Hp Ilo4 Default Password 9,7/10 2679 votes

HPE Synergy compute modules by using the HPE iLO 4 firmware. In configuring and using Hewlett Packard Enterprise servers that include iLO 4. ILO login with an SSH client. Enter the default user credentials, and then click Log In. HPE integrated Lights-Out (iLO) arms you with the tools to manage your servers efficiently, resolving issues quickly from anywhere in the world. Try it now to configure and update your server infrastructure easily and securely.

I have noticed that all the HP ProLiant I have access, have the same iLO default username : Administrator.

Is it always the same default username ? Some kind of HP internal rule ...

(I want to do some scripting around this, I would like to confirm that it is a constant)

176k80 gold badges380 silver badges736 bronze badges

2 Answers

Default is burned in per server (id is always Administrator, but the password is different).

You can press F8 during POST to enter the ILO configuration screen and reset it there.

1,9071 gold badge8 silver badges22 bronze badges

Yes. Always Administrator. If you're scripting, be sure to use the hponcfg utility. (don't reinvent the wheel)

176k80 gold badges380 silver badges736 bronze badges

protected by CommunityMar 17 at 5:43

Default Ilo 5 Password

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