Windows Photo Viewer Rotate Greyed Out 7,0/10 6475 votes
Windows Photo Viewer Rotate Greyed Out

Windows Photo Viewer: Can’t Rotate Images on a Network Drive – Solved! 2018-10-18 Udar Gromov Windows 1. Windows Photo Viewer can’t save the changes to this picture because the file isn’t available. It is the the LITTLE problems that annoys the most! I love Windows, but why Windows is so awkward in same strange and unexpected ways? After a scanned image is safely in your image editor (either Windows Photo Gallery or the editing software provided by your scanner’s manufacturer), you’re free to have fun — fixing problems big and small, removing portions of the image that you don’t want, or even zooming in to view and change individual pixels.

The Best image viewers for windows can crop, rotate, convert, sharpen, etc. the images. Here I would like suggestions for read-only viewers.

I am a photographer and would run this on a laptop for clients to browse, examine, and review the album of my photoshoot with them (and just that album! :) ) and to pick or star the photos they like.

(I want this review done immediately on site, so that I can do immediate reshoots as needed. So no online services suggestions, please.)

I would prefer programs that are free for commercial use.

William CWilliam C
1,5044 gold badges18 silver badges41 bronze badges

5 Answers

Windows Photo Viewer Can't Rotate

No, this question is valid here since you are asking a question about a software for viewing pictures.

I would go with Windows Photo Viewer. This program already comes with Windows 7 so you don't have to install anything else. You can set it as your default image viewer by following the steps given below:

  1. Right clicking on any image (with a format that you want to be associated with the Windows Photo Viewer and select Properties.

  2. Next, click on the Change button next to the Opens with: label:

  3. In the dialog that opens up, select Windows Photo Viewer and select OK:

Now, lets say you have associated all .png files to be opened by Windows Photo Viewer. The next time you are showing the client any .png images, just double click on the image and it will be opened within Windows Photo Viewer. Once the image opens you shall see a toolbar at the bottom of the window:

Click on the round button in the center and it shall open the image in full-screen/slideshow mode. If you right click on the image, you can see a few options to select the speed of the slideshow:

Personally, I would select Pause or just press the Space on your keyboard to pause the slideshow. Now you can navigate through the images using the <- and -> buttons on your keyboard. This way you can take your time showing the images to the client, in a grand full screen fashion.

Hope this helps.


FastPictureViewer. It's much quicker than anything else I've tried (especially the free ones) and the Pro version allows things like starring.

22.3k57 gold badges134 silver badges212 bronze badges

Try Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, just put all of the items for your current album in one folder and use preview on one.

Tyler FaileTyler Faile
2,3661 gold badge25 silver badges40 bronze badges

IrfanView is fast, and for photographers has the benefit that it can display EXIF data from JPEGs. It can also display RAW images - there is a plugin for Canon RAW. It has slideshow and thumbnail options but I find it useful to run it full screen and use the keyboard to move through the photos.

Interesting article: Using IrfanView to View, Sort, and Tag Photos

68.3k14 gold badges109 silver badges167 bronze badges

Here are some free image viewers that are not editors :

Vallen JPegger
Reads 40 different image file formats, no installation required (can be included with your album)

Sheilsoft CDview
Intended for CDs, it can act as a front-end for an album.

Can do some image editing, but the toolbar can be hidden.

Windows photo viewer rotate greyed out windows 7

These products were chosen from among a very much longer list found in this article :
Free Image Viewers and Browsers for Windows

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How-To Geek Forums / Windows 7

Remove, wipe, uninstall windows photo viewer

(14 posts)

After the last update all my file associations for pictures have all moved back to this stupid, useless windows photo viewer. At least I find it stupid and useless. No offence to those who love it.

I've had this before and I could never find out, how to really solve the problem. I was told to simply re-associate everything and leave the program alone as hard drive costs are low. I did.

But that is not the solution as it lurks on the drive, only waiting to push itself on me and destroy my efforts and time of manually re-associating the filename endings to represent what I prefer.

Has there been any progress by anyone on how to remove this pesky nuisance of a program?


Hi AndyB, and welcome to the forum!

I know that this is not quite the perfect solution, but how about a small script to change the associations? Then you would simply have to run it, rather than manually changing it back.

Windows Photo Viewer Rotate Greyed Outlook

A batch file that simply runs the correct commands should do the trick.

The following code should do the trick for a jpg (will force it to open in IE):
[quote]ftype jpgfile='C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe' '%1'[/quote]
(Thanks to here)

Here is a guide to batch files.

You could test the command at the command line (Run 'cmd.exe')


Re-install the viewer you usually use, and let that take control back.
If that doesn't work, right click on the image file, select Open with.. and select your viewer. Set it as default viewer as well.

In the folder of PhotoViwer there is a file called PhotoViewer.dll. Delete it with unlocker.
And now associate your files with another imageviewer.
If you use Irfanview you can tell it to set all the image extensions to itself and you'll be rid of that pesky PhotoViewer.

(deleting photoviewer.dll will also remove the rotate options from your rightclick menu btw.)


Seems my answer got killed.

Thanks for the suggestions.

The solution with various modes of re-association could well work.

I termed this question 'Remove, wipe, uninstall windows photo viewer' to make sure I get rid of this thing.
It seems this little gem is embedded much like IE was and not much progress was made in the last couple of years in extracting this thing.

Deleting the dll sounds promising - but I have 6 instances of photoviewer.dll. Delete all of them? Unlocker does not seem to work initially, so I'll try a restart and see if it does anything or just start as DOS. A lot of effort to stop Microsoft from telling me what to do and how to do it.


Andy, none of your posts have been killed. They may not have arrived tho.
And any Windows programs that come with the install (although can be completely removed from the system) should not be, because you will/may have probs with Windows Updates in the future.
You can disable them tho.

Where are they? I only deleted the one in C:Program FilesWindows Photo Gallery.
But I work on Vista.

And you have to associate your image files with another viewer first or you'll get an error message if you try to open an image <LOL>.

You might have to do it again afterwards, which is why I suggested Irfanview, who gives a nice light viewer with the option to associate all the image files in one go and if you use the icons.dll plugin irfanview will use different icons for each filetype if you care for that. I don't, since I have my view set to thumbnails ;)

And if I remember correctly I also had to reboot to get rid of the dll.

Did a lot of rebooting recently, because of a clean install and one of the first things I wanted to get rid of was this!
And don't get me started on stopping MS from things - I just spend the best part of two days trying to find out why my Paintshop Pro plugins wouldn't work anymore, where they were working perfectly fine in the same version of Paintshop Pro and on the same OS in my previous install.
I just found out that is because this time I installed MS Office2010. Is that nuts or what???

Edit: posting a screenshot of your Photogallery folder would be nice, so I'd have an idea of what it looks like in 7 :)

No need to go and look for it in the Winsxs folder - éverything is there and touching it just gives a right old mess.
Just remove the one from the program folder and if you have two program folders (C:Program Files and C:Program Files(x86)) take it away from both of them.
But other than that it shouldn't be necessary to remove more (and be more prone to posing problems if too much is taken away).

OK! I removed ALL the viewer dll's and have now got a system which does what I want - as far as viewing pictures at least.
Now time will tell whether the next Microsoft update will re-instate the files and I am back to square 1.

I have for a long time I never had windows to automatically update.
Set the update so you can select the updates your system might require (like security etc).
For others, wait a few weeks or months before installing the updates.
If you found the update causing the problem (s) just right click that update and click hide.


Personally, I think the best way to remove both 'preview' and 'rotations' is by adding dashes (I added about 10) in front of the CLSID, like this: ----------{123ABC-456DEF-gh78i9}

Windows Photo Viewer Rotate Greyed Out Mac

The registry key will be:


Note: *** = concerned file association (eg: .jpg)

[quote]By SarahJames - If you use Irfanview you can tell it to set all the image extensions to itself and you'll be rid of that pesky PhotoViewer.[/quote]
I agree with Sarah 100%. Install IrfanView and set it as your default picture viewer.

EDIT: AH Jeez, I just noticed that this thread is 5 months old. LOL


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