. See argument information for succession type IDs.
add_loveradd_lover [character id] [character id]This command makes the two specified characters lovers of each other.
add_friendadd_friend [character id] [character id]This command makes the two specified characters friends of each other. If you do not specify a second character ID, your own character will become friends with the specified character ID.
remove_friendremove_friend [character id] [character id]This command makes the two specified characters stop being friends with each other. If you do not specify a second character ID, your own character will stop being friends with the specified character.
add_rivaladd_rival [character id] [character id]This command will make the two specified characters become rivals. If you do not specify a second character ID, the character you are playing as will become a rival of the specified character.
remove_rivalremove_rival [character id] [character id]This command ends the rivalry between the two specified characters. If you do not specify a second character ID, your own character's rivalry with the specified character will be terminated.
flip_mapmodesflip_mapmodesThis command enables and disables (toggles) the flipping of map modes. With this setting on, at the start of each new day, the map mode will be cycled to the next.
province_religionprovince_religion [province id] [religion id]This command changes the religion of the province with the specified ID.
clearclearThis command clears all of the messages in the console (so the console is empty, as if it were just opened).
debug_crashdebug_crashThis command will crash your client (quite literally). It is not recommended you run this command.
debug_dumpeventsdebug_dumpeventsThis command prints a list of all events to a file named dump_events.csv (located in your main game directory).
debug_eventsdebug_eventsThis command enables event debuging (the counting of events). It is not known if there is a way to turn this off without restarting your game.
debug_nomendebug_nomenThis command enables and disables (toggles) nomen mode. When nomen mode is enabled, the AI will automatically decline any diplomatic offers you send them (regardless of circumstance).
debug_triggerassertdebug_triggerassertThis command makes the game throw an assert.
debug_yesmendebug_yesmenThis command enables and disables (toggles) yesmen mode. When yesmen mode is enabled, the AI will automatically accept any diplomatic offers you send them (regardless of circumstance).
eventinfoeventinfoThis command may crash your game - it should print to console the number of event currently running.
guiboundsguiboundsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the GUI bounds debug menu.
fullscreenfullscreenThis command enables and disables (toggles) full screen mode for your game (i.e. it will switch from windowed to fullscreen or fullscreen to windowed).
hellohello [character id / title screen id]This command opens the character screen for the character with the specified ID. You can open a title screen with this command by specifying a title screen ID instead.
helphelp [command name]This command prints a list of all console commands in the game to the console, or if you specify a command as an argument (e.g. 'help max_tech'), help for that specific command will be printed to the console.
helploghelplogThis command prints a list of all console commands to the game.log file.
noainoaiThis command enables and disables (toggles) all AI. With AI disabled, all characters, mechanics, etc that are usually controlled by AI will stop running.
numcoasnumcoasThis command prints to console the amount of coats of arms that have been used.
observeobserveThis command enables observer mode, in which you do not play a character at all, and the AI will control the game. You can take partial control of a character by holding CTRL and clicking them. Use the play command to resume play again.
print_player_eventsprint_player_eventsThis command saves a list of all player events to a file named player_events.csv, which is located in the main game folder.
print_ai_eventsprint_ai_eventsThis command saves a list of all AI events to a file named ai_events.csv, which is located in the main game folder.
refresh_portraitsrefresh_portraitsThis command makes all character portraits refresh (i.e. they are reloaded from the file, meaning any changes you have made will be applied).
reloadreload [file name]This command reloads the specified file.
reloadeventsreloadeventsThis command reloads all events in the event database - useful for applying changes that you have made to events without having to restart the game.
reloadfxreloadfx [map / postfx / fx file name]This command reloads the specified graphics shader.
reloadgovernmentflavorreloadgovernmentflavorThis command reloads the government flavor database.
reloadinterfacereloadinterfaceThis command reloads the game's interface (i.e. all GUI elements).
reloadlocreloadlocThis command reloads the game's language (localisation) files that are located in the localisation directory, applying any changes you've made to them without having to restart the game.
reloadpositionsreloadpositionsThis command reloads the council position database.
reloadtexturereloadtexture [texture file name]This command reloads the specified texture.
spawnactorspawnactor [actor name] [province id] [animation] [title id]This command spawns an actor in a specified province. You can optionally specify an animation and title for the actor to spawn with.
versionversionThis command prints to the console the version of your game.
windowwindow [open / close] [gui]This command opens or closes the specified GUI.
wipe_achievementswipe_achievementsThis command clears and resets all of your current CK2 Steam achievements. You cannot undo the effect of this command. It is only recommended if you wish to collect Steam achievements again from scratch.