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Segulja Bulletins

PAGE 1 weather: mostly cloudy with thunderstorms; highs in upper 80s wednesday september 3, 1986 the independent florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc, Gainesville, Fla Not officially associated with the University of Florida 4MIKE STOCKER/ALLIGATOR State Sen. George Kirkpatrick does some last-minute campaigning Tuesday on the corner of 34th Street and Eighth Avenue.

(and related Novi Vinodolski families)
all the news that fits
Send all family news to GOSSIP CENTRAL.

Josip Jezic von Gesseneck dedicates this piano exercize to his father, Milan (the webmasters 2nd cousin, once removed) for Father's Day!

Congratulations Milan; and, thank you Josip

stolen from Josip's facebook page

The last ball (at least at Auckland Girls Grammar School) for cousin Rachel Dobric
Rachel at left in yellow, with escort Denis, along with galpal Courtney and her date, James

Douglas Segulja, ready to conquer the world of Architecture after his graduation in New York City. Traveling up from Texas to watch the festivities were: (pictured from left to right) father, Tom Segulja, sister, Olivia Segulja, Doug, mother, Diane, and brother Matt.

Andrea Hansen

with sister Kate, prior to her recent trip to
England, France, Germany, Italy, and Austria.

Felicity Dickson

Felicity, 'hanging out' with her Argentine classmate, Larachiaro

Asja Mrdja

A new aunt, courtesy of brother Dejan,
Asja cradles young Dominik. Asja, a
recent grad is working in the tourist industry.

Lisa Sebalja

Lisa, with her mates, dining in an Auckland party atmosphere

Marina Bouhier

Marina con dos amigas--it appears eating hamburgers

Dragana Segulja

Dragana, on leave from Zagreb to visit the lowlands of Holland.

Kaitlan Moore

Kaitlan, partying up in the back of a Western Australia limo.

Olivia Segulja

Olivia, sporting the cap and gown of a recent graduate.

Rachel Paskulich

Rachel is ready for a (Western Australia)
night on the town

Alyssa Laughlin

Alyssa stands ready to field fast flying softballs

Milca Piskulich

Milca stands in the middle of the pack
at an Argentine ball

Patricia Henriquez

Chilean cousin Patricia, attending a picnic.

Sara Segulja

Three in one! Sara with neice
Lydia, and Lydia's mom, older
sister Mary Katherine

Christine Dickson

Rachel in native 'dali' garb for a
tambaritzan event, in which she is a
regular participant. The Rakija is
Cro 'white lightning'--hopefully just a prop

Angie Dickson

Angie, receiving an award at graduation

Teresa Reynolds

Teresa wearing her mom's prom dress, with photos to prove it!

Francisca Henriquez

Nicola and her friend checking out Australian ice sculptures

Three generations of U.S Merzlocks (Mrzljaks u Hrvatskoj)
Hadley Merzlock, Hunter Merzlock, and Rick Merzlock
The webmasters 3rd cousin once removed, third cousin twice removed, and third cousin, respectively
Idahoan Hadley took his young son on a business trip through Oregon where they bunked with dad/grandpa Rick
Check out the rest of U.S. Merzlocks HERE

Patrizia Socolich, from Zagreb, visits her Italian, speaking Croatian father in Trier, Germany, and from there, they go to the zoo in Amneville France, and the Cathedral in Metz. Patrizia is 6th cousin to the USA and Croatian Seguljas, 6th to both the Argentine Piskulics and Sokolics, 7th to the Kiwi Sebaljas, and 5th to the Novi Mudrovcic-Sokolics.

Hi Mike,

We came back from Germany last Friday; it was great but too short, as every holiday is.

We had a great time. I'm sending you a 'few' pictures from our journey, we made so many of them, it was difficult for me to be polite and choose just one or two (we are like Japanese taking a camera everywhere and everytime...). We also went to France which is 30 minutes driving distance from Trier (Zoo and cathedral pictures).

The river you see is the Mosel (flowing from France through Germany and Belgium to Netherlands) and the departure point for tourist cruises is just in front of my father's & Karin's house.

Hope you are all fine and that you're in full health now - ready to run a marathon! [the webmaster quickly regains consciousness]

Greetings and best wishes also from my father and Karin,


Giorgio and Karin's view each morning (pity!) The Mosel as it winds through France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Holland, on its way to the North Sea

The day trip was to see the French zoo, which they did. Pictured see Luca, Tomi, Karin, and Patrizia (standing).

The final picture shows cousin Giorgio, his daughter Patrizia, son-in-law Tomi, and grandson Luka in the front row.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, in Texas, Julie Laughlin (double 2nd cousin once removed from the webmaster--daughter of Osceola Segulia) has her horse riding outing interrupted by the presence of two poisonous water moccasins, which were dispatched.

Kendall (KC) Merzlock has entered the United States Army--photos below (stolen from wife Daniella's facebook page). KC is the son of Michael Merzlock, 3rd cousin to the webmaster (related through Jezic). Check out KC's branch of the family Here.

KC letting us know he is surviving boot camp

KC driving a tank

KC at home, on leave

RIJEKA - Skupština Rijeckog lista, vecinskog vlasnika Novog lista, prihvatila je jucer ponudu tvrtke Dioki za kupnju udjela u Rijeckom listu. Kroz tjedan dana svi dionicari se pojedinacno moraju izjasniti o prihvacanju ponude.

Ako Dioki, ciji je vlasnik Robert Ježic, ujedno i predsjednik NK Rijeke, dobije pristanak dionicara koji ‘drže’ najmanje 75 posto Rijeckog lista, može krenuti u preuzimanje portfelja Rijeckog lista. Isto tako, ceka se i ocitovanje Agencije za zaštitu tržišnog nadmetanja.

Ponuda Diokija, neslužbeno doznajemo, ‘teška’ je 14 milijuna eura, a potencijalni kupac obvezao se i na ulaganja u Novi list, tri godine poštivanja kolektivnog ugovora, ali i na nemiješanje u uredivacku politiku lista te na otkup dionica malih dionicara.

Rijecki list ima i 25 posto plus jedan glas udjela u Glasu Slavonije, a u Novom listu ima 50 posto plus jedan glas. Zdenko Mance, predsjednik Nadzornog odbora Novog lista, ima 25-postotni udjel u Rijeckom listu.

Preostali udio u Novom listu ima americki investicijski fond MDLF (30 posto), društvo u trezorskim dionicama (dva posto), Hypo banka (cetiri posto) dok je ostatak u rukama malih dionicara.

Robert Jezic, above left, 3rd cousin to the US and Novi Seguljas, the Argentine Sokolics, the Kiwi and Aussie Maricics, the US Merzlocks (and 2nd cousin to the East Coast and German Jezics), and 6th cousin to the Argentine and Chilean Piskulics (Erica and Cecilia's generation) is purchasing the Novi List newspaper (in Rijeka). Robert also is the principal in Croatia's largest energy company, Dioki, and for you sports fans, he also owns the futbol/soccer team, HNK Rijeka. Check out Robert's branch of the family Here.

4th cousin (to the webmaster) Karen Moore (purple dress) of Western Australia finds herself in the arms of the entertainment, during an unspecified event. At right, see how she is related to others in our family.

Check out Karens's branch of the family Here

1/2 5th
with Arizona
Mike Pottorff
-----4th-1xrem 2nd-1xrem3rd 2ndwith Kiwi
Russell Dobric
4th-1xrem-----1st-1xrem 5th4th-1xremwith Arizona
Roy Dobric
2nd-1xrem1st-1xrem-----4th-1xrem5thwith Jeff & Karen
3rd 5th4th-1xrem-----2ndwith Kiwi
Ivan Paladin
2nd4th-1xrem5th2nd-----with Kiwi
Boris Sebalja
Rick in cowboy dress finery--even his horse has a new hair-do!

Rick at left in a team roping event. Two cowboys pursue a calf out of the chute, with one roping its head and the other its hind legs. Time will stop when both ropes are taut and the the horses are facing each other. In individual roping, the cowboy lassos the calf, the cowboy makes a rapid dismount, while the horse backs up keeping the rope taut. Time stops when the cowbow has tied the feet of the calf together.

Check out Rick's branch of the family Here

photos taken at the halfway mark of a 40 km! training exercize!

Erica digging in against the current of the Rio Parana

Erica beating the current into submission

Erica catching her breath

Erica ready for the downstream run

The Rio Tigre (Tiger River) flows 18 miles away from Buenos Aires. It later forms the Parana River Delta, the world's second largest, with many small islands, streams and channels, an exhuberant area of wild vegetation and a popular destination to practice watersports in Argentina. Erica's jaunt started downstream in Tigre. Up north on the border with Brazil, the Parana River forms the world famous Iguazu Falls, an amazing scenery of tropical vegetation and furious waterfalls.Erica's training for the local regattas consists of rowing at least 20 miles once a week.

Check out Erica's branch of the family Here


Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Calderon
April 11, 2009
photo by Michelle Dobson Morton, stolen from Carrie's facebook page

Carrie (rt) visiting her grandfather Tom Segulja's cousin
Margaret Segulja Pottorff during a visit to the West Coast.

Carrie is the daughter of Robert Segulja and Christelle
Gooding, grand daughter of Tom Segulja and Ann Bako,
great grand daughter of Vence Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic,
and great, great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic

Jorge and Carrie tripping the light fandango!
photo attributed to Kris Nulik, stolen from Carrie's facebook page.

Check out Carries's branch of the family Here

Johanna sells out--She hopes!!!

The Next Door Gallery--J's new home Gallery

Johanna Hansen Whisman--daughter of Annie Segulja Hansen and Jack Hansen, grand daughter of Petar Segulja and Johana (Ivana) Mudrovcic, and great grand daughter of Matij Mudrovcic and Margaret Dobric, and Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic---has opened her new base gallery. It will be at the Next Door Gallery, located in the Golden Hills area of San Diego, 2963 Beech Street.

Check out J's branch of the family Here

Johanna has gallery affiliations throughout the Southwest. For years, her ceramic Christmas tree ornaments have been a big seller in the San Diego Museum of Art's giftshop--selling in the midst of the Old Masters! Johanna is a Past President of San Diego's Allied Craftsmen.

Johanna is 1st cousin to the webmaster and the Arizona Seguljas and double 2nd cousin to the Texas Seguljas in her generation. She is a 2nd cousin to the Novi Seguljas and shares all the other relationships enjoyed by the webmaster.

She is married to Don Whisman and has a son, Elden, featured below.

Check out samples of her work here and here. In fact, visit her webpage

Encuentre a Los Hijos de Nuestros Primos Erica y Ricardo Piskulich
Catamarca, Argentina at Ricardo's summer house, on January 2008.
The children of the webmasters double (through Dobric and Jezic) 6th cousins.

From left to right, front row: Duncan, Erica's #9, Ana (Anita) Ricardo's #4, Peter, Erica's #8, Katherine, Erica's #6, Esteban, Ricardo's #3.

Back row: Angie, Erica's #3, Marian, Erica's #4, Erica, herself, Ian, Erica's #1, Felicity, Erica's #7, Natalia, Ricardo's #1, Ana Christine, Erica's #5, and Rafael 'Rafa,' Ricardo's #2

Erica and Ricardo are double 6th cousins to the US Seguljas, 6th cousins to the Argentine Sokolics, the New Zealand and Australian Maricichs, the Kiwi Dobrics, and the Croatian and German Miletics,the Novi Sokolics, the Novi Butkovics, the US Woods and Jezics, as well as the German and Belgian Jezics. They are also 6th cousins to the Croatian and German Socolichs. They are 7th to the Arizona Dobrics, and the Kiwi Paskulics

to see all the Argentine and Chilean Piskulichs, click Here

Children of Erica Piskulic Dickson
and her brother Ricardo Javier Piskulich
Click both photos for larger image

Gloria Dickson, Erica's #2
missing from left
perhaps the shutterbug?

Elden at bat for the El Capitan Vaqueros
alma mater of the webmaster
No Wussies in This Family!
Lakeside, California

Elden Whisman, son of Johanna Hansen and Don Whisman, grandson of Annie Segulja and Jack Hansen, great grandson of Petar Segulja and Johana (Ivana) Mudrovcic, and great great grandson of Marija Jezic and Roko Ivan Segulja, digs in. Not letting a little thing like an injury stop him (check out finger) Elden bit the bullet and took his licks!

Click on Photo Left for Better View

a nice trout!

It is Spring on the Texas Gulf Coast!

That means it is spawning season. At left, check out Matt Segulja with a respectable sea trout.

At right, check out Matt's Gulf Coast triple play, a trout, a redfish and a flounder!

Matt is the son of Tom Segulja Jr. and Diane Nipp, the grandson of Tom Segulja Sr. and Ann Bako, the great grandson of Vence Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic, and the great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

a nice trout, redfish, and flounder
Justin Merzlock Loves Novi!
'Okolo kere pa na mala vrata,' -- those were words for survival as the disparate armies of the world chose to attack the fortress of Novi Vinidol. Novi=new vin=wine dol=valley was our ancestral home. When we were attacked, the call to go around the (watch) dog and through the little window was heeded. Pictured left is Margaret Segulja Pottorff and Cece (webmasters girlfriend) standing in the 'little window.' The wooden frame is long since gone, but it had a low ceiling threshold requiring a cavalry dismount to access the entryway where they were clubbed by Novljani defenders.

Today the phrase survives, sometimes with the variant version 'okolo tornu pa na mala vrata,' --the Italian tornu, or, tower, reflecting our conflicts with the Romans as well, and later when our village was actually located within the kingdom of Venice. That phrase means around the (watch) tower and through the little window. Today, there are no Romans or Islamists to club--at least not this day--and the phrase has come to have an idiomatic meaning similar to 'beating around the bush,' erstwhile wasting time.

Of course, when everyone returns to their ancestral home of Novi, they have to see the mala vratas.

When Justin Merzlock set about to establish his own home in Pocatello, Idaho, he realized he needed a wife. Being at least a generation removed from one that was encouraged to find a 'nice Novljani girl,' he was still driven by cultural conscience to do the next best thing, choosing November Larson to be his wife. November's nickname? Why, Novi, of course!

Don't bother checking this on Snopes--you won't find it!

Young Segulja Girl Accosted by Weirdo

Police are investigating a rash of thefts involving young children, this time in the Houston, Texas area.

One personal item was taken in the assault.

Police are seeking a middle aged man, last seen wearing pink tights, a white tutu, with inexplicably functioning butterfly thin wings that allow him to move about rooms almost silently.

. . .more on this story and victim photo, click Here.

Mientras Tanto, en la Argentina, las Chicas Sólo Quieren Divertirse
Argentine Milca Piskulich (double 6th cousin, once removed) and friends having fun

Milca (left) and her friend Steffi

Milca, left, showing off her tongue stud.

Amigas Florencia, Peti, y Milca

Dragana Segulja, Katarina Kuharic, and Zlatka Kuharic

Mesopust--the World's Original Carnival

At far left, view Dragana Segulja, and two friends, getting ready to participate in the Novi festival.

At the conclusion of the festivities, the mesopust icon is ceremoniously burned.

The direction the wind blows the smoke, either to or from the sea, indicates whether good fortune will come from the sea or from agriculture.

Dragana is sister of Cedomir, daughter of Dubravko Segulja and Milojka Butorak, grandson of Danijel Segulja and Mica Mrzljak, and great grandson of Josip Segulja and Ursula Sokolic, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic

Andrew Jezic on an unspecified happy occasion (lifted from Tamara's facebook page), kneeling in back of nephew Sebastian Rao, and clockwise with wife Amal Bertrand, 1st cousin Diana Peacock, and, stepsister Vlatka Tomazic.

To all family members, particularly in the Southwest, who have lost a dog or cat to marauding coyotes, Dustin Berg--son of Paula Hansen, grandson of Annie Segulja, great grandson of Peter Segulja and Johana Mudrovcic, and great, great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic--is taking care of business, helping to even the score.

Dustin's first coyote

I really enjoy pay back ever since these $%#^&*(%# [expletive deleted] wild dogs killed Julian really sent me over the edge when that happened .

The Hunt : I was hunting north of Glamis on the Chocolate Mtn. bombing range . I use wounded rabbit & bird calls with some coyote yelp/howl calls .

In these pictures it shows the kill , also where I was set up in the bush and tree with a dirt mound behind me. Now I'm hooked on this type of hunting . Calling them in is awesome!

Autumn Tippit Leavitt's blog reports of the passing of a noted Las Vegas community figure and prominent in-law: her 'Grammy Leavitt'

'Grammy Leavitt'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'I will remember you'
-Sarah McLachlin

Grammy--Emma Joyce Hopkins Leavitt--passed away last week (Hopkins was her maiden name). She was 81 years old. The funeral was last Saturday and it was beautiful--there were 4 musical numbers!

It was a pleasure knowing her and my children are so happy to know that we'll see her again someday.

She was a huge fan of the UNLV Rebels and I think it's very fitting the Women's locker room there will be renamed in her honor

Autumn is the great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic, and, Matij Mudrovcic and Margareta Dobric.

Tamara joined Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen in 2007 and works in the firm’s Fredericksburg office.

Previously, she practiced law for eight years as a public interest human rights attorney, first as an attorney in Ecuador where she focused on the rights of indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, and later as an attorney with the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia, where she concentrated on representing people with physical and mental disabilities.

Most recently, Tamara worked at Women Empowered Against Violence, Inc. (WEAVE) representing victims of domestic violence who lived in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

Her areas of special interest included immigration and family law.

Tamara's experience and expertise in latin American culture and language have elevated her to spokesperson for the firm's Spanish speaking audience.

To view Tamara in action Click Here.

Tamara L. Jezic
Fredericksburg Office
3504 Plank Road
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22407
phone: (540) 786-4100 fax: (540) 786-9585

Sandra Piskulich's branch of our tree has made contact with our page.

Argentine Marina Bouhier, bonita chica a la izquerda, listed under 'next generation' in chart at left is the daughter of Sandra Piskulich, 6th cousin to the webmaster and all the US Seguljas in his generation.

In the chart at left, see howthe Argentine and Chilean Piskulichs in our family are also related to the Istrian Socolichs

Repeated from below--

To see how the Argentineans are most closely related to the Western Australia Paskulichs, the Arizona Dobrics, and the Idaho Pickolicks, Click HERE. To see how how they are most closely related to the Kiwi Sebaljas, and the Arizona and Texas Seguljas, Click HERE. And, to see how they are most closely related to the Kiwi and Australian Maricics and the Kiwi Dobrec-Mudrovcics, Click HERE.

To see their lineage after reaching Argentina, Click HERE.

And, to see how the Argentinean Piskulichs are most closely related to the Jezics of Maryland, Stuttgart Germany, Brussells Belgium, Zagreb, and Novi Click HERE

To see how the Argentine Piskulics are related to the Count Mazuranic, Click Here!

Meanwhile, also down in Argentina, 6th cousin, once removed Ezequiel Piskulich provides some family photos

Eze Piskulich (left) and his friend Ignacio Ferrer
in a festive 'anti' Valentine's day celebration

Click here to see Eze's family during a fiesta egreso for sister Milca.

From left to right, father Esteban, sister Milca (back), sister Josefina front, mother Gladys, and Eze.

Click here to see Eze, Milca, and Josefina getting into the festivities

Click here to see Eze and his sister Josefina.

Click here to see Eze and his mother Gladys.

Click here to see Eze and his father Esteban

Slow gossip day--I am unaware of any of these folks being related to us! Interesting, though.

Croatian cooks prepare to fry the longest (530 meters) sausage in the world in eastern Croatia's town of Vinkovci some 250 km (244 miles) east of Zagreb, February 14, 2009. Organizers for the event are trying to make it into the Guinness book of records. The current record is held by Romanians for the longest sausage at a length of 392 meters. The sausage will be distributed to citizens of Vinkovci as a gift for St. Valentine's day.


Ever wonder where all this information comes from and where it ultimately goes? Originally, most of the information I have came from the family trunk and by word of mouth. Being the oldest gives one the opportunity to learn more from the older generations--the small compensation for statistically having to die first!!

The first evidence of this page on the web was the result of a request by Carrie Segulja who wondered if I knew where we were from and if I knew if we had any relatives. In the early days of computers, it was difficult to send or receive pictures, so I just posted them in my webspace. Communication was not what it is now, and a revolution, a grape famine, two world wars, the fascist holocaust, and the hardships imposed by the communists led many to believe that we, alone, had survived because we had escaped. Carrie's query was undoubtedly posed pursuant to a family reunion organized by the late Frances (Mrs, John) Segulia. At that time, we heard from only US family members.

Again, as a function of being the old guy which was sort of a joke 15-20 years ago, I was abreast of what was going on in the 'old country,' as the 'even older' folks referred to it. My uncle Felix maintained contact with his brother Josip, my aunt Mary's husband, Tony Kriskovich maintained contact with his family, and my mon's cousin 'aunt Mary' in Croatia kept us abreast of Segulja happenings. I started compiling information and putting it online. One family member, who had a headstart on me was Chuck Jezic, who provided much of the research that he and his father had garnered. Karmen Antic was an early contributor to this page, at a time when I was truly lost.

Shortly after that, I was contacted by Lynette Sebalja, whom I knew to be married to my aunt Mary's husband's nephew, Boris, so by marriage, both Boris and I shared Bill as a first cousin. Later, after we began sharing information (mostly Lynette sharing her information), it became apparent that her Novljani husband and I were related 10+ ways! From that point onward, I began thinking of our family tree as a family wreath. Danijel Segulja and his wife Mica shared the genealogy that they had compiled. Soon Roy Dobric provided his Dobric Piskulic information, John Merzlock shared his compiled notes, Ivan Mazuranic shared his information, Patrizia Socolich shared the fruits of her research, and we recently made contact with Erica Piskulich, who, along with cousin Cecilia, built an Argentinean and Chilean branch to our tree.

But, we were not the only family members compiling information. There are two people in Novi reconstructing Novi's pedigree, and, remember the wreath? Wouldn't you know that we are related to both: Krsto Zoricic and Durdica Jezic Kriskovic. Krsto is the town Historian and Durdica is the Curator of the Novi museum--genealogically, we are well represented. They are privy to our information.

From the chart, you can see that my mother Margaret (pictured to the left of Krsto) is Krsto's 4th cousin once removed, making me his 4th cousin 2 times removed (putting me off the chart). All of my 1st and 2nd cousins share this relationship as well as my 3rd Jezic, Merzlock, and Woods cousins. The photo was taken in Krsto's home in 2002--note the handwritten church records book in the foreground from the 15th and 16th century (poor Lynette read this whole thing on microfiche!). Also in attendance at this meeting was Durdica Jezic Kriskovic and the webmaster's prime tormentor, Cece.

In the second table, you can see how we are related to Durdica, at least those of us with a Jezic link.

Pavao Jezich&Catharina Kriskovich
Joseph 1823brothersPavlus 1820
Mikula 18501st cousinsMaria 1857sis-broFranco 1852brosAdalbert 1863
Vladko 18842nd cousinsPetar Segulja 18841st cousLucia 1877sis-broSlavko
(Charles) 1879
1st cousMaria 1907sis-broIvan Boniface
Anton 1893
brosJosip Adalbert
Juraj 19353rd cousinsMargaret 19242nd cousJohn Luke
1st cousCharles 19222nd cousMira Krpan 19311st cousAdalbert 19251st cousMilan 1949
Durdica Kriskovic
4th cousinsMichael Pottorff
3rd cousJohn Luke
JR. 1944
2nd cousCharles
(Chuck) 1947
3rd cousZlatan Justic 19632nd cousRobert2nd cousJosip 1988

Durdica and Cece

4th cousins: Dubravko Segulja, Ivica Segulja, Visnja Spoja, Nikola Miletic, Vinko Miletic, Karmen Miletic, Zeljka Miletic, Yvonne Pottorff, Paula Hansen, Johanna Hansen, Bill Kriskovich, Antoinette Kriskovic, Kathi Segulja, Pete III Segulja, Osceola, Buddy, Bryan, Becky, Debra Tippit, Ronald Tippit, Becky Sharkey, Steven Cooper, Laurie Cooper, Ranko Sokolic, Elvira Sokolic, Margareta Sokolic, Antonio Sokolic, Boris Maricic, Margaret Maricic, Ivan Maricic, Erena Maricic, Boris Jezic, Tamara Jezic, Andrew Jezic, the Merzlocks (John, Veronica, Terrence, Michael, Barbara, Richard) and the Woods (Josephine Geraldine John, and Margaret).

Other family relationships include: Boris Sebalja 6th cousin, and Silvija Jezic Knezevic 7th cousin.

Ready to give Al Gore his due, if only he'd shut up and bring global warming back? No need for such drastic measures: our kinfolk have been welcoming back the sun for centuries with local celebrations, such as Zvoncari and Dondolasi.

Cousin Patrizia Socolich shares: Didn't find anything about Dondolasi in English, but read below about Zvoncari from Kastav, mainly the same thing only that Dondolasi come from Grobnik (East) and Zvoncari come from Kastav (West) from Rijeka (see below).

Zvoncari and their traditional carnival parades are among Croatia's best known carnival traditions. Zvoncari wear sailor's outfits, i.e. striped shirts, socks over white pants and wide bright red belts around the waist. The most important parts of their 'outfits' are lamb pelts that they wear over the shoulder and metal bells attached to their belts. In the majority of cases bells are made of copper and have a volume of 10 to 12 liters. The bells that are fastened to their belts are usually 1 to 1.5 liters. Fully equipped zvoncari wear grotesque masks made of wood and cardboard as well as of parts of lamb or rabbit pelts, and sometimes have red noses and always have horns. Zvoncari are usually in groups and, depending on the village they come from, use different steps, meaning that the bells ring differently for different groups. When in front of a house or a crowd they collide on purpose in order to make their bells ring as loud as possible.

They are all remains from pagan cults, with scope to chase away the winter


The group of Dondalasi, above, wear the head gear of a ram, while the group below all wear sheep pelts, with face markings resembling (to me) that of a fox

Zvoncari march from village to village throughout the region, following the same centuries-old route, making an extraordinary amount of noise, fueled in part by the wine provided by the locals en route.'

Zvoncari, the bell-ringers, are followers of the ancient magical tradition of Lupercalia, pastoral rituals in which men would dress up in animal skins to protect their herds. They are typical of the areas of Rukavac, Halubje, Mune, Zvonece, Brgud, etc. They are mutually distinguished by the character of their masks that can be either zoomorphic (animal masks) or vegetable (caps with flowers, the so-called krabujosnice). Other details may alsovary: their striped sailors' T-shirts or checked shirts, red or vividly coloured scarves, wooden sticks with grotesque heads which they swing in ritualistic motion, the size of the bell and the way it is rung. Each group has its own rules and moves in a particular ritualistic way, accompanied by the traditional figures of the bear, devil, flag carrier, musician, etc. Zvoncari are men of all generations - particular importance is given to passing the tradition on to each new generation. During their procession, which is accompanied by the deafening sound of bells, the zvoncari sometimes form a specific circular shape, the so-called zvoncarsko kolo. Zvoncari from Zejane carry a coat made of ribbons in different colours and several smaller bells that jingle rather than produce heavy noise. They also move completely differently and hop in small steps. Other traditional groups come from the areas of Kastav and Grobnik (dondolasi).

Alyssa, December 29, 2008

Not much going on in Texas, working, going to school.

Christmas was fun, Gary, Johnny and Mark were here celebrating with their families.

It may have also been my 50th birthday Christmas Eve. How did that happen??

Our exchange student Lisa from Germany surprised me by coming for a visit.

We just returned from Las Vegas, out there for the International Builders Show. Always a fun time.

Take care!


Julie is the webmasters 2nd cousin, once removed

She is the great, great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic, and,

Of Matthew Mudrovcic and Margaret Dobric

The group picture shows me, Mark’s daughter Kali, Lisa, & Alyssa.
Click for Larger Image

Former Rivals Meet!

President Obama greets family member Sebastian Rao following his Presidential victory. Obama's victory came with a stunning defeat of Senator Hillary Clinton in the primary, a come from behind surge past John McCain, and a last minute push that edged out our Sebastian.

Here, the former rivals meet. Obama acknowledges that Sebastian's absence at the victory dinner that honored both Clinton and McCain was not a snub; it was just that the event was scheduled after his bedtime.

Click Here to see one of Sebastian's campaign ads, previously showcased on this page.

Sebastian is 3rd cousin once removed from the webmaster--Roko Ivan Segulja was brother in law to Sebastian's great great grandfather, Adalbert Jezic.
Not Verified by Snopes

Peter Paskulich gives a play by play of pirate pillaging in Perth, Australia:

Peter sent you a message.

Re: Perth Pirates

Hey mike!

Good to meet you 4th cousin :)

ok - those photos happened last Saturday - for my 24th birthday bout 50 of us got together, dressed as pirates and went on a pirate pub crawl scavenger hunt. started at my apartment, then on to the local bar down my street - train into Perth and then another 5 locations. crazy times indeed.

- yeah no problems about using any of the pictures!

Have a good one mate! :)

Birthday pirate is 2nd from left in the back row with a red headband. Aaaarrgghhh!

Tamara Jezic Rao's home on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States was struck by the recent global warming defying killer cold that has brought misery to North America, but, she could have cared less: she wasn't in it.

Instead, she, and her family were frolicking in the Cayman Islands. Pictured from left are, son, Siddhartha, husband, Anand, daughter Tirzah, son Sebastian, and Tamara..

If Tamara is a facebook friend, check out her photos and underwater film clips!

News from Djokovo

Filipa Francem has provided photos of her newborn, Iva. Filipa's husband, Robert is the (egads) grandson of Zeljka Miletic--2nd cousin to the webmaster (Mike), his Arizona cousins, his Texas 2nd cousins, his Cro Segulja 2nd cousins, his Aussie 2nd Maricic cousin, his New Zealand cousins, and his Argentine (Sokolic) cousins. He (Robert) is also 1st cousin with Denis Samal and 2nd cousin with all the descendents of Filipina Maricic in his generation. Robert is 2nd cousin twice removed from the webmaster and his generation.

In the photos, view more of the first pictures of Iva (previous photos from Robert's facebook page)

Robert is a great, great, great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja.

New development to news below--Suzy reports that Natural Gas has been restored to Croatia, so, Croatia can once again, heat its homes. Apparently, Vladimir Putin's sense of greed and/or financial difficulties, in lieu of a heart or soul have kicked in.

A note from Istria, courtesy of Suzy Devcic Fish, (2nd cousin once removed from the webmaster)

Dear Mike and Cece

we wish you happy new year and great 2009, lots of money and health andhappiness and love...

Suzy and Emma

ps. we had a nice holiday in Morocco and in Rome and now are back home..but in bed with a bad cold unfortunately... it is freezing cold in Croatia,we wish we were in California now !

JOSEPH LEO WOODS, 1 /16/1916--12/30/2008Chuck Jezic reporting

WOODS Joseph Leo, 92, passed away Dec 30, 2008.
Viewing will take place at Helena Funeral Chapel Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Vigil services are planned for Sunday, Jan 4, at 6 p.n. at the Cathedral of St. Helena with Mass on Monday at 10 a.n. also at the Cathedral of St. Helena.

Helena Funeral Chapel

Joseph Leo Woods was the husband of Josephine Irene Merzlock 1912, who was the daughter of Lucia Jezic, who married Joseph Mrzljak 1872. Joseph Leo Woods was the patriarch of our family's Jezic-Merzlock branch. He is the father to Joseph John Woods 1945, 3rd cousin to the webmaster and all the Arizona, Texas, and Novi Seguljas in his generation, as well as all the Sokolics in Argentina, the Maricics in New Zealand and Australia, the Antics in South Africa, and the Miletics in Croatia and Germany. Joseph John Woods 1945 would also be 1st cousin to the US Merzlocks in the webmaster's generation, say John Luke Merzlock Jr 1944, and 2nd cousin to the Jezics in the webmaster's generation, say Chuck Jezic 1947. The Jezics descending from Franko 1852's brother Adalbert, say Tamara Jezic 1970, and all of her 1st cousins would be 3rd cousin to Joseph John Woods 1945.

the chart below shows these relationships

The Family Wreath Is Twisted Down Under, Too, As Rachel Dobric and Rachel Paskulich
Are Both 6th Cousins, and, 3rd Cousins Once Removed. Even Though The Brothers From
Which They Descend Were Born But One Year Apart And They Were Born In The Same Year

Rachel Dobric
Auckland, New Zealand
flanked by her maternal grandparents
Karen's: Kaitlan Moore 1985

Karen's: Kaitlan Moore 1985

Rachel Paskulich on the right
Perth, Australia

Rachel P's 1st cousin, Kaitlan Moore (left)
sharing the same relationship with Rachel Dobric

Other common relationships can be deduced from this chart (Rachel Dobric descends from Russell in blue, while Rachel Paskulich's father and Kaitlan Moore's mother are noted in red.

4th-1 rem
4th-1 rem
& Karen

1/2 5th
with Arizona
Mike Pottorff
-----4th-1xrem 2nd-1xrem3rd 2ndwith Kiwi
Russell Dobric
4th-1xrem-----1st-1xrem 5th4th-1xremwith Arizona
Roy Dobric
Jeff & Karen
3rd 5th4th-1xrem-----2ndwith Kiwi
Ivan Paladin
2nd4th-1xrem5th2nd-----with Kiwi
Boris Sebalja
So-Called Chaos

Monday, December 29, 2008


Autumn Tippit Leavitt

My parents rented a house right outside of Sedona, AZ big enough for all of us to celebrate Christmas together. . .and so began Autumn Tippit Leavitt's daily entry into her blog, entitled 'So-Called Chaos.' Autumn is a great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja, and the great grand daughter of Vence Segulja, patriarch of the Texas Seguljas and brother to Petar Segulja, patriarch to the Arizona Seguljas. And she is the great grand daughter of Vence's wife, Marija (Mary) Mudrovcic, matriarch of the Texas Seguljas, and sister to Ivanja/Johana Mudrovcic, married to Petar Segulja, and so, the matriarch to the Arizona Seguljas. This makes Autie double third cousins to Dustin Berg, Ryan and Aaron Peck, Kathryn, Teresa, and David Reynolds, and Kathi and Pete Segulja III. She is also single 3rd cousin to the great grandchildren of Josip Segulja, in Croatia: Cedomir, Dragana, Stefan, and Nina Segulja and Dejan and Asja Mrdja, as well as to the Mudrovcic kin: Sasa and Marin Sokolic, Christian and Zoran Zoricic, Hendrik Butkovic, and Igor and Neven Antonic in Croatia, and all the Posa, Franich, and Dobrec kids in her generation in Auckland. Autumn is the grand daughter of Anne Segulja and J.T. Tippit (brother of Frances Tippit--wife of John Segulja--making her double 2nd cousins to the Mcelroy clan).

As expected, she is simply 2nd cousin to the rest of Texas Seguljas in her generation, starting with Michael Segulja, who is married to Jennifer, who also has a blog, curiously titled Chaotic Adventures. Who says you cannot learn anything about families by studying their genealogy? Or, the titles of their blogs? Anyway, Autie's other 2nd cousins include Carrie Segulja, Matt, Doug, and Olivia Segulja, Mary Kathryn Segulja Nader, Liz Segulja, Kristen Segulja, Sara Segulja, Julie Mcelroy Laughlin, Gary, Johnny, and Mark Mcelroy, and Steven Cooper's kids. 1st cousins include Derek Tippit, Michael Harp, Dustin Peters, and Jarrett Peters. 3rd cousins include the children of Argentine Ranko, Elvira, Margareta, and Antonio Sokolich, as well as the children of Margaret and Ivan Maricic in New Zealand and Australia. Autie is 5th cousin once removed to the Dobrics in New Zealand, 5th to the Dobrics of Arizona, 5th to the Paskulichs of Australia, and 7th to the Piskulichs of Argentina. She is also 4th cousin to all the Jezics and Merzlocks in her generation. . .and probably everyone else in this page one way or the other. Those mentioned above can be found on the Anne, Tom, Mica, Danijel, Blazenka, Matt, and Kati pages. View the chart above Autie's head, top of story, and substitute Bryan's name for the webmasters (Mike), and see relationships to Sebalja, Paskulichs, Dobrics, and Paladins.

If you will pass your kryptonite impregnated cursor over the individuals in the photo, above left, their names will glow green in the chart below. If you do not have a kryptonite cursor, you will have to contact Autie, or her parents Bryan and Suzie for positive identification. Bryan and Suzie were blessed with the pitter patter of but three sets of tiny feet, but, as you can see below, the rest is history.

U.S. College Campuses Reinvigorated By Politics
Critics point to a change in issues emerging from the Obama-McCain campaign, 'can do' determination, and erudite network analysis.

This phenomenon has been captured on tape by students of Professor Anand Rao, known to the readers of this journal as Mr. Tamara Jezic, who travelled to the campus of the University of Mary Washington to chronicle the post election change in our issues and notions regarding participatory democracy. View it for yourself by clicking Here. (This was not your tax dollars at work, but a spontaneous artistic outburst)

Ivan Maricich checks in from Australia: [the webmaster's 2nd cousin]

Hi Everybody

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays are here again, same tune, just a different year. We haven't done a lot of exciting things this year. We made a quick trip to New Zealand to surprise my brother-in-law for his 60th birthday. He has an acreage block between Mercer and Pukekawa. We stayed a few days, had a little looking aroung, but saw nothing to want to entice us to want to move back to New Zealand; it was cold.

As you have heard by now, we have had a tropical storm around the Gold Coast and Brisbane--over 10,000 homes damaged; about one-third will have to be pulled down and rebuilt.

The gold Coast has taken a big slump in property prices due to the economic turndown. Some of the expensive mansions have dropped their selling prices between two and three million dollars trying to sell before the finance companies and banks foreclose on them.

I bit the bullet, a couple of months ago, and bought an up market computer with a 22' screen and Canon printer and now I am learning to use a computer all over again.

I hope you are all able to read this letter I have written as I have been told I have two left hands.

Regards for 2009


Ivan is the son of Anton Maricic and Mara Kabalin, the grandson of Genoveva Segulja, and the great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

Jennifer Segulja makes a Christmas observation:

Ian, Morgann, and Alex
I can't believe that Ian wanted to sit with Santa this year!!! My baby is growing up. . .

Zambian/South African Cro cousin Dr. Marijana Antic reports from Brussels, Belgium

Hi Mike!!

Sorry for the long delay. Things have been pretty hectic here. I received my work permit last week and finally have my full doctors registration. Originally I was offered a position in the Emergency department but 2 weeks before I had to sign my contract I was contacted by the Prof of Radiology at the same hospital for a position that had just opened up in that department. The postion was available but I had to have a trial period in the department for 1 month to see if they would be happy with me and vice versa..Anyway that was now more than a month ago and guess what...I got that position and I'm very very happy about it. It's a 5 year speciality and I start in January.

Just to answer a few of your questions - I don't have Lari and Nikol's E-mails, I have a mobile number that I tried calling but got no response. Unfortunately I don't have an e-mail for the Sokolic boys either. Teta Mica Sokolic was well when we saw them in August. Denis' e-mail is I don't have any email for Dalibor and Diana...sorry, did I tell you Dalibor got re-married? He's very happy and lives in Germany with his new wife. I haven't met Asja, don't really know that part of the family...and not engaged yet.

I met a really nice American girl here from Ohio, we're in the same language class. it's nice to have a friend I can speak English to :-) so us 'buitenlanders' (foreigners) get together for a chat every now and then. Otherwise I have settled in pretty well, I really miss my folks and Medo and the African rains a lot here.

Wishing you a very very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year 2009!!

Hope to hear from you soon! big hugs and kisses to Aunty Marge and the whole family on that side!

Love Marijana

(In her generation, (the one following the webmaster's), Marijana is first cousin to Suzy and Sonja Devcic, Diana, Lari, and Nikol Miletic, and Denis Samal in Croatia. She is also first cousin to Dalibor Miletic in Germany, 2nd cousin to Nick and Jason Aleksich in New Zealand, 3rd cousing to Michael Segulja, Elizabeth Segulja, Ryan Peck, and Kathryn Reynolds in the United States, 2nd cousin to Janine and Sonja Maricic in Australia, 3rd cousins to Cecilia and Antonio Sokolic in Argentina, and 3rd cousins to Cedomir, Stefan, Nina, and Dragana Segulja, and Asja Mrdja in Croatia and 3rd or 4th cousins to all of the Jezics and Merzlocks in her line.)

Stefan Šegulja, smoking the guitar

Stefan Šegulja on Lead Guitar

With the Rijeka Based Band

Click Here to Hear

Why Stevie Vai Cries Each Night

Location: Stereo Dvorana Rijeka

Parents: Ivica Segulja & Tajana Kezele

Grandparents: Marija Mrzljak, Danijel Segulja

Great Grandparents: Franko Mrzljak, Matijka Toljan, Josip Segulja, Ursula Sokolic

Great, Great, Grandparents: Nikola Mrzljak, Marija Potocnjak, Ivan Toljan, Rozalija Radetic, Marija Jezic, Roko Ivan Segulja

Dear Michael,

'May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.'

....and all the best wishes for the New Year 2009!

With kind regards

Ivan B. Mazuranic-Jankovic

Ivan is the current Knight Commander of the noble line of Mazuranics--he is also related to just about everyone in our extended family, if not all of Novi Vinodolski. He is organizing a Mazuranic reunion for the year 2010, which will mark the 650th known year of his family's presence in the region.

Ivan has invited all Mazuranic relatives to attend (exact time to be determined), and, he has flattered me with the opportunity to be involved.

Thanks a lot Michael.

Now I would like to invite all of them to join the group.This initiative is the first step towards organizing family reunion. Hope it can be done and hope it will be done in the near future.Please feel free to pass the information to all you can think of.

Or maybe write a note on GOSSIP pages.

Should you feel like taking more active rolle you can also be the officer of the group?
Take care


(gleaned from facebook)

Jennifer Segulja tasting a rare Houston, Texas snowflake!

Tamara Jezic Rao's children. Sebastian asked for an orange ball; Siddhartha said he wanted Lego's; and Tirzah told him to stop living a lie.

Tamara is 3rd cousin to all Arizona, Texas, and Novi Seguljas, Merzlocks, Miletics, Kiwi and Aussie Maricics, and Argentine Sokolics

Doug Segulja, flanked by two friends, is practicing his Christmas spirit

Ryan Peck, enjoying his long hair as he ponders entering the Police Academy. Note picture of webmaster, far right,--long hair may be hereditary--enjoy it while it lasts!

Ryan is the son of Yvonne Pottorff, the grandson of Margaret Segulja, the great grandson of Petar Segulja and Ivana Mudrovcic, and the great, great grandson of Roko Segulja and Marija Jezic. He is 3rd cousins to the grandkids of Antonio Sokolic (and his brother Ranko, and sister Elvira and Margarita), the grandkids of Anton Maricic, Filipina Maricic, Danijel Segulja, Blazenka Segulja, Kate Butkovic, and Mica Sokolic. Likewise, he is 3rd cousin to the children of the Mudrovcic Kiwis: Mary Posa, Helen Franich, and Drina Dobrec.

The webmaster and Ryan's uncle Mike playing bridge (center) with Ryan's grandfather, at his parents' trailer at the Colorado River (a long time ago).

Asja provides details of Aunt Mary's last days

Hi, Mike

As you already know, unfortunatelly I have a sad news, Aunt Mary is not with us anymore, she passed away early in the morning on 11th of December and the funeral was yesterday afternoon here in Novi. She was very weak these last several months, suffered from few mild strokes. Last I saw her walking was before summer and since then she was constantly lying in a bed. After that, I saw her in September but I think she didn't recognize me; she didn't realize it was me talking to her. And those were her last months, she suffered alot last days, stopped eating but still breathing. But in the end, her heart also became weak and she died on Thursday.

I was planning to write you today but you were faster.

She was buried in the same family vault where Ursula, Josip and Danijel were buried.


Dark news from a Blackberry

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrizia SKUNCA []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 4:21 AM
To: 'michael Pottorff'
Subject: Bad news


I've read in Novi List, a Rijeka daily newspaper, death notice for Marija Segulja, 85 years, she will be buried today in Novi. Mourners: Visnja, Dubravko and Ivica.

My condolences

Patrizia Skunca

Remembering Aunt Mary

Marija's parents--Josip and Ursula, Marija, and brother Danijel

Marija in Lakeside, California, behind Jack Hansen, cousin Annie Segulja's husband on a Honda Gold Wing, 1976

Mike, Marija, and Margay, getting ready to go to Disneyland, 1976

Marija and her cousin Mira Krpan in her Zagreb flat in 2002

Global Warming Update:

Michael Segulja is shocked it's snowing in Houston. Snowing a lot too. Seems like a couple inches on everything in the backyard!!
Cecilia Sokolic, Franco y Ricardo en Tierra del Fuego

I am excited to receive news from you. So many relatives! I will tell you some facts about my family:

1. - My father Antonio Sokolic is the youngest son of Catarina Maricic and Antonio Sokolic (Katarina and Anton)

2. - My father Antonio Sokolic (64 years) has been married to Angela Martinez (62 years) for 41 years

3. - They had 4 children

4. - I, Cecilia Sokolic (40años) am the oldest , am married with Ricardo Ruiz (42 years) and we have a son who is called Franc Nicholas Ruiz Sokolic of 15 years.

5. - Next in line is Jose Carlos (38 years) who is married to Marcela Cejas (34años) and they have 2 children Lucas Jose Sokolic of 11 years and Ivanna Agostina Sokolic, age 9 years old.

6. - Thirdly, Stella Maris (36 years) is married to Enrrique Orieta and has 2 children Emmanuel Orieta Sokolic of 11 years and Mauiricio Orieta Sokolic of 6 years.

7. - Soon after comes Silvina Sokolic (33 years) married to Horacio Delgado (35 years)

8. - and finally the youngest child of the family, Antonio Sokolic of 25 years.

And that's the family! There are a lot of us, aren't there? In the next one I promise to send photos. Thank you very much for all the contacts and photos of the family that you have arranged--- it is a great work

Rachel Dobric, far right, after the finale of her New Zealand tamburitzan style competition with other Cro clubs.

Rachel is 5th cousin to the US Mudrovcic-Seguljas in the webmaster's generation, 5th to the Novi Mudrovcic-Sokolics (Butkovic, Zoricic, Sokolic, and Antonics), the Kiwi Mudrovcic-Posas, Franichs, and Dobrecs, 6th cousin to the Australian Paskulichs (John, Irene, Karen, Grant, and Jeff), 6th to the children of Arizonan Roy Dobric and his sister Katherine Dobric Sheridan, and 3rd to the Kiwi Sebaljas, Gary, Wayne, and Lisa,

Discussing South American travel plans and the advantages of speaking Spanish, Texan Carrie Segulja makes an announcement:

We are getting married in Houston April 11, 2009. Jorge was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, so yes he does speak Spanish. He went to college at Penn State and then took his 1st job in Dallas and has been here ever since. We met on a plane on our way home from vacation last year. I had been in Antigua and he had been in Beliz/Puerto Rico. I was re-routed onto his flight in San Juan, sitting right next to him. We talked the whole way back and... there ya have it! You can check out our engagement party pics byclicking Here!

With working and planning a wedding, I have not had time to do any web research/reading. Hopefully soon.

Tell everyone hello for me! How's your mom? Have you heard from Bill lately? He hasn't emailed me in a while

A Cry For Me From Argentina!

From left to right, View (webmaster's)
2nd cousin Antonio , wife Marija Angela
Martinez, son Antonio Jr., son Jose
Carlos, daughter Claudia Silvina, daughter
Cecilia, and daughter Estella.

Antonio Jr. is the son of Anton(io)
Sokolic Jr. , the grandson of Katarina
Maricic and Anton(io) Sokolic Sr., the
great grandson of Genoveva Maricic , and
the great, great grandson of Roko Ivan

Hello Mike!

I hope you like these

My name is ANTONIO DANIEL SOKOLIC, currently Jr , I am Katarina's grandson Maric [Maricic] and son of Anton Sokolic Jr. , who is the son of Anton Sokolic Sr.

We live in Añatuya, Santiago. I am in contact with you and hope to continue seeing the kinship degree that we have develop. The Argentine arm of the family is very large

Enclosed find two photos: one of the whole family, and another of my brother and sisters.

From left to right, view Estella, Jose,
Claudia, Cecilia, and Antonio. All of
these are third cousins to Aaron Peck,
Michael Segulja, Julie Laughlin, Olivia
Segulja, Liz Segulja, Jason Aleksich, Ty
Greeman, Kat Reynolds, and Asja Mrdja,
and second cousins to Janine Maricic,
Marijana Antic, Lari Miletic, and Diana

Chuck Jezic has scrutinized the page containing his Jezic-Merzlock relatives, and, has supplied a recently acquired amendment to our tree: the arrival of Joseph Franklin Bannister, born 2 September 2005. See Chuck's line (mainline Jezic)

Young Joseph is the son of Theanna Marie Reeves 1971 and Bryan Bannister; the grandson of Geraldine Josephine Woods 1951 and Daniel Lee Reeves; the great grandson of Josephine Irene Merzlock 1912 and Joseph Lee Woods 1906; the great great grandson of Lucia Jezic 1877 and Joseph (Mrzljak) Merzlock 1872. See Joseph's line.

Lucia was the sister of Adalbert Jezic (Dragan, Boris, Milan, Josip, Tamara, Mira etc's branch) and the sister of Marija Jezic, the matriarch of all the Novi, Arizona, and Texas Seguljas--the wife of Roko Ivan Segulja. See Marija's Line.

Joseph would be my (the webmaster's) 3rd cousin 2x's removed, or, Alyssa Laughlin's 5th cousin. Likewise, he would be Sebastian Rao's 4th cousin, once removed. Check out Sebastian's line.

Rachel Dobric (relationship details a couple stories down page) appearing to the left in the front row, performing our regional dance--the kolo. She and her troupe will be travelling to a Dali (sp?) club--Dalmations to compete. There will be no break dancing.

SMILE Belgian cousin/British student Josip Jezic von Gesseneck shares his new hit single!

Your webmaster, Mike, and his 2nd cousin once removed Asja in his Bonavia Hotel Room, in Rijeka, c. 2002.

Blazenka (Mary's sister and 1st cousin to all 1st generation US Seguljas), Margay (Blaza and Mary's cousin) and Visnja (2nd cousin to all [our] US Seguljas in the webmasters generation, daughter of Blazenka and mother to Asja, 3rd cousin to those in the US following the the webmaster's generation.

Hi, Mike!

I've got a letter that you sent to mom in Ogulin... - Yes, we really haven't heard from each other for a long time... Well. I could say that this year was quite turbulent for us - I'm not sure if you got my mail because I didn't write on this e-mail address... My grandfather Stjepan is not with us anymore, he passed away on 2nd of February. He had an heart attack and we just found him at home...

Just a short time after that sad moment, I graduated on Faculty of tourism and hospitality management. During the summer I was working in tourist agency here in Novi Vinodolski, I think I wrote you before about that... I've been working there till middle of September and next week I'm starting with new job in Rijeka, in company specialized for telephone and communicatons. Last month I went to London and Dublin with friends and what can I say, it was really a great vacation! :)

Beside that, since 8th of September we have a new member in family - my brother Dejan became a father to little Dominik (I'm sending you some pictures of him). So now he's the center of our world :)Talking about Aunt Mary, there are no extra news, she's still in Ogulin with mom, was very weak during the summer, her health is little bit better now but without any great change.. She's lying in bed all the time, taking her medicines... day by day... Mom is fine, everything as usual, working and coming to Rijeka/ Novi every weekend...

So, I think I wrote all important things which happened here during these last few months, if you want to know something more, feel free to ask...

And how are you, how's situation in country now when you've got a new leader?

Many regards to whole family!!


Aunt Mary Segulja and her cousin's (Arizona Annie Segulja's) husband, Jack Hansen on his Honda Gold Wing, c. 1976.

Mike, Mary, and Margay, getting ready to go to Disneyland, 1976

Welcome Dominik Mrdja

To the left, view Asja's new nephew, Dominik Mrdja. To the right, view proud mother Lana (nee Fluksi) and her mother in law (2nd cousin Visnja) going for a stroll along the shore of Novi Vinodolski

Lana and 'baba' Visnja walking baby Dominik along the shore of our ancestral home, Novi Vinodolski. Visnja is second cousin to all Arizona, Novi, and Texas Seguljas, Argentine Sokolics, Kiwi and Aussie Maricics (and the rest of the family wreath)

Aunt Asja cradling her newborn nephew. Dominik

At left, view Asja with Dominik. At right, view new mother Lana, baby Dominik, and, proud father Dejan Mrdja (3rd cousin to Michael Segulja in Texas, Nick Aleksich in New Zealand, Luis Sokolic in Argentina, Marijana Antic in Africa (currently Belgium), Ryan Peck in California, and Janine Maricic in Australia.

Dejan's 1st 'family picture.'

COWGIRL [still] UP!
(good news from Tishimingo, Oklahoma, and, now, Silver City, New Mexico) RUŽICASTA VRPCA! (Pink Ribbon!)

Hi everyone,

Pat and I had very good news yesterday...the CT scan, xrays, and bone scan all showed nothing except old broken bones!!! So all I have to whup is the breast cancer. Whew!

I've got my chin up and blood in my eye. My appointment with the oncologist is Thursday, so will know more about treatment then.

Thanks for all the great emails and calls. Aren't friends and family great?


Kathi (Segulja Greeman)

Dobric news from Auckland

Rachel Dobric, second from left, is trekking across the Waitakere range, to the west of Auckland, with some of her mates. Rachel is 5th cousin to all the Segulja-Mudrovcics in the United States except, Bill and Antoinette Kriskovich, where she is also their 3rd cousin, as well as to Boris Sebalja (Mica's Kriskovich's son) and to the children of his other sisters, Ruzica (Chris) and Stefica (Stephanie).

Mary (Posa), Helen (Franich), and Drina (Dobrec) (2nd cousins to the webmaster) are also 5th cousins to Rachel--Below see how Rachel is related to Auckland Sebaljas and Western Australian Paskulichs as well as Kiwi Mudrovcics (Posas, Franichs, and Dobrecs)

5thRussell 19344th Margaret Segulja 1924
Roy's G'kids
6thRachel 19925th

Michael Pottorff 1947
and all Arizonan Seguljas-Texas Seguljas descend from Ivanja's sister Maria

Katherine's: Julie Sheridan 1970, Jeff Sheridan 1974
2ndJohn, Irene, Karen, Grant, and Jeffrey Paskulich5thRussel Dobric 19432ndBoris Sebalja 1947
Daniel's: Ryan 1997, Carson 1995
Kerry's: Wesley 1987,
Andy 1990
Leilani's: Matthew Dies 1994
Julie's Quinn Kelly 2000, Aidan Kelly 2002
3rdJohn's: Cristina 1974, Fiona, Peter 1985
Karen's: Kaitlin Moore 1985, Brayden Moore 1988
Jeff's: Nicola 1990, Rachel 1992, Samual 1993
6thRachel Dobric 19923rdGary, Wayne, and Lisa Sebalja
Kati's: Cro
Mica's: Cro

A little lesson in Croatian culture. It seems I found this Croatian song that tells a story of a grandmother in Croatia, in this case a woman laboring as a 'mlekarica,' milk delivery person, bringing milk to peoples' door steps, which she carries in a back pack. Rather, than make a fool of myself, once again, by trying to translate it, I asked Istrian 6th cousin Patrizia Socolich, to provide a play by play.

My question:
Can you give me a thumbnail translation of what is happening in the this film--I kept waiting for my grandmother to appear, walking her donkey through the streets of Novi. . .tears in my eyes.

Is this 'Grobnik' the site of the victory by our sword wielding cousins over the Moors?

A song about 'mlekarica,' the milkmaids of the Balkans--a lost profession, easily identified by our ancestors

Mike (the webmaster) and Cece in front of the Segulja house in Starigrad, Novi Vinodolski. The railing and repair to the top floor was installed after an Italian bomb strike during WWII

You're right about Grobnik...she sings about her grandma who was a 'mlekarica' - women from villages surrounding Rijeka used to sell fresh milk door-to-door, there are no mlekarica's around any more, but I remember seeing them when I was little, old and distorted from carrying that huge backpack.

My mother's second mother in law was a mlekarica and she was delivering fresh milk to my grandma (my fathers' mother) when my dad was a little boy. As my grandma didn't speak Croatian, and the other one didn't speak Italian, they had many funny conversations..once the mlekarica asked my grandma in Croatian 'Koliko imate let' - she meant 'How old are you - or how many years do you have' and my grandma responded '3' - as she understood 'let' for 'letti - beds in Italian'. Mlekarica responded: 'No, no, for example I have 36', and my grandma said: 'oh, I didn't know you owned a hotel!'

Hope to have it translated well...


In Rijeka there's also a square named after mlekarica and a sculpture.

A severed Moor's head earring commemorating the victory against Islam, at Grobnik Polje, avenging the annihilation of Count Zrinske and two thousand or so Croat and Hungarian defenders, who fought to the death to stop the Turk armies on their way to Vienna. The damage inflicted upon their erstwhile victorious foes achieved that end, sending them back to Turkey, and, preserving the history of Europe as we know it.

We have a new member in our family--Robert Francem (2nd cousin twice removed to descendents of Roko Ivan Segulja in the webmasters generation) reports from Djakovo, Croatia:

'I became a father at 24th July 2008 when little girl named Iva was born.'

Robert Francem is the son of Biserka Nekic, the grandson of (egads) my 2nd cousin Zeljka Miletic, great grandson of Filipina Maricic, great great grandson of Genoveva Segulja, and great great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

Filipa, baby Iva, and Robert

Baby Iva, cradled by Filipa

Daddy's little girl!
Iva and Robert

News from Texas, via New York City

L-R are sons Matt, Doug, daughter Olivia, Diane and myself. I think this may have been Christmas Day in Central Park.


This is our family in New York last Christmas.

Our son Doug is working on his Master's in Architecture from Parson's School of Design and will finish this May. Matt is a Construction Engineer in San Antonio and Olivia is a senior in high school.

Tom Segulja

Matt and Olivia on a fishing junket, in non arctic attire

Tom is 1st cousin to all the Texas Seguljas in the webmaster’s generation and 2nd cousin to all the Arizona Seguljas, the Novi Spojas (Mrdjas), the Argentine Sokolics, the Australian and Kiwi Maricics, the Croatian Miletics, the African Antics, and, on the Mudrovcic side, 2nd cousin to the Novi Sokolics, the Novi Butkovics, and the Auckland, Posas, Franichs, and Dobrecs. . .and to everyone else in this page to a lesser degree. Tom is son of Tom Segulja and Ann Bako, grandson of Venceslav Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic, and great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Matt Mudrovcic and Margaret Dobric

from Michael Segulja's facebook page

Michael Segulja is happy for his sister [Carrie Segulja] who got engaged last week and had a big party to celebrate this weekend. 47 minutes ago - [ 9:24 PST 10/13/08 ]

Kathi Segulja showing the barrel racing form that put the lights out in Texas, a couple of months ago

It's true! the stars at night, don't shine so bright in Texas as Team Texas came up short in its series of team barrel racing events against Team Oklahoma.

Oklahoma was bouyed by the presence of Tishomingo, Oklahoma Cowgirl, Kathi Segulja who has been at the top of her game for decades. Interestingly enough, the champion 53 year old's email sports her initials and some other information relative to this page:

One way or the other, 'Baba' Kathi Segulja Greeman has kept her 'Rodeo Queen' credentials polished for the better part of 4 decades--see another way, at right

Kathi is first cousin to the Arizona Seguljas in the web master's generation, 2nd cousin to the Texas Seguljas (webmaster and Kathi's generation), 2nd cousin to the Seguljas, Spojas, Miletics in Croatia, 2nd cousin to the Maricics in Croatia, Argentina (Sokolic), Australia, and New Zealand. And, on her grandmother's side, she is 2nd cousin to the Mudrovcics (Mary Posa, Helen Franich, and Drina Dobrec) in New Zealand, as well as the Butkovics and Sokolics in Novi. 3rd cousin to most of the Jezics and US Merzlocks, 5th to the Sebaljas, Dobrics, Piskulichs/Paskulichs, and Paladins, and 6th to the Istrian Socolichs. And, she is 6th cousin to the Argentine Piskulichs in her generation.She is the daughter of Peter Segulja Jr., the granddaughter of Petar Segulja (and Johana Mudrovcic), and great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

Kathi, the reigning Miss Luna County, back in. . . oh, you do the math

Time to hang another leaf on the family tree--the Jezic branch, as Silvija Ježic-Kneževic reports:

Dear Mike ,

Sorry for not responding for so long...I´ve been thinking about you.Finally some nice news. Jona Ježic was born on October 8th in Osijek (on Croatian independence day). Click HERE to see his line.

So my brother became a father. Jona is 3550gr and 51 centimeters.I´ll send some photos when I get them.He is coming home tomorrow from the hospital. [brother Silvijo is a member of a Croatian soccer team!]

Many, many greetings and love

Silvija Ježic-Kneževic

The family wreath has surfaced again in Argentina and Chile, in the form of Piskulic relatives, related to Kiwi and Novi Sebalja, Segulja-Mudrovcic, Dobrec-Mudrovcic, Western Australia Paskulic, Arizona Dobric, Kiwi and Aussie Maricics, and, Idaho Pickolicks.

Dear Mike, (initial contact, Erica Piskulich at left)

Thank you so much for all your hard work.

I managed to get hold of the copy of my grandfather's birth certificate, via one of my nephews, who has asked for Croatian citizenship at the consulate.

There I can read that my grandfather's name was Fránjo and his parents were Rafael Piškulic Stjiepanov and Matejka v. Sebalja. He was born 26 April 1897 and his godparents Vencel and Marija Piškulic (sic). The chaplain was Vinko Sokolic.

I can confirm his siblings' names: Margareta, Ivan and Milan, as you mentioned. [Milan was a martyr at Jasenovac]

Now, to my grandfather's descendants:

He married Milka Jurica, daughter of Martin Jurica and Marija Knez.

They had three children: Ana, Rafael Ernesto and José.

Ana (1929) married Carlos Serra and had nine children: Carlos, Fernando, Judith, José Manuel (1957), Pablo (1959), Gerardo, Andrés, Flavia and Ana Eugenia.

Rafael (1930-2004), my father, married Elba Susana Guerrero and had three children: Sandra Susana (1957), Erica Nora (1959) and Ricardo Javier (1961).

Sandra Susana married Maximo Bouhier and has four children: Marina (1990), Josefina (1992), Martín (1994) and Joaquín (1998).

Erica Nora married Malcolm Kirk Dickson and has nine children: Ian Andrew Kirk (1987), Gloria Ines (1988), Angela (1990), Marian Elizabeth (1992), Ana Christine (1993), Katherine Ida (1995), Felicity Lourdes (1997), Peter Joseph Kirk (2000) and Duncan Alan Kirk (2001).

Ricardo Javier married Natalia Ponferrada and has four children: Natalia (1987), Rafael (1994), Esteban (1996) and Ana (2002).

José (1931-1988) married Cristina Kearney and had two children: Cecilia and Esteban.

Cecilia married Roberto Henríquez (Chilean) and has four children: Patricia 1988: Francisca 1989, Sebastian 1993, and Tomas 1996

Esteban married Gladys D'Alonso and has three children: Ezequiel, Milka and Josefina.

Tomorrow I'll be furnishing you with the missing birthdates, names and marriage data. Do you need full birthdates (m/d/y) of all of us? If that's the case then I'll take a little longer to send you the information.

I can't tell you how thankful I am!!

I don't know how we are related to other Chilean or Peruvian Piskulics.

I know that my grandfather had a Piskulic relative (cousin??) who settled in La Calera, Córdoba, close to where he lived, but they didn't see much of each other.

This is all for now.

Best regards to my American cousin.


Earning strong assists in compiling this information is Chilean cousin Cecilia Piskulich Henriquez, seen at the left, frolicking in the snow (I assume in the Andes of Chile). Cecilia is Erica's 1st cousin. Cecilia adds:

Dear Mike:

1st, I want to thank you for the time and the dedication you took to get all the information, also the mountains in the photo I appear with Roberto are indeed the Chilean Andes( :D)

The village is called Farellones and it is 35 km from Santiago.

Best Regards,

From our Family in Chile

To the right, view Natalia, Cecelia's 1st cousin, once removed and Erica's neice, (in purple) unwinding with a friend after a hard day of genealogy.

To see how the Argentineans are most closely related to the Western Australia Paskulichs, the Arizona Dobrics, and the Idaho Pickolicks, Click HERE. To see how how they are most closely related to the Kiwi Sebaljas, and the Arizona and Texas Seguljas, Click HERE. And, to see how they are most closely related to the Kiwi and Australian Maricics and the Kiwi Dobrec-Mudrovcics, Click HERE.

To see their lineage after reaching Argentina, Click HERE.

And, to see how the Argentinean Piskulichs are most closely related to the Jezics of Maryland, Stuttgart Germany, Brussells Belgium, Zagreb, and Novi Click HERE

To see how the Argentine Piskulics are related to the Count Mazuranic, Click Here!

Gary Sebalja returned to New Zealand after a lengthy stay in Ireland. During his return, he hooked up with his parents, and travelled with them throughout Europe. They parted company in Western Australia, where Boris and Lynette headed home, and Gary opted to extend his time abroad by studying local customs in Bali. Above, view Gary, far right, in a seminar, discussing the cultural and social nuances of society in Bali.


When I visited Auckland two years ago, I had the unique opportunity to be in the same room with 4 other 2nd-5th cousins. This was is 5th cousin Boris Sebalja's Auckland home, where John Paskulich had left about the time of my arrival; also there was Ivan Paladin, and Russell Dobric. 5- 2nd-5th cousins! Sadly that will never be repeated as I learn from Lynette Sebalja:

[in response to my query] Yes that Russell. I am sorry I thought I told you while we were away.

Wayne emailed us on 28 June that Karen (Russells wife) rang him & told him that Russell had been diagnosed with Cancer & they would be looking at Chemo or whatever treatment. Then on the 8 July Wayne rang us - we were walking the streets of Korcula on the island of Korcula to tell us that Karen rang again & Russell had died that day. Rachel was on a school trip in America at the time. We had 2 of my cousins with us & we were all standing there crying I would hate to think what the people passing by thought. Talking to Karen since we returned Russell had suffered from Crohn's disease for several years & went into hospital thinking this to be the problem, he never got better so it was taken further only to find he had Cancer of the gall bladder, once this is diagnosed I believe it is already too far to be able to be cured.

Back in April they had a combined party for Russell's 65th, his brother Albin's 75th & Rachels 16th & that was the last time we saw him. I still find it hard to believe he went so quick.

Photo above left, left to right Ivan Paladin (seated) Russell Dobric, and Michael Pottorff

This is how the assemblage is related (I throw in Roy Dobric, because he is related to everyone too

To answer some of your questions.... the email address is the same here and in S Africa and I will send you some photos ASAP. I didn't see any of my uncle Vinko Miletic family this time, I last saw Nikol in 1999 but as far as i know they are all doing well.. I haven't got any of their e-mail addresses unfortunately, I only have mobile phone numbers. I will give them a ring one of these days and get their emails for you. We saw my uncle Nikola Miletic and his wife Ivanka ( from the Mazuranic side) their son Dalibor has remarried and is very happy, he is now also living in Germany with his new wife. My cousin Diana (Dalibor's sister) is working on a cruise ship - I think it's American - so she also wasn't in croatia this time. Denis Samal (aunt Zeljka's son) now has 2 daughters one is 10 (Marija-Magdalena) and 5 year old Antonella, they are both very cute and I will send you some new photos with them.

How is aunty Marge doing after her operation? I hope she is recovering well.. please give her our regards.

I was wondering if you could send me the e-mail address of one of our relatives here in Brussels? I remember you mentioning him in an e-mail, I think his surname is Jezic Von ....(something :-) ) I'm gonna write him a mail and try meet up. are you planning any trips to europe? thats all from me at the moment I will keep you updated with any news I find out.

A big hello from Brussels to the whole family!

Marijana's mother, Karmen Miletic is 2nd cousin to all Texas, Arizona, and Novi Seguljas

Michael Segulja, back in his Houston home, shares photos of Ike, and other family stuff


Here are some pictures of our house and neighborhood after Ike. The ones where it's raining are from Saturday after it was all over, and the ones where the rain stopped were from Tuesday after we got back. We left town Saturday so I got some pictures on the way out of town. I couldn't believe seeing things like traffic lights completely bent sideways!

Meanwhile, down in Auckland
Kiwi Lisa Sebalja went all-in in Texas Hold 'Em Poker and won $1,043 chips in one hand. World-class playing!

Wondering what kind of 'folk dancing' runs in our heritage?

It is the polka-like potresuljka! These are two local bands from

Rijeka & Istrian area, lyrics are in our dialect, music is polka

and dances are polka and potresuljka (eastern Istrian variation

of polka dance, there is even a school of potresuljka dance near

Rijeka opened a few years ago). (I've seen much better potresuljka

dancing then this one on the stage, but I didn't find anything else..)



Texas Doug Segulja 'in New York City!'

Yes, it is true

In the cultural melting pot that is the United States, Doug is engaging in a German custom, now widely practiced in America.

If it looks like a birthday party amongst the guys, where the guest of honor is getting his first taste of the evil brew, you have a good eye.

Doug is seated at lower left, with the goatee, and, new imbiber/friend Ryan is above right in the black and white pinstriped shirt.

. . .and the table? No chips and Salsa!

New York City?

Doug is son of Tom (Jr.) and Diane Nipp grandson of Tom(islav) and Ann Bako, great grandson of Vence(slav) and Marija Mudrovcic, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

Taking time from his 'job' as a drinking coach. Doug has launched his architectural career with this production in the Hamptons of New York.

Seguljas 100% Hurricane Ike -0-

Michael Segulja

Today at 6:31pm
It hit us pretty hard. Lots of trees down....huge trees totally uprooted and they're saying something like 4 million people are without power. We headed today to College Station to some friends house that have power. As far a I know everyone else is OK. My parents are still at home but their cell phones are dead so it's been hard to keep in touch. I put up a couple pictures of our backyard and will get more once we get back home. You can see them at

Talk to you later,

Oh and I meant to say I think it was a category 3 when it hit Galveston.

Michael Segulja

An update from Hurricane Central--Houston

Michael Segulja is waiting for doomsday, and it's name is Ike. 8 hours ago

Meanwhile, in the eye of Hurricane Ike, Michael Segulja reports from Houston, Texas

Michael sent you a message. Re: Ike 'Hopefully we're far enough away that we won't be affected although it does flood here sometimes. The wind is really picking up now so we're just waiting it out. If I can I'll get some pictures but not sure we'll see much where we are. Galveston is pretty much under water at this point!'
Young, Late-Entry Novljani Croat--Sebastian Rao [Tamara Jezic Rao, Presumptive First Mother]--Suddenly Drops Obama to 3rd in Race for the Whitehouse. Announcement Garners Huge Birthday Bump in Polls

McCain-Palin worry about this unexpected challenge. Click Image for Full Story

Diana Rabulea of Romania captures Stefan Šegulja, and friend, Saša
Žic, as they covort across parts unknown on a ferry boat--click right box

Cousin Patrizia Socolich Skunca, shares her vacation photographs

Patrizia Socolich Skunca, 6th cousin to the webmaster's generation (6th cousin through Sokolic Maricic and 8th cousin through Segulja Sokolic) and her husband Tomi and son Luka visited the Island of Hvar for their vacation. Tomi's ancestral home is Novalja, on the island of Pag. Check out their photos.

Tomi and Luca swimming in the clear waters of the Adriatic

The village on the island of Hvar as seen from the fortress of 'Fortica Spagnola.' The fortress was built in 16th century by Venetians, as Island of Hvar (italian: Lesina) was under their dominion from 1420 to 1797. [Yes, we--Novljani can boast Venetian ancestry, even though we are not from Venus. observation by your webmaster (who knows the difference between Venetians and Venusians, but thought this was funny]

An Adriatic sunset on the island of Hvar

Luka basking in the sun

Luka and the sun setting over the Adriatic

Luka and Tomi swimming on the Rocky Beach

The view of the rocky beach and the Rock House like cousin Suzy rents to tourists

Lydia Nader, daughter of Mary Kathryn Segulja Nader, has her own
blogsite; Click on the image above to see the adventures of Lydia

Nikša Franciškovic, using German camo pattern Flecktarn, and aCIRAS OD vest, is caught in a game of Airsoft in the forest of Rijeka, Croatia (like paintball but with electric motor driven plastic bullets). At left he is posing with an Armalite model--the folks that make the US M-16's--and in the picture to the right, he is posing with a Kalishnikov knock off AK-47. In the US, he would be playing both the cowboy and the Indian!

Nikša is the son of Sonja Devcic, grandson of (my step 2nd cousin) Maruska Miletic, great grandson of my mother's cousin Filipina Maricic, great great grandson of Gena Segulja, and great, great, great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja.

Where's the Beef? Ask Daniel Reynolds!

2008 Douglas County Fair
Fair Weather

Photo Gallery

Daniel Reynolds, 13, of Larkspur, escorts his steer Buddy out of the pavillion after
Buddy drew a $2,000 bid during the Douglas County Junior Livestock auction Aug. 9.
(son of Toni Kriskovich Reynolds, grandson of Mary Segulja Kriskovich, Great
Grandson of Petar Segulja, and Great Great Grandson Of Roko Ivan Segulja)

Photos by Courtney Kuhlen

Bill Kriskovich apprises us of the family's occupation of Asia

Hi Everyone,

I am finally sitting down to try to write an update of what I have been doing and seeing. I have been here almost two weeks now and it has flown by. I spent the first two nights in a hotel and was all set to rent an apt. in an area that has lots of tourists, but I found an apartment in an area that I will enjoy much more. It is at the end of the skytrain line and a short taxi ride from there to my apt. I will send my address when I get it figured out. There are 5 buildings each about 25 floors.

Downstairs are 2 mini marts, an Italian restaurant, a Thai restaurant and a couple laundries, internet cafes, hair salons and massages parlours. I would trade some of that for another restaurant or two, but all is good. There are a few restaurants within a short walk and many within taxi distance. Also and walmart type shopping center with more places to eat and where I can get my groceries, and other items ocated within 6 or 7 minutes walking. Shopping is a big hobby here and I will have to get over my aversion to it and join in.

I am now trying to get my internet connection and possibly cable tv. I have bought a new couch and will look for a recliner as well as a different kitchen table. Also have my old things moved out. My apartment is a 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath with a small balcony outside the master bedroom. I have a nice view from the 21st floor and so far it is relatively quiet. it helps that I am on the corner so I only would hear people above or below me and have not heard noise from either.

One nice thing about Thailand is taxi's are cheap. I have never had to take a taxi to go grocery shopping but that will be the norm here. A typical taxi ride will run me about $1. And a longer one; 10 miles/20-25 minutes about $2. Thailand has become more expensive over the past 6 years since I was here for the first time in 2002, but somehow the gas prices and inflation have not hit the taxi's. I don't get it, but I am glad for it. Pots/Pan/dishes/etc. are inexpensive but not really cheap, and the same for electronics. Clothing is still very inexpensive.

I have my cousin from Auckland, N. Zealand and his wife and son in Bangkok [Boris, Lynette, and Gary Sebalja (pictured left)] now and we have had dinner and then went out one night with their son. It was strange being the local as I am usually guided around town by others who have been here a long time or locals. I am still learning where the different districts of Bangkok are in relation to each other and should be fairly well versed by the time any of you decide to come for a visit.

Next up for me is to finish furnishing my apartment, actually buying groceries and next week signing up for a Thai language class. I have a couple options and want to get that started so I have to pull the trigger. I have a gym and pool at my complex so I have already started getting in the swing of working out. Basically trying to do all the things I would do at home, except working of course. Which has been nice so far. I know school has not started but I haven't been thinking about getting everything done before the summer is over, like I usually am doing at this time of year. We'll see if I miss it. I really have no idea and am keeping a completely open mind. As far as our business, LEC (learning enhancement centers) which is what the company name is in Sacramento, that will be a venture that should get more legs after the first of the year.

The weather has been fairly mild as far as the heat and humidity. I haven't really been bothered by it the past few trips so maybe I am getting use to it. Now is the wet season, and I did get stuck downtown during a really heavy downpour. Most people just wait them out. get something to eat, or of course shop. They tend to stop after a reasonable ammount of time so that was the case for me. I think it is much hotter in the islands and that will be where I am headed in the next couple of weeks. I will go visit my friend Thien who is in Phuket. He is the dive master who certified me and Laurie. While there I am going to try to learn to surf so that I will be ready when Geoff and Christine come for their visit -post wedding- in January. I found two driving ranges that are close by and now I will see if the skytrain with my clubs or a taxi is the easiest way to get there. There are several different groups of people that I have met who I will play golf, play basketball and hang with, so life as usual only in thailand.

Well, everyone is invited to visit and I will be home Nov. 18th and will be home until around new years.Keep in touch and I will try to keep you all posted.


Behold Kirby-the prize dog (On razumije hrvatski!).

Kirby didn't win any prizes, but he was awarded to Emma Fish, daughter of Suzana Devcic, granddaughter of Maruska Miletic (2nd cousin to webmasters generation) great granddaughter of Ivan Miletic and Filipina Maricic, who was daughter of Genoveva Segulja, who was daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja.

Emma was awarded Kirby for receiving straight A's on her report card.

Kirby's adoption was arranged by Suzana's 'friend,' Bruno Milevoj

Darin Josip Merzlock has an announcement:

We (fiance Kimberly Joanne Belnap) are getting married September 13th.

Darin is the son of John Merzlock, 3rd cousin to US, German, and Croat Jezics and Seguljas.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN! 8 August 2008

Sebastian Rao, who is the son of Tamara Jezic, grandson of Dragan Jezic, great grandson of Vladimir Jezic, and great great grandson of Adalbert Jezic (whose sister Marija married Roko Ivan Segulja), making Sebastian 4th cousin to all the 3rd generation Segulja, Jezics, and Woods in America and their third cousins in Croatia, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia--donning the colors of Croatia,-- ponders his winning strategy

Fashion Critic Mr. Blackwell Stricken

Blackwell, whose first name is Richard, has for decades issued an
annual worst-dressed list that is famous for its tongue-in-cheek cruelty.

Last Updated:
08-07-08 at 6:58AM

LOS ANGELES -- Acid-tongued fashion critic
Mr. Blackwell has been hospitalized with a
serious illness, his business partner said Thursday.

Blackwell, 85, has been in the hospital and
unconscious since Tuesday, his partner, Robert
Spencer, said from his home in Los Angeles.

Spencer wouldn't say what hospital was treating
Blackwell or explain the nature of Blackwell's illness.

Blackwell, whose first name is Richard, has for
decades issued an annual worst-dressed list
that is famous for its tongue-in-cheek cruelty.

Mr. Blackwell, in happier days, trying to
trade panty hose with the webmaster's
prime tormentor, Cece, a few years ago.

ANGLER: Bill Vanderpol V


WEIGHT: 71 lbs

LENGTH: 47.5” nose to tail PROOF

WHERE CAUGHT: Alaska, Ketchikan Coast

BOAT: Tiny Bubbles

SKIPPER: Bill Vander Pol III

Bill Vander Pol V is the husband of Amber Tippit, who is the daughter of Bryan and Suzie Tippit, Granddaughter of Anne Segulja Tippit (later Desilets) and J.T. Tippit, great granddaughter of Vence Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic, and Great Great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic.

Bill reports:

In July 2005 this Ling Cod was the largest recorded rock cod catch for the Vander Pol family, in the 20 years of fishing the Alaskan coast. Unlike most cod that are caught on a halibut rod, this one was actually taking some line and took some persuading to land.

Johanna Hansen Whisman, daughter of Annie Segulja Hansen, granddaughter of Petar Segulja and Johana Mudrovcic, and great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic, spent a week in the desert outside of Tucson. Accompanied by her husband, Don Whisman, son Elden, and friends, Kyle, and Mindy (and Mindy's granddaughter), they took in the desert sights.

Kyle and Elden reportedly played golf one day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. Fortunately, the thermometer stayed under 100 degrees F.

Another excursion was to the Desert Museum, pictured below, which had a mini-zoo of Arizona creatures, as well as cameo walk on appearances by the critters in the images below.

The legendary road runner of the Southwest--they do not really make a 'beep beep' sound, nor is that a baby coyote in his mouth.

Elden, taking in the desert view from one of the desert museums lookout points

A prehistoric denizen of the modern desert sunning itself on a rock

Suzie and Bryan Tippit report from the frontier of the American Southwest--Bryan being the son of (Texas) Anne Segulja, grandson of Vence Segulja, and great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja.

Suzie and Bryan Tippit with their pack mules in the Grand Canyon
(they are certified packers)

Bryan--holding the reins, while the mules take a rest

Suzie and Bryan at Sedona

Suzie exploring the ruins at Sedona

At left, view Margaret (Margay Segulja) Pottorff, accompanied by grandson Aaron Peck and his wife Holly. Aaron and Holly took time out to visit grandma.

A spirited game of bridge erupted with Aaron and Margay overcoming a large lead posted by Mike and Cece.

At right, View Holly, Buckshot, Addie, and Aaron

Check out some home videos (not by the family) showing aspects of Novi Vinodolski

Slide Show of Novi

At left, view Dustin Berg's wedding processional. This is not news, per se, as evinced by a still photo of the event, buried in the text below. Dustin Berg is the son of Paula Hansen, the grandson of Annie Segulja, the great grandson of Petar Segulja, and the great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja

But, what is rather groundbreaking news is that your webmaster has finally figured out how to put videos on the web. A feat, heretofore, reserved only for rocket scientists, savants, bored teenagers, and precocious 12-year olds.

I have even figured out how to link the videos with an html link. Yes! I am smarter than a 5th grader (a stupid American tv show for you non-North American viewers). Check out Ian Segulja's 3rd birthday party!


Yvonne Peck Gives Us a Hurricane Update from the Southern Tip of Texas

Ron and I are fine. Dolly passed right over us. In fact, she stalled here for a couple of hours. We were in the north winds for 5 hours, the eye for over 1 hour, and the south winds for 5 hours. The house lost some roof tiles, the outside ceiling fan in the patio, the fish light, and window screens, plus one of the double paned windows has a broken seal and must be replaced if we want to actually see out of it again. We lost power for 4 days, but Ron bought a generator after the first 2 days so we could have airconditioning in the downstairs bedroom for sleeping, and to keep the refrigerator and freezers working. The water rose over the boat dock and into the yard about 3 feet. The water went down yesterday, so I hosed about 4 inches of silt of the dock and boat house floors. Streets were submerged and the house on the left collapsed.

Neighbors on either side had large trees totally torn apart or uprooted. One tree was blown down by the north wind and they set upright by the south wind, but it doesn't look like it is going to make it. All the leaves are withering. Luckily, I had just had the trees in our yard trimmed so we didn't sustain any damage.

The townhouses on the island sustained some wind and water damage and according to the power company, will be without power for the next two weeks. We contacted the insurance company and are waiting for the adjusters to come out to assess the damages so we can get the repairs made. We can only fix to prevent further damage, we cannot go ahead and make any other repairs.

We were fortunate that Dolly was only a category 2. Ron is already making plans to build some plywood window covers. We had bids from two hurricane shutters folks to the tune of $17,000 for the Arroyo City house and $10,000 for each of the townhouses. I don't think so. Measure that cost against the cost of plywood, and I think the plywood wins. However, we are seriously considering having a steel roof placed on the Arroyo City house. We are getting some estimates.

Tonight is poker night, so I'm off. Have a great evening.

[Granddaughter of Petar Segulja and Johana Mudrovcic
Great Granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic]

Terrance Joseph Merzlock and his partner almost take the Idaho tennis championship

Men’s 4.0 final—Phil Ellis of Jerome made it three straight Men’s 4.0 doubles championships, teaming with Dean Rutherford of Hailey for the second year and taking a 6-4, 6-2 victory over Vince Falco of Ketchum and T.J. Merzlock of Pocatello.Silvijo Jezic hits the European sports' pages: Click HERE for details.

The Olympics are upon us, our eyes are glued to the tube, be it a television 'tube' or a computer screen. Once again, there is talk of a 'Dream Team,' a phrase tied to an American game, nonetheless mastered by Novljani. Peter Segulja excelled at the University of Arizona, and Bill Kriskovich's on court exploits were surpassed by his coaching, leaving marks on Championship teams from California to the University of North Carolina. But, while we have established that Cro players can play an American game on American teams, can we be surprised if they play on Croatian teams as well? or German teams? Do you remember the German Dream Teams of the 1989 Olympics? or the Croatian Dream team of the 2007 Olympics? Of course not, those were not Olympic years, but, if we are allowed to dream what would the match-up of that German team and that Croatian team mean for this web page?

It seems that a member of the German Team was none other than (my) 3rd cousin Sergej Jezic, while the Croatian Team was joined by (my) 3rd cousin twice removed cousin Robert Francem. Where would the world be without Croats?

How they are related to each other and how they are related to the US Seguljas (using me as a reference point):

Robert Francem 1980 m.
3rd cousin twice removedSergej Jezic

Carolyn Segulja (ranch between Silver City and Cliff,NM) will be dispersing her longhorns.
She has severalpairs, some registered, some not.
Also will beselling a Moeller bull.
Her phone # is 575 538 3187,
What is not sold at the ranch willmost likely go to Deming Sale Barn.
Please get theword out to any interested buyers.
Thanks and bestregards to all.

Novljani Cedomir Segulja checks in from Toronto:

Hi Mike,

Sorry about the late response; I didn't notice this mail right away.
Thanks for useful information, they might come in handy.
Concerning the pictures, I don't really have representative family photos here, but I'm soon going to Croatia for 2 weeks (August 15th) so I promise to send some photos then and write more about me and my family.
I've checked the gossip page, it's awesome, keep up the good work :) !

Cedo (Coming soon the website of Cedomir Segulja, M.A. Sc. Candidate.)

In the last two weeks, I (your webmaster) have made contact with two third cousin--1st cousins to each other--and lost to each other separated by decades of time, an ocean, and all sorts of personal and political drama. Each of them--Tamara Jezic Rao, of Maryland and other parts East, and Boris Jezic of Stuttgart, Germany were grateful to me for my role in facilitating their reunion; I, in turn, am grateful to them for turning one chapter of our page from being nearly blank to being nearly fully populated.

Tamara and Boris's great grandfather, Adalbert Jezic, was brother to Franko of the American Merzlocks, as well as brother to Marija, the matriarch of the Novi, Arizona, and Texas Seguljas. Depending on your age, check out your 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc Jezic cousins, descended from Adalbert

Kiwi 2nd cousin Drina Dobrec's grandson, her son Ivan and Rachel's son, Sam, makes news in Auckland, New Zealand, as he participates in a school project aimed at perpetuating New Zealand's biodiversity. Drina's husband/Sam's grandfather, Goris Dobrec is 2nd cousin to the Auckland Maricic's, who in turn are 2nd cousins to the USA and Novi Seguljas. Young Sam's great grandparents were Matt Mudrovcic and Elza Mrzljak, while his great, great grandparents were Visko Mudrovcic and Maria Zoricic. Visco was the brother of Marija and Ivanja Mudrovcic who became the matriarchs of the Texas and Arizona Seguljas.
Something in the soil

Sunderland Primary School pupils have been quietly cultivating giants. Kylie Munro explains. Seedlings rescued from a West Auckland roadside have inspired Sunderland Primary School pupils to give back to the environment. Pupils in the Year 5 class have grown eight kahikatea trees as part of their science class on forests, estuaries and rocky shores. The kahikatea grows to more than 45m and is New Zealand's tallest forest tree. Pupil Jonathan Bolter, 9, says he discovered the seedlings near a mother tree on the side of a road and had to save them. ``The road was about to have some works done on it and they would have been flattened,' he says. ``We've propagated them so we can grow them into bigger trees which put more oxygen into the atmosphere and help to save the planet.' Teacher Tilly Surbramoney says the students will care for the seedlings before donating them back to New Zealand forests. ``The focus is to give something back to the environment, since we get so much out of it such as shade and oxygen,' she says.


Perhaps we should open a famous crime footnote section in our family page. We are all painfully aware of Jim and Nina Radetic's family's possible interaction with the Zodiac killer, but now, while leafing out branches of the Jezic tree (in the right places), we learn that Andrew Jezic--son of Dragan Jezic, grandson of Vladimir Jezic, and great grandson of Adalbert Jezic, brother in law of Roko Ivan Segulja (this makes him 3rd cousin to US and Novi Seguljas, as well as to the US Jezics and Merzlocks (Mrzljaks)--had some high profile notoriety.

Andrew, an attorney, was involved in the Beltway Sniper case, being a legal analyst for the media during the trial of the minor accomplice of John Muhammad, (Malvo). Andrew's observations were often quoted during the courtroom confrontation, wherein the spell the older man held over the younger was broken, providing testimony that put the frosting on Muhammad's already baked cake. Andrew is quoted as saying 'Observers say Malvo's testimony and willingness to face his former mentor will show how far removed he is from Muhammad's iron fist.' At left, view the murderers in this case, front row, from left to right, Malvo and Muhammad.

'I think it will be powerful in the sense that it is a dramatic confrontation,' said defense lawyer Andrew Jezic, a former prosecutor and co-author of a Maryland manual on confessions.'Click Here for the full story.


Novi Vinodolski Engineering student, Cedomir Segulja, studying in Toronto, takes a break from his studies to place in the top 25% of the field in a Triathlon contest held at Guelph Lake, not far from his Toronto abode.

Cedo is the son of (my) 2nd cousin Dubravko Segulja and Milojka Butorac, grandson of Danijel Segulja and Marija (Mica) Mrzljak, great grandson of Josip Segulja and Ursula Sokolic, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic. Grandmother Mica's tree looks like this:

Mica's tree
Nikola Mrzljak b. 10 Sept 1873Marija PotocnjakIvan Toljan 1868-1937Rozalia Radetic 28 August 1870-1927
Franko Mrzljak 22 Nov 1897-1 Sep 1980Matijka Toljan 22 October 1900-May 1946
Marija Mrzljak (Segulja
Guelph Lake I Sprint Tri21Jun08 129 Cedomir Segulja(TORONTO) 1:20:54

We get a note from Boris Jezic, in Germany--third cousin to all US and Novi Seguljas, as well as all US Jezics, Merzlocks and Woods (in my generation). Boris's great grandfather, Adalbert, was brother to Franko Jezic, whose daughter Lucija (married to a Mrzljak) came to be the 1st mom of the US Merzlocks, while son Slavko, headed the Jezic family closest to the US Seguljas.. And, Adalbert's sister, Marija Jezic, went on to marry Roko Ivan Segulja, matriarch of the (Arizona and Texas) US and Novi Seguljas.

Dear Michael, thanks for your mail concerning the clan and congratulations to the - I guess - long fin tuna.

My father is Vladimir Jezic *19.05.1932 - brother of Dragan Jezic named on your site. Their mother/my grandma was Olga Jezic ba Staudt. I was born on *28.08.1970, got wife and two kids and an studio for design and art located in stuttgart/south germany.

Last year I visited Novi etc. to get known this part of my family. We met Radojka and Milka and had a nice time fishing in our forefathers bay. That time, I met your url searching for background information. Thanks for your engagement - You already did help me.

Please keep me informed about news, I'll try to get you an package of pics and informations. [Click Here for more information on Boris's family--coming soon!]


Boris Jezic

The Texas Seguljas, in the person of Mary Kathryn (Segulja) Nader, check in with photos of her newborn, Lydia. Mary Kathryn is Joe Segulja's daughter, Tom and Ann Segulja's granddaughter, Vence Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic Segulja's great granddaughter, and Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezics great great granddaughter. Click the 'Lydia pictures' below for larger image.

Grandma Ann Bako Segulja and new great granddaughter, Lydia Nader

New grandparents, Cathy and Joe Segulja with new granddaughter, Lydia

Joseph and Mary Kathryn with Lydia at her baptism. She's now almost 3 months old--born on March 31, 2008.

Gary Sebalja, Boris Sebalja, and Lynnette Sebalja, meeting with Zagreb contributor (cousin) Patrizia Socolich
We met the Sebaljas in a bar in Trsat Castle in Rijeka.
If you wonder where my brother (Dino Socolich) was - the answer is : from the other side of the camera!

Those of you wondering how my mom, Margaret Segulja Pottorff, is doing, take note--yesterday, she and her bridge partner, Dawna, captured first place in a 3 month long bridge marathon. A few weeks ago she and another partner captured 4th, just a few points out of first, which was a major feat, being hospitalized 4 times during that tournament. During this contest, she was only hospitalized once! . . .celebrating her 84th birthday in ICU. I called the next night to see if she was still basking in the glory of her victory, but she was busy and would have to call me back; she was conducting bridge lessons for 5 wannabe players!

At right, view Nina Radetich, related to Kriskovics, Seguljas, Sebaljas, Potocnjaks, Dobrics, Maricics--the typical family wreath--she is related to me (Mike) 10 different ways and to Boris Sebalja 12 different ways, so how many names have we left out? All of the US and Novi Vinodolski Seguljas have a great great grandmother Radetic!

Nina is one of the most popular media celebrities in Las Vegas--Click Here to check out her bio, posted by a grateful admirer at her old station!

It was my hope that I could get her to do a private newscast for our page, but 'she belongs to the station,' and that would not be her call. But, I have linked to an interview she did that was designed for public consumption (hope it stays live for a while.)

Click on her picture to view her at her new television home channel.

Yes, there are bears in Africa! Little Bert, above, was handcrafted by 2nd cousin Karmen Miletic Antic, daughter of Filipina Maricic Miletic, granddaughter of Genoveva Segulja Maricic, and great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja.

Little Bert currently appears on the African Bear Company's website.

A contributor to our family page
Shop here!
Paula Klema (daughter of Annie Hansen, granddaughter of Pete Segulja, and Great Granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja writes:

The girl I shop from (Melissa) made Baba's love song CD for me with both song versions on it and sent it to me at no cost. I think she is so sweet. If any of our family would like to shop her store they can go shop online at They take special orders on many items. I have shopped there for a few years and always received wonderful items. After all...all Croatian's are cousins!!!!?

Sinoc Si Meni Rekla

After attempting a few times I figured out how to make this an MP3 file and send it.I hope it comes out well for you.

Love P

Ok, family members--especially the Arizona Seguljas, get out your hanky and click on the picture above, and pretend Baba Johana Mudrovcic Segulja is singing along!

p.s. thanks to Patrizia Socolich Skunza for finding the correct lyrics!

Patrizia Socolich, 6th cousin to US & Novi Seguljas, 6th and 7th to Argentine Sokolics, 7th to New Zealand Sebaljas, & 5th to Novi Sokolics
webpage contributor, and current Zagreb resident
embracing the pride of Istria
Il Principe
The Prince
aka her brother Dino, May 2008
Where is Robert Francem? When checking the roster of Djakovo's basketball team in the Eurobasket league, we see, at the bottom, that he has left the team.

note: Robert is the son of Biserka Nekic and Anton 'Toto' Francem, renowned Croatian soccer player; his grandmother (egads) is my second cousin Zeljka Miletic; his great grandmother is Filipina Maricic; his great great grandmother is Genoveva Segulja, and his great, great, great grandfather is Roko Ivan Segulja

We soon learn that Robert has taken on a bigger position--that of scholar, husband and (soon to be) father! Hear it first hand!

Dear Mike,

I'm very glad that you are still gathering updates for family tree and I'm so sorry for my small contribution. From time to time I'll try to send you new information. My only problem is of technical nature. For my internet connection is still dial-up and I'm not sure when I will get dsl or another faster connection. I promise you that I'll give my best to inform you about all I know.

I don't have any of the email addresses that you've asked but I'm not sure that they have them at all. This basketball season I'm not playing because I've been working on my diploma. On 25th April, 2008. I have married Filipa and we will have a baby at the end of September this year. This is quite brief and concise but next time it will be better.
My best wishes!


Arrived: Kruljac Kresimir, (Osijek 2006), Vargic Vjekoslav, Barisic Tomislav, Dumancic
Left: Omazic Mario, Milanovic Mihovil, Francem Robert, Omazic Zvonimir

Height: 195cm / 6'5'
Position: Forward
Born: 1980
Team: Djakovo Ml-B. (Croatia) (2005-07)
Nationality: Croatian

Center820208Junior Team
Petrovic, Marijan 188 6'2'Forward800208Junior Team
Kruljak, Kresimer 198 6'6'Forward870708Osijek 2006
Bucevic, Tomislav 187 6'2'Guard910608Junior Team
Mesarek, Ivan 186 6'1'Guard910608Junior Team
Tomic, Nebosja 195 6'5'Guard/
780408Osijek SK
Ceskic, Miron185 6'1'Guard890508Junior Team
Ksan, Vedran 200 6'7'Center860208Junior Team
Ceskic, Mate 196 6'5'Forward92FromToJunior Team
Vargic, Vjekoslav 185 6'1'Guard910608Junior Team
Barisic, Tomislav 198 6'6'Center910708Junior Team
Dumancic CM (inch)
0708Junior Team

Another Mrzljak family checks in:

Richard Dean Merzlock brother of John Merzlock from Pocatello Id.

I live in Hermiston Or. and work for Union Pacific Rail Road as the manager of the Pacific North West Refrigeration Division.

I have three children Hadley Merzlock 24, Sophia Merzlock Price 21, and Allegra Merzlock 19 she will be getting married July 12 2008 in Pocatello Id.

By looking at the web site we all must enjoy hunting and fishing. I also do a lot of hunting but spend most of my time Rodeoing I rope at a lot of events and train horses in my spare time. Here are a few picture's of me starting a 2 year old colt. (go to Merzlock Page for more).

Richard, demonstrating control of his mount

Who was Visko Mudrovcic visiting in Wardner, Idaho in 1902? His third cousin, Nicolas Piskulic! So much for unsolvable mysteries, proclaimed earlier this week--see Visko story below. How do we know? Easy, Visko said so in his immigration documents. But, we have no record of Nicolas, so how did we establish this relationship?

We get a valuable clue from another immigration document which says, 'says Franko Piskulic age 17 going to brother Nikola in Wardner.'

enter Lynette's magic catacombs of knowledge. . . 'now I have found in my file a Franjo b 9 Sep 1884 with a brother Nikola born 1870 who supposedly died in North America 12 Apr 1916. . .where I got this death info I have no idea! They were 3rd cousins to your Visco.'

John Merzlock, an Idaho resident, discovers, yet another Novljani, Radislav Sokolic, whose destination was also Wardner, Idaho, and who claimed he had relatives living there.

But then the Piskulic trail goes cold. I discover a Pickolick family in the 1930 census. Lynette already knew of their existense, but armed with this new information, she gave them another look and, lo and behold, the family wreath raised its familiar head.

I already have the Pickolicks & as I look through, it gets more interesting: [NZ] Boris's grandfather Albin Kriskovic (Boris mths fth California Bill Kriskovich's father's father) had a brother Bozidar had Anna Kriskovich b 1 Aug 1908 Butte Montana d Missoula mar Frank Pickolich b 6 Feb 1905 probably America d Missoula his parents were Nikola Piskulich who I estimated born abt 1870 & Margarita Kriskovich & the Nikola Piskulich I sent you earlier was born 7 Dec 1870 maybe same person ???? I wonder if Krsto will be able to help me here. Will add to my book of queries. Also just went into Rootsweb notice Andrew b 1903 the Nikola b 1870 I sent you earlier his father was Andrija

m. Katarina
sis-sisAnna 1780Dorotia
Kukalj 1778
Mudrovcic 1821
1stIvan Piskulic 1811Anna
Mrzljak 1811
2nd Anna 1844
m. ____ Sokolic
sis-broAndreas 1841Jacob
Kriskovich 1846
Sokolic 1874
Nicolas 1870
bro-broAlbin KriskovichVisco
Mudrovcic 1887
Matthew 1914
Kati 1918
Dragomir 1920
Mica 1932
4thAndrew 1903
Pickolich 1905
Kriskovich 1908
1st cousMica Sebalja
Chris & Stephanie
Anton Kriskovich
Segulja 1921

1st cous
Matthew 1914
Kati 1918
Dragomir 1920
Mica 1932
Mary, Helen,
& Drina
Ivica, Margita,
& Marija
Milica & Vinko
5th<------?------>2nd cous Bill Kriskovich2nd cousMary, Helen,
& Drina
Ivica, Margita,
& Marija
Milica & Vinko
*Note: there were two Radislav Sokolics in Novi in 1874 and one in 1875, so any of these guys could
have been the one that landed in 1902 at age28. But, only one of them is the son of a Piskulic whose
brother's son lived in the destination town, so, I am , tentatively, saying that he's the one.

Belatedly, through Chuck Jezic's contacts, we learn of the death of two-time Olympic medalist Pusco Jezic. The Dow Chemical ad, below right, was instrumental in making the initial contacts with Pusco that led to our ability to reconstruct the Jezic Tree. Following, find Pusco's obituary.

Croatian Waterpolo legend Dr. Zdravko Jezic passed away

Umro Dr Zdravko Jezic, vrhunski hrvatski vaterpolist svih vremena
Nenad N. Bach

On June 19, after a long battle with cancer, Dr. Zdravko Jezic passed away at his home in Long Island, New York. He was one of the world's best water polo players, participating in the 1952, 1956 and 1960 Olympic Games. Friends and family called him 'Pusko.'

In Helsinki, at the age of 21, Pusko carried the Yugoslav flag at the opening ceremony. He returned with the first of two silver medals and was elected team captain. This was the beginning of a great tradition that continued long after Pusko retired from sports - his team Mladost Zagreb haswon seven European championships, the most for any water polo club.

Pusko was the first man to play in 100 international matches. During the LosAngeles Games in 1984, he was the first Yugoslav player to be inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale. His legacy was celebrated in 2002 with the President of Croatia, at a dinner celebrating 50years of Olympic success - only the Hungarians have won more medals in waterpolo.

This week Long Island will host a FINA water polo tournament and Croatia's team will play against four top nations. This is in preparation for the World Championships in Montreal and there should be a moment of silence honoring Pusko. I've decided to bring my mother and meet with the new generation of players and coaches. I suggested the USA - Croatia match this Friday.

In September the Jezic family will travel to Zagreb and celebrate the life of a great man with his closest friends. We hope that Ratko and other water polo legends will attend. As a Croatian-American fan, Pusko attended the Olympics Games in 1972, 1984, 1988 and 1996. He loved the game of water poloand his legacy was very real. This is a tremendous loss for my family and we'll need your friendship during this difficult time.


Check out Sdravko's (Pusco's) listing and team-mates in 1952 and 1956--where he won two silver medals--by clicking here.

(Mike speaking) I attended the 1984 Olympic Games, and, undoubtedly, crossed paths with Pusco. . .except, at that time, I had never heard of him, and had no idea that he would provide motivation to develop this page (obviously, as I didn't even own a computer at that time).

A surprising discovery! The first Mudrovcic related to the Novi Seguljas to set foot in America was not Marija b. 1890, the matriarch of the Texas Seguljas, nor was it Ivanja/Ivana/Johana b. 1895, matriarch of the Arizona Seguljas, but their brother, Visko Mudrovcic b. 1887. Visco arrived April 19, 1902, at age 15, to visit cousin Nikola Piskulich in the mining town of Wardner, Idaho.

Margaret Segulja Pottorff remembers that her mother, and, her Aunt (Texas) Mary Segulja visited 'cousins' in Idaho. shortly after Vence Segulja's death in 1950.. In 1947, Vence Segulja and his daughter Mary (later Cooper) visited Visco in Novi. Unfortunately, a first hand accounting of the Idaho visit and the Piskulic family living there are lost forever.

Visco later visited and returned from New Zealand, where his son Matthew would later emigrate to became patriarch of today's Mary (Posa), Helen (Franich), and Drina (Dobrec) clans. Visco's other children would include Dragomir, whom we recently confirmed was among the thousands murdered by the Nazis at Jasenovac , and his daughters, Kati--matriarch of our Butkovich clan and Mica, matriarch of our (closest) Sokolic clan

La Touraine--Visko's Ride

Built by Chantiers de Penhoet, St. Nazaire, France, 1891. 9,047 gross tons; 520 (bp) feet long; 56 feet wide. Steam triple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 19 knots. 1,090 passengers (392 first class, 98 second class, 600 third class).Two funnels and three masts, in 1902 masts reduced to two..

Built for French Line, French flag, in 1891 and named La Touraine. Le Havre-New York service. Used as a floating hotel at Gothenburg, Sweden in 1923. Renamed Maritime in 1923. Scrapped in France in 1923.

Mary Segulja Cooper, meeting her uncle Visko
Mudrovcic during her 1947 visit to her Novi Vinodolski roots

Milan Jezic, (the webmaster's 2nd cousin, once removed) of Belgium, promises to respond soon to a query about a Jezic branch in Croatia, while explaining that he is currently occupied with his own Jezic branch in St. Louis.

Dear Mike,

Glad to hear you. Currently I am in St Louis USA, partially for business, but mainly with my daughter, her husband, 3 granddaughters and grandson.

I will come back to you after my return to Brussels.

My best regards


Milan Jezic von Gesseneck, President

While surfing through the internet, checking out the wine prices down under, I seized upon a name that was too familiar--that of Nicolas Aleksich--son of 2nd cousin Margaret Aleksich in Auckland. (Margaret is the daughter of Anton Maricic, who is the son of Genoveva Segulja, who was the daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja). And, I noticed that he had a Malbec blend wine for sale at an extraordinary price. I immediately shot off a note, hoping to re-establish family ties, but also to let him know of the market for such wines in the US (even in California).

Nick responds:

Hi Mike

Yes you have the right Nick. As it happens I'm in Croatia at the moment at our family house in Brist (on my father's side).

I last viewed the website briefly several years ago, there has been some changes since with our family, I'm married to a kiwi girl and we have a daughter Alana. My uncle Boris Maricich sadly passed away due to a brain tumour. Also his mother my grandmother Margaret passed away 3 years ago.We already have a national US importer but the pricing is quite different thanks to the US government legislating a 3 tier distribution system and state alcohol taxes.

Sorry to hear things haven't gone so well for you recently, the banking industry has had plenty of shockwaves lately!

If you are in NZ sometime let me know it would be great to meet up.


Note: Nick is the General Manager of Mills Reef Winery

Stumbling across a Merzlock (Mrzljak for you in Novi) name that I did not recognize in Pocatello, Idaho; I asked 3rd cousin John Merzlock, who replied:

The person in the article, Brandon Merzlock, is a nephew of mine who lives in Pocatello. There are four Merzlock brothers in the area. All of them have families and we need to update the website with their names and birth days. I had 9 children of my own. One of them is deceased. The rest of them are located in the Utah/Idaho area with one in Nevada. Brian opperates his own appraisal business in Henderson, Nevada. He has met the Radetic lady who is the news anchor at one of the television stations. He said she is very active in the community and in much demand.

If any of you are coming up this way this summer, please stop by and say hello. We can be reached at Home: 208-237-5173 Office: 208-478-1010. We would love to meet you. I appreciate your dedication and commitent to this great family organization and the effort you have made to put it together.

Brandon Merzlock, an organizer for disc
golf tournaments, watches his shot bounce out of the 'cup'
click for larger image
Thank You,
John Merzlock, Appraiser

John Merzlock Appraisals
920 Deon Drive
P.O. Box 2933
Pocatello, Idaho 83206

Phone: 208-478-1010
Fax: 208-478-1021

Having been provided cousin Giorgio Socolich's email address, by daughter Patrizia, I endeavored to contact him. But, as my Cro sucks, big time, I dictated a note to one of my salesmen who speaks Italian. Communication was made! What better than an Italian singing, Cro cousin living in Germany? An Italian singing Cro cousin with a beer bar and restaurant in Germany!---Giorgio Socolich, sharing relatives in Croatia, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina responds:

Dear cousin Mike,

I also found someone who speaks English better than I do. Having some help from one of our waitresses, I can finally answer in English. I am glad to get in contact with you and I was very pleased that you already had the chance to have a look at my website. Concerning your question whether I can send you a digital file, I have to admit that I am not so much into computers. Therefore, I am going to send you a cd of my band via regular mail. For the moment I attach 2 pictures of me and my wife, taken today in and in front of our restaurant.It would be great if you could answer to this e-mail account in the future. The other one is a bit older and the computer that belongs to it keeps acting strange : )

I am looking forward to keep in touch with you!
So long, best regards
from Giorgio

Giorgio and his wife, Karin (nee Steinhardt) behind the bar with a sign greeting me

Giorgio and Karin on the other side of the bar, enjoying their
restaurant, no doubt the venue for many Tutti-Colori concerts

In San Diego, California, one of Margaret Segulja Pottorff's bridge marathons came to an end today after several months of bidding and playing, interrupted by 3 trips to the emergency room following complications of her chemotherapy. When the dust settled among the 50 or so contestants, Margay came in fourth!! less than a thousand points--or just one good hand--behind the top finisher.

All things considered, this was a victorious performance. . .not to mention the prize money! Perhaps, she will treat herself on her forthcoming 84th birthday later this month.

A pictorial report from Rijeka, courtesy of Stefan Segulja (click on thumbnail for larger image)

Tajana and Ivica Segulja

Nina, Tajana, and Stefan Segulja

Hi!!--First of all thank you for your kind words. I am really impressed
in your interest for your relatives all around the world, I didn?t know
that we have so many relatives in America!

Here are some recent pictures of me and my family, and a little info:
My dad (Ivica) teaches at the Faculty of Maritime studies in Rijeka, my sister is finishing high school and is planning to go
to Zagreb to study architecture next year.
I'm finishing my study of mechanical engineering here in Rijeka
and of course playing with my band.

I didn?t hear of Cedo and Dragana for a long time,
but I know that Cedo is studying electrical engineering
somewhere in Canada and Dragana got a job in a hospital in Zagreb.


Ivica, Tajana, and children Stefan and Nina

Tajana, Nina, and Ivica

As Promised, Jennifer Segulja delivers some more recent photos of her Texas Segulja clan:

Michael and Jennifer Segulja, with their children l-r Michael (Alex), Ian, and Morgann
Check out Ian's 3rd birthday.

Jennifer launching a surprise party for Michael on his 35th birthday.

Just when it appeared that Aussie cousins Fiona and Christina Paskulich would be the family's last rock and rollers, along comes Stefan Segulja rocking Rijeka with his metal band, Sixth Soul. Click Here to hear lead guitarist Stefan cook on the tract, 'Balkan Wars.'

For more, go Here. For more progressive rock selections, click on their MY SPACE musical blog. Meanwhile, I (Mike) am going to lock myself in the closet with my guitar and cry!

link furnished by Stefan Segulja

Ok, family members seeking to make their Croat ethnicity the center of attention at cocktail parties, meetings of the joint chiefs, and at board meetings--LOOK NO FURTHER!!!

Cousin John Paskulich has provided us with enough information to make party goers forget about the upcoming election,

Did you know it was the Croats who stopped the Moors?. . .at the gates of Novi!!!

Did you know it was the Croats who stopped the Turks?

Did you know that it was a regiment of Croat Roman Legionaires that conquered Britain?

Did you know that some stayed after the Romans left--evidence is seen in the dragons (not British) in their heraldic symbols--sorry Sir George!

Did you know that a cognate of 'Arthur' was a Croat title--King Arthur a Croat??? Wooo Hoooo. Britain no longer needs to be embarassed by Prince Charles (mostly German)--they can claim to be founded by Croats.

Everyone used Croats--unfortunately, mostly by force. The Romans used them, the Germans used them, the Austrians used them, and Napoleon used them for his major victories. The word 'slav' proved to be the origin of slave. Not surprising, in the 13th century, Croatia was one of the first to abolish slavery.

While the modern world refers to the ruling class as 'the suits and ties,' so was it historically in the Balkans, where Croatia--aka Hrvatska exists. The Croatian soldier was identified by his necktie. 'Here come the Hrvats' was a warning of an impending fierce battle. Soon Hrvat became cravat and cravat became a word for a necktie as well as a Croatian soldier.

Many names were changed to suit the occupying armies. My (Mike speaking) sister Yvonne and my cousin Johanna are both namesakes of my grandmother Ivana, the feminine slavic form of Ivica, or the English John. So my sister was given my grandmother's birth name, Ivana, albeit with an English spelling, while my cousin Johanna, was given the feminine form of the German Johann, favored by the occupying armies of Austria-Hungary, who forced my grandmother to use it. Many people were forced to change their names by the Italians, too. Marco Pillich was forced to change his name when he went to work for an Italian spice trading company; he is remembered today by his Italian name, Marco Polo. Patrizia Socolich provides that the occupying Italian armies of Istria pressured her family to change their name to Soccolini, but they successfully resisted. Before migrating to America, another Istrian family, the Andrettichs actually made the change. Today they are best known as the Andretti racing team.

. . .and you thought Tesla was the only famous Croat?

Anyway, John has done a commendable job in putting together this brief primer on Croatian history. I urge you and all your friends to read it by clicking HERE.

Meanwhile. out in Texas, Julie Laughlin (daughter of Osceola Segulja McElroy, grand daughter of John Segulja and Francis Fawn Tippit, great grand daughter of Venceslav Segulja and Marija Mudrovcic, and great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja and Marija Jezic) has been wrangling an international estrogen herd

Above, view daughter Alyssa
great great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja

Lisa Marie recent exchange student from Germany, hosted by the Laughlins
We have another Foreign Exchange student. Her name is Tahmina Afzali and she is from Afghanistan. She will be graduating from Brock High School in May and returning home. She hopes to come back for college.

We still stay in touch with Lisa-Marie.

Other than that it’s just work and watching Alyssa grow. She’s 5’2” already at 10 years. And she’s beautiful.

Julie Laughlin
Laughlin Home Builders, Inc.

Above, view Tahmina, current exchange student from Afghanistan, Alyssa, and Claire, our pastor’s daughter.
See how Giorgio Sokolich (pictured on guitar below) and his daughter Patrizia are related to the Kiwi Sebaljas and the Argentine Sokolics (the 2nd cousins to the US Seguljas--in the webmasters generation). Patrizia is a 7th cousin to Ranko Sokolic in Argentina, as well as a double 7th cousin to Boris Sebalja, as he is related through both his Sebalja and Kriskovich lines. To tighten the wreath, Boris is also a 2nd cousin to Ranko (also his 4th cousin US kin's second cousin). And to add some intrigue, Boris is also his own 5th cousin.If you are ever wandering the streets of Germany,
but swear you are in Italy, as you hear Italian music,
perhaps you are hearing the strains of Croatian
cousin Giorgio Socolich's, (on guitar) German Italian trio, Tutti Colori!

Check out a Novi Dobric family wreath, with Australia's John Paskulich providing links at both ends (of the disassembled wreath). Note that John and I and all my Segulja-Mudrovcic relatives in America are his 4th cousins and that John, like us, is also a 2nd cousin with our Mudrovcic Sokolic line (Milica Sokolic Zoricic--Mica's Mudrovcic's daughter). What a family wreath! Not only does it connect at the ends to form a circle, but it has holes in its side! And John Paskulich is his own 7th cousin!

Gregor Mathias Dobric 1785
mar.Catharina Kabalin 1783
Bartol 1798
---->---->---->Gregor Mathias Dobric 1785mar.Catharina Kabalin 1783
Margareta Dobric 1809
m. Adalbert Piskulic 1809
3rdThomas Julius Dobric
m. Lucia Pericic 1835
Vinco Dobric 1827
m. Franciska Kriskovic 1824
bro-sisMargareta Dobric 1809
m. Adalbert Piskulic 1809
Frano Piskulic 18524thBartholomous Dobric
m. Maria Sokolic-Kazanic 1871
Margareta Dobric 1848
m.Vinko Mudrovcic 1850
1stFrano Piskulic 1852
Franjo Piskulic 18955thKatarina Dobric 1905
m. Peter Dobric 1897
sis-sisLucija Luska Jelislava Dobric
m. Vinko Mudrovcic
bro-sisIvanja Mudrovcic 1895
m. Peter Segulja
2ndFranjo Piskulic 1895
Dragutin Paskulich 19226th
Ignatia Dobric 19251stMica Mudrovcic
m. Mladen Sokolic
1stMargaret Segulja 1924
m. Nathan Pottorff 1924
3rdDragutin Paskulich 1922
mar Ignatia Dobric 1925
John Paskulich7th
John Paskulich 2ndMilica Sokolic
m. Milivoj Zoricic
2ndMichael Pottorff 19474thJohn Paskulich

And, note that Argentine Luis Sokolic, who corresponds below, en espanol, is the son of the second cousin (Ranko Sokolic) to the Novi US, Croatian, New Zealand Seguljas as well as 3rd cousin to the US Merzlocks (Brian). The US Merzlocks, in turn, are 3rd cousin to me. So, I, Michael Pottorff, provide the fastener at both ends of the wreath

Michael Pottorff
2ndRanko Sokolic3rdJohn Jr. 1944
m. Karma Burrup 1949
3rdMichael Pottorff
3rdLuis4thBrian Merzlock 1974
m. Cydney Sellers 1977

Bill Kriskovich comes home to pack his bags!

Hey Mike,

I am back from my trip to Thailand. I did not make it to Taiwan bec/ I couldn't change my flight. ( I met a flight attendant on my last trip. I fly a Taiwanese airline, EVA air and we have been emailing) I will try to go there on my next trip.

So, I got 3 job offers at international schools. Seoul, S. Korea, Libya in Tripoli, and American School of Bangkok. The Bangkok job is the one I plan to take, BUT I may not teach and instead go into a business with a friend who runs a distance learning center and he wants to expand into Asia. We'll see. Either way I will be in Thailand starting in August. I am very excited. The business would be easier to deal with everything here; mom, my summer business, real estate. The teaching job would include housing and a salary. So, I have to think about what to do. I only know for sure that I will get a 2 bedr. apartment so when my cousin/godfather comes to visit with his girlfriend they will have a place to stay!

Ok, that is all for now.


Some sad Argentine Sokolic news as Luis Agustin Sokolic confirms the death of his aunt Margarita Tonelli second cousin to your webmaster and all of my 1st and 2nd cousins in North America, my Maricic cousins in New Zealand, and my Segulja cousins in Croatia. And, to compound our loss, he reports the death of his mother, Rosa Brizuela Sokolic, wife to Margaritas brother, and so, our (my) second cousin, Ranko Sokolic.

Luis sent a Power Point program that I cannot load to the net, nor figure out how to break into, but it has beautiful photos of Argentina--if I can figure out how to post a few, I will. Well, I could not, but computer guy Wayne Sebalja could, so Click HERE to see them.

Hello Mike: Margarita murió de un cáncer en el hígado. Ella estuvo luchando durante muchos años con una leucemia y como consecuencia de la medicina que tomó, se le hicieron unos tumores en el hígado que luego se transformaron en células de cáncer.

Te cuento además, que mi mamá Rosa Eulogia Brizuela de Sokolic, esposa de Ranko Sokolic, falleció el 30 de junio de 2006, luego de estar sufriendo de Mal de Alzheimer.

Tu debes venir a conocer Argentina, es muy bonita. Además, es un país muy barato, el cambio es de u$s 1 = $ 3,17.

Tienes mucho para conocer y lugares para ir a pescar.

Saludos, Luis

We hear from a Sokolic relative, Patrizia Socolich of Zagreb:

(Patrizia Socolich Skunca, cousin to all Segulja-Mudrovcic relatives in the US, Segulja relatives in Novi, Sokolic relatives in Novi, Mica's Mudrovcic family in Novi, the Maricics in New Zealand and Australia, and, the Sokolics in Argentina).

My maiden name is Socolich, I have recently started researching my family history, and have viewed your extremely interesting web site about Segulja's family tree and Novi. I knew we should have some connections with Novi as all Sokolich origins are from that area but I didn't know anything about my ascendants as the last 4 generations lived in Pula (Istria) and Rijeka.

It is still a little bit confusing for me as I have suddenly received a lots of information, but I'll do my best to explain our family connections in the best way...

1) Mathias Sokolich who married Katarina Lucija Segulja, was brother of my ascendant Georgius (Juraj) Sokolich Stipan Vlahovic

2) Fredericus Casimirus Sokolich who married Lucia Merzljak was nephew of my grand-grand father Paulus Sokolich born in Novi on 1820 and died in Pula on 1898.

As I understand, you were the person in charge for all that great work done on your family's history, so I presume you can imagine the thrill that every new discovery brings with. I hope you will find these information interesting, and would take this opportunity to ask you for a recomendation of person or organization in Novi who would be willing to help in my further family roots research, I would really appreciate any information.

Many thanks in advance, I send you lots of greetings from Croatia,


Patrizia Skunca

See how Patrizia is related to the Sebaljas and Seguljas and the Novi Mudrovcics. Also, per note 1, above, I and all my first and second cousin Segulja relatives are 7th cousins through Sokolich.

Patrizia Socolich 1969
m.Tomislav Skunca 1965
6th Mike 1947
m/div Godzilla
Boris Sebalja 1947
m. Lynette Matulovich
8thLuca Skunca 2005
Patrizia 1969
5th Milica Sokolic 1952
m. Milivoj Zoricic 1951

French cousin Herve Jezic (Nicolas's son) cuts a deal with Microsoft:

Hervé Jezic concludes,'Microsoft's financing offers fall perfectly into the framework of our ASAPartnerNet program, and will integrate more specifically our ASAP Financing offer. We are delighted with this agreement with Microsoft Financing.'

Click Here to read the whole story.

In the summer of 1917 in the town of Bisbee, Arizona, a labor strike was crushed with management playing the ethnicity and partiotism card, resulting in the deportation of over 1,000 workers, who were unceremoniously herded by gunpoint into cattle cars and dumped in the desert of New Mexico. Among the deportees were the future US army veterans Felix Segulja, deportee #377, his brother John, another soldier to be that would spend 60 years in a VA hospital for service to his country (deportee #392), another brother Vence Segulja, deportee #107 who would become the patriarch of the Texas Seguljas, and deportee #268, Peter Segulja who would be the patriarch of the Arizona Seguljas. Click here for a reasonable facsimile of the version related to me.

Click Here for a complete list of deportees.

News from (Texas) Joe Segulja's branch, courtesy of Jennifer:

I most certainly do have news…and there is a photo that was taken just a few weeks ago when we were all in Ft. Worth…I’ll have to see if I can get a copy from Kristen (Joe’s daughter).

Meanwhile, the newest news is that Mary Kathryn (Joe’s daughter) and Joseph Nader had a baby on March 31, 2008 at 3:39AM. [Welcome Lydia Kathryn Nader!]

I’ll have to email to tell Mary Kathryn to send some photos for you to add to the site. I’ve actually cc’d her on this so you’ll have her email address as well. And, MK, find out who has the pic that we all took with Gma at your parent’s house and forward it on to Mike too please J You know, in your spare time!

Meanwhile, I’ll take a peak at the page on the site when I have a second to see what I can do to fill in some of the blanks. Unfortunately, the fam on this side of the country has never been very good about keeping in-touch, which is very sad. But hopefully I can do something about that J

Talk to you later!


Roy and Willa Dobric provide us with photos of a casual Alaskan outdoor adventure experienced by son Jon
and Mary (sample above) In Alaska! But definitely not Anchorage. This was in Kaktovik you gotta see these-

We just wanted to see the NEXT picture!

A vignette, stolen from Jennifer Segulja's blog April 2, 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Growing Pains

Morgann's curiosity has been peaked! It seems that she is becoming more & more curious about babies, and specifically, the female body and how exactly it works. I guess after watching one of my friends breastfeed her infant, then having a next door neighbor being whisked off to the hospital due to pre-term labor (by me), it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. I've been bombarded with many questions, some easily answered, others not so much! But, I seem to be navigating the waters of the female body well enough to suit a 5 year old. Thankfully the questions have been more about the 'whys' than the 'hows' of the female anatomy, but I figure that it will only be a matter of time before the 'hows' begin.

Meanwhile, during one of our recent discussions, Morgann was quick to inform me that she has made a decision regarding her future. She said that, first, she wants to be a mommy. She said that she plans to have a baby in her tummy until it is finished growing, then she will feed it 'booby milk' until it has teeth and can chew it's own food. All I could do was smile and nod since she was as serious as she could be. Once she has conquered that first hurtle, she has decided that she will indeed become an astronaut. And she was quick to inform me that it must happen in that order.

So, while I work on navigating the sometimes treacherous waters of human anatomy and physiology, Morgann will be working on her quest to conquer the great unknown :) It's a good thing that she enjoys adventure because both of her plans will require a brave soul!

Posted by Jennifer at 2:45 PM

Jennifer forgives the thieving webmaster!

Hi Mike!

Thanks for visiting my website – I try to post there often enough to keep everyone informed on the goings-on here in Houston; sometimes are more frequent than others. With 3 kiddos, there are very rarely any dull moments. As for stealing my blog, feel free to do so at any time! Just a note to let you know that I have since changed the title and added a recent picture of my sweet little girl, in case you wanted to update the page accordingly. And, several postings ago, Michael had a funny conversation with Morgann if you wanted to steal that one too (or instead of) – it’s more typical of Morgann’s personality – she’s a goof-ball!

Anyway, hope things are going well for you. Stay in touch & visit often J


Still piecing together Jim Radetich’s line, Jim shares”


No, all Aunts and Uncles are deceased now.

We have two girls.

The oldest is Janine. She is actually my brother's daughter. I think I mentioned that my brother is deceased. He was a in San Francisco and was shot and killed on June 19, 1970 [webmaster's note who remembers this story from 3 decades ago, and wondered if we were related] by someone claiming to be the infamous Zodiac Killer, or a copycat. About four years later, his widow (Nancy) died from breast cancer and that left Janine (then 5 years old) as an orphan. We took her in and raised her as our daughter.

Our youngest daughter, Nina, lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. She works there as a Television News Anchor. She is unmarried.

Michael Pottorff states that we are 5th cousins. Where is that connection; do you know?

Jim Radetich

[of course she knows]

Tony Kriskovich
m. Mary Segulja
bro-sisMarija 19115thJim Radetich 1939 5thMarge Segulja 1924sis-sisMary Segulja
m. Tony Kriskovich
Bill Kriskovich1stBoris Sebalja 19476thNina Radetich6th Michael Pottorff 1947 1stBill Kriskovich
as you can see you are actually 5th to my husband Boris's mother & Mike's mother so actually 5th once removed to Boris & Mike

To complicate it more Boris & you are related at least 12 times & Mike & you at least 10 timesalso Mike’s mother’s sister (Mary) married Boris’s mother’s brother (Anton/Tony)have I confused you now????

Once again, the family tree takes on 'family wreath' characteristics.

John Paskulich gives a shout from down under:

Hi Mike

I have dropped off the radar for a while. This is my new email. How are things going over there.The subprime mortgage market in the States has reflected around the world. Bank stocks in Australia have suffered a bit as well.

The Sebaljas from NZ plan to go to Europe again this year and hope to drop by west Aus on the way home in Sept

Hope all is well

John Paskulich Perth West Australia

For family members intrigued by the disparate branches of our family 'wreath,' check out the following, which mates on the left side to the Mazuranic chart below, on the right side'

Further, you can assemble your own wreath by gathering a bunch of tightly intermingled family tree branches like those below, bend it in a circle and assemble at the Drina Mudrovcic m. Goris Dobrec on the left and the Goris Dobrec m. Drina Mudrovcic on the right!

Drina Mudrovcic 1945
m. Goris Dobrec

+ Sokolich +Mary 1940
Helen 1942

2nd cous----->Michael Pottorff 1947
and Arizona cousins
Robert Segulja 1948
and Texas cousins
dbl 5th cous through
2nd cousins through Segulja
Boris 1944
Ivan 1941
Margaret 1943
Erena 1952
2nd cousGoris Dobrec
m. Drina Mudrovcic 1945

Lynette does her magic, piecing together web surfer Jim Radetich's line

Michael, Wow, this is amazing!

To answer Lynette's questions:

My Aunt Katherine (middle name of Rose) married an Edward Patrick (from what I know, the name was changed from Petric). I guess Patrick sounded more 'American.

My uncles and aunt all had children:

Uncle Ben; sons, Ronald and Bruce, living in Fremont and Redwood City, respectively.
Uncle Frank; a daughter, Carol, living in Modesto, CA
Uncle Tony; a son, Lawrence, living in Millbrae, CA
Aunt Kate; two sons, Edward (now deceased) and Russell, living in Reno, NV.

As for my parents besides me: I had a younger brother, Richard Phillip (now deceased) and a younger sister, Jo-Ellen (unmarried), living in San Francisco.

The dates provided by Lynette are all correct. And, my mother was a Helen (French descent).

My grandfather's mother's name was Kate Potocnjak.

Jim RadetichProud mother-in-law Suzie reports on son-in-law Bill's success in bagging a bruin. so why was it bigger than mine. . . ???

Hi Mike,

Here is a picture (to the left) of Amber's husband, Bill VanderPol, the 5th,

(Amber is the daughter of Bryan and Suzie Tippit. grand daughter of Ann
Segulja, great grand daughter of Vence Segulja, and the great great
grand daughter of Novi Vinodolski mayor Roko Ivan Segulja c. 1904-1912)

Bill poses proudly with his Idaho Black Bear taken in September of 2005.
It was just shy of being a record take with the skull around 22 in. The hide
now hangs beautifully on their wall at home. He has since been bear hunting
but nothing like this once in a lifetime 'Bucket Head'.
For Enquiring minds, the weapon was a shotgun slug. He said it was a Barnes-X
12 ga. It was his 1st one also, a hard act to follow!!
Thought you would enjoy it.


Ivan Mazuranic. . .not the Ban, that's on the money, but a direct descendent of the Counts Mazuranic with his own heraldic crest
on the wall behind him In primogeniture male comital lineage the incumbent is 7th grandson to Count Danko Ivanov Mazuranic-Jankovic (1682-1745).
Lineage: Noble Ivan B. Mazuranic-Jankovic of the Counts Mazuranic, Patrician of Spalato, Knight Commander with Star Royal Brotherhood
of the Royal Order of Saint Michael of the Wing, b. 3 March 1951

The Mazuranic Family Crest

Direct Mazuranic descendents of the Count

Ivan's crest showing the Mazuranic family
nobility and elements of his mother's crest

Ivan Mazuranic, a fellow genealogist:, and family member, and direct descendent of the Counts Mazuranic, brings some class to our page!

Dear Michael,

Thanks for both your messages of earlier today.
Yes, I know Djurdjica K. and Krsto Z. very well and I meet them often since I spend half time in Novi.
I will surely have to contact Lynette with some specific questions. She provided some names and dates for Krsto Z. and I would need to double check on that with her.

I do not know much about Al Jankovic but I do not think he is related to Mazuranic. Jankovic is very, very common family name in all of Balkans, in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, etc.It comes from given name 'Janko'. The son of 'Janko' would be called 'Jankov' and his son would be 'Jankovic' = 'little Jankov'.
So much about that.

When are you visiting Novi next time? Any plans? Perhaps year 2010 to celebrate 650 years of Mazuranic clan? (Year 1360 name Mazuranic was first time recorded in Split, Dalmatia).

Best regards

Ivan M.

So how am I and my 1st and 2nd cousins in America related to the Knight Commander? Good news 27 ways! Bad news--the closest is 5th cousin through Dobric. Lynette Sebalja reports: ( His Anna Mazuranic 1843 & your Margarita Dobric 1848 were 2nd cousins on the Kabalin line) My Second cousins in Croatia, Ivica and Dubravko sneak in as indirect noble 4th cousins by virtue of their mother's Mrzljak line (female ancestor), and all my other cousins in the 26 other ways beyond the 5th cousin level, or, through a link not in my tree, or perhaps, not at all, which seems highly unlikely as most Novi family trees resemble a wreath. As you can see, the American Seguljas are sitting in the non-noble coach seats.

m. Mate Mazuranic 1817
brother of the Ban
Dobric 1827
m. Franciska Kriskovich 1824
indirect nobility
Mazuranic 1837
direct nobility
Mazuranic 1843
at least we are related
2ndMargaret Dobric 1848
Johann (Ivan)
Toljan 1868
1stMilutin 18713rdIvana Mudrovcic
Toljan 1900
2nd Bosko 19184thMargay Segulja
Mica Mrzljak
Knight Commander
Ivan 1951
Dubravko Segulja

The Croatian donkey aka 'magarac'
(Mike the webmaster speaking) Growing up in America, it was not unusual to hear your older Croatian relatives refer to you as a 'magarac,' in deference to one's size, strength, or physique. This compliment was widely accepted until one learned that a 'magarac' was a common donkey--the kind your baba used to lead to the town square to get water or to the fields to haul produce. Still the ethic of hard work outshone the stigma of being a beast of burden. Similarly, living in Southern California, I am well familiar with the latin epithet-turned compliment of 'working like a burro.'

With such a national work ethic running through our Croation veins, it is not surprising to learn of the existense of legendary Croatian-American steelworker Joe Magarac and another reference to Joe Magarac is provided by a Hanna Barbera cartoonist with a surname familiar to our family Marija Miletic

Joe Magarac, the legendary folk hero of the Pennsylvania steel industry, first appeared in
print in a 1931 Scribner's Magazine article by Owen Francis.

It is unclear whether his story was born in Pittsburgh area steel mills or local newspapers,
but by the 1930s Joe Magarac was the folkloric hero of Pennsylvania steelworkers. Working
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Magarac, which means 'donkey' in Croatian, could squeeze
out railroad rails from between his fingers and appear out of nowhere to protect steel workers
from molten steel and other dangers. One tale says that Magarac, who was made of solid steel,
melted himself in a Bessemer furnace for material to build a new mill. Another suggests that
today he waits in an abandoned mill, waiting for the day when the furnaces burn again.

Milan provides us with the Jezic Coat of Arms (to go with the Bishop's)
Obiteljski grb obitelji Ježic iz 1791. s pridjevkom 'Jessich von Gesseneck

Suzy Devcic is the bearer of sad news:

....Peter Miletic died on Sunday (03/09/08), we went to his funeral today in Karlovac. He was 71 years old, he died of liver cancer.

Suzy International news figure/cousin, Milan Jezic, checks out his cousins:

Dear Mike,

Thanks a lot for contact. Yes, we are relatives. Your great-grand mother Maria Jezic was sister of my grand father Adalbert Jezic from Novi Vinodol, Zrnovnica. I am sending you herewith information about Jezic’s.

Keep in touch

Best regards

Milan Jezic von Gesseneck

Cd.DM, MBA, Bach. Mech.Eng.Sc.
Managing Director, Europe, VGGroup
President, Chamber of Commerce Belgium-Luxembourg South-East Europe
2 Rue Potagère, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, Tel.: + 32.2.2230724, Mob.: + 32.478.445890

Sad news: (Mike's second cousin and Segulja page contributor Andres Tonelli's mother) Margarita Sokolich Tonelli has passed away in Argentina. The Tucuman de Estero Gazette reports:

Margarita Sokolich de (q.e.p.d.) Su esposo Edgar, sus hijos Gabriela y
Antonio, Alejandra y Dante, María y Juán, Andrés, sus nietos Gaby,
Virgi, Anto y Joaquin, Nacho y Tomy, y Mateo participan con dolor su
Sus restos fueron inmumados en el Parque de la Paz, Santiago del

(trans. Yvonne Peck)--TONELLI Margarita Sokolich of (q.e.p.d.) her husband Edgar, their children Gabriela and Antonio, Alejandra and Dante, Maria and Juán, Andrés, their grandchildren Gaby, Virgi, Anto and Joaquin, Nacho and Tomy, and Mateo were sorrowfully in attendance at her funeral.Her remains were interred in Peace Park, Santiago del Estero.

Silvija alerts us to a little bit of fame in the Jezic family

Do you know something about Milan Jezic von Gesseneck? He lives in Bruxelles, Belgium and he is a chairman of economic chamber of the E.U. for SE Europe.


The Segulja page and, er, its webmaster have hit the big time, in a San Diego Union Special. Check it out by clicking here.

Ok, everyone with a drop of Jezic in them, newfound cousin Silvija has responded

Dear Mike!
Sorry for not responding for so long. I had some problems with sending pictures. I´m sending you a picture of me, my brother Silvijo and my son Mislav.



Silvija, brother Silvijo, and son Mislav
click for larger image

When asking a kiwi cousin what she is doing this weekend, Lynette might reply:

just went up to my sisters place the Dalmatian picnic was up there yesterday so it was nice to catch up with the Whangarei crowd where I used to live 30 years ago. Every year we dont seem to get there but somehow this year we made it.
Yvonne Peck takes a painted sheep in Texas (left)
cellphone image; the critter mounted (right)

Having credits as a contributor on the Jezic page, Chuck Jezic was the target of a request for help in reconnecting the dots of her Jezic genealogy by Silvija Ježic-Kneževic who was hoping he might have a clue as to her pedigree and her relatives. Chuck forwarded the query to me. I immediately mustered all of my genealogical expertise, and, in about three minutes, I referred the matter to 'cousin' Lynette Matulovich Sebalja in New Zealand. In about 45 seconds, Lynette was able to connect the dots and solve Silvija's 300 year old mystery. Welcome to the family Silvija! We are your relatives! You found us!

Dear Mr. Chuck!
My name is Silvija Ježic-Kneževic. I live in Croatia in a small town on the east of the country, 50 km from Osijek.I was trying to find my roots and accidentely found the Ježic tree you reconstructed on great great grandfather was Ivan Ježic from Novi, born in 1844. married Marija Potocnjak in 1869. and had 9 children. One of the them, my great grandfather,Milan, travelled around world (he lived in States for some time) and then moved to village near Valpovo-Kitišanci. He was married to Marija Zoricic, also from Novi where my grandfather Roko was born in 1908. They had 8 children, but only my grandfather and his sister Lina had children.My grandfather had my father Milan born in 1949 and his sister Lina had Ivan and Joško Pavlic.Joško died several years ago and Ivan lives in Zagreb.Sorry, my writing is maybe a little bit boring, but I`m trying to tell you everething I know and to find out what you know about our relatives.

I teach piano in music school. I´m married to Ivan Kneževic. We have one son Mislav. He is 3 years old.I have a brother Silvijo. He had a wedding 2 months ago and expecting a baby. I was born in 1974 and my brother in 1978.I´m looking forward to your answer and new information from you. I´ll send you pictures some other time.

Many, many greetings from Croatia


Stanko Jezic & Dorotia Lilan (our common Jezic ancestors)

Jezic von
M's kidsSebalja
Merzlock Jr.
New Zealand
United States
South Africa
United States
United States

Elden Whisman sends a scorcher down the middle
Segulja Jock
c. 2008

Elden gets ready to make a move

Croatia comes to California! Above, view 4 generations of descendents of Roko Ivan Segulja's family. From left to right, view 3rd generation Suzy Devcic Fish--daughter of Maruska Miletic Devcic, grand daughter of Filipina Maricic Miletic, great grand daughter of Genevieve Segulja Maricic, and great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja. Next is Generation 2 Michael Pottorff, son of Margaret Segulja Pottorff, grandson of Petar Segulja, and great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja; next is generation 1 Margaret Segulja Pottorff, daughter of Peter Segulja, and grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja; next is 2nd generation Yvonne Pottorff Peck (same as Michael); next is 4th generation Emma Fish, daughter of Suzy Devcic Fish, grand daughter of Maruska Miletic Devcic, great grand daughter of Filipina Maricic Miletic, and great great grand daughter of Genevieve Segulja Maricic, and great great great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja; and to her right is 3rd generation Aaron Peck, son of Yvonne Pottorff Peck, grandson of Margaret Segulja Pottorff, great grandson of Petar Segulja, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja.

Suzy, boyfriend Bruno, and Emma stayed at cousin Mike's house and at his timeshares in Las Vegas, Disneyland, and Oceanside. Time was reserved in Rosarito Beach, but the winter crime wave that has taken over Northern Mexico disuaded them from venturing South, much to the relief of their American cousins. In addition to Las Vegas. the Croatians visited, Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, the Mount Palomar Telescope, and scores of shopping venues.

Real American steaks, pancakes, and such noveau American cuisine as tacos, enchiladas, burritos, quesadillas, tostados and breakfast/lunch/dinner aperatifs such as tequilla shooters were cataloged within their gastronomical experiences.

Okay women musicians--let's keep it in the family and win the Jezic award!

The Jezic Women’s Composer Contest
Deadline: January 21, 2008 ApplicationThe Jezic Ensemble is pleased to announce our annual women’s composer contest named in honor of Diane Peacock Jezic. The 2008 competition is seeking submissions composed for piano trio.A single movement or multi-movement work is acceptable. Check rules and enter here

Paula experiences the cold in California's winter desert:

I went to the desert to try to dry up my chest cold issue. I parked my behind in a motor home and played with the kids cuz it was FREEZING and the wind was blowing 500 MPH. It's so odd how sand gets in places you would never think. I personally think motor homes are too small. So Im getting a pre-fab home and hauling that around LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Quads and dune buggys and rhinos all over. I think the population of the desert was 80,000 people it was WALL to WALL. It was so cold you couldn't stay warm by the fires. I think that is why some people drink so much cuz its so COLD.

A wonderful time was had by all. I just enjoyed playing board games and cards with the kids and cooking in a tiny kitchen. I pre-made most food. I think I watched 'High School Musical' 30 times. I think I know it by heart now.

New Years in Bangkok. . .In Search of the Perfect__________, Bill Kriskovich writes:

Hey all.

First Happy New year to all of you. It should be the night of the first now for you. next; Dennis and Paul thank you for the help. Dennis his name is Joseph. The trip has been good. I am in a different hotel and the surroundings being new have given me a bit of a different feel; different restaurants, people , bars, etc... I am still near my area of knowledge so I can always go for a favorite meal or have a drink where they know me by name. Sleep has come easy this time but I am very tired at this time due to late nights and much partying.

My first night I went out shopping eating drinking with Gai (pronounced Kai). She is a very sweet and very hot 23 year old I met on my last trip just walking through the mall. She smiled and I got her number. What a country!! The next day was the 31st and I went out with Na who I met a long time ago. We had fun and it was mellow. I thought new years would be crazier but they say up north and the islands are crazy. I almost met up with Kate. She was at a party in her apartment complex but I was already with Na. Kate and I did go shopping and had dinner and talked a lot about the past, our fighting and what was up in the present. That all went really well.The weather has been very mild. Midday about 80 and I was actually a bit cold at dinner with Kate last night. We went to a place on the river and I could have used long pants and even long sleeves.

Now I am focusing on the job fair. I keep meeting teachers who give me advice and other expats who tell me to move here and buy a business. Hopefully I will have a job teaching.

Other news; I met a flight attendant, Shavonne, on my flight from Taipei to bkk. She was very pretty and I couldn't believe she was 31!! I would have lost big money on 24. So, I got her email addresss and she has already written. Asia! Bill; Its like falling off a log...........................Those of you I have heard from all sound like New years was good. Looking forward to hearing the details over dinner and some drinks. As they say over here; Happy new year and good lucky for you this year. they are referring to having lots of money, not that kind of lucky.


Carrie Segulja writes:

Good to hear from you! I am now back in Texas, got home Mon. afternoon just in time for turkey dinner and Christmas fun. I will be doing my next assignment in Greenville, TX which is about 50 NE of Dallas. This way I will be closer to my boyfriend... yes, that's right MY BOYFRIEND! We met on my flight home from Antigua last summer and hit it off right away and have decided we need to spend some time together on a day-to-day basis instead of just vacation to see how well we get along in that aspect (I have been in Mass during most of the relationship and he lives in Dallas). I had a great time at my last assignment in New England - I made it to every state except Vermont. Went to the White Mountains, Flume Gorge, North Conway, and the Kangamagus (sp?) hwy in New Hampshire, oh also Portsmouth, NH. Boston several times, Plymouth/Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod (Provincetown/Hyannis/Sandwich), Rockport, and Dartmouth beaches (lived there) in Massachussetts. Portland, Kinnebunk, and Ogonquit, Maine. New London and New Haven (Yale), Connecticut. AND New York City for Thanksgiving - went to Macy's Day Parade, the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, the Blue Man Group, Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Central Park, and all that touristy stuff! What a wonderful experience I had!!! Will keep you posted on what's next. Hope to make it out there sometime in the near future! Tell all the family hello, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year for me!!!


Wayne Segulia writes:

Greetings to All:

We got a new camera this Fall, so I have been dabbling in photography. Scenery is my favorite subject. This picture of our back yard is proof that Minnesota's 'multiple shades of grey' winters are beautiful. Of course, Carol has to get the picture from the camera to the computer, and to the paper. I can help by licking the envelopes! :)

Again I ask, 'where did the year go?' Us 'old folks' say the years are going faster, and I'm a believer! We no sooner get the Christmas decorations down, the fish house off the ice at the end of February, prepare for the trek to the lake in March (clean the clubs) golf, fish, and cut as much grass as possible until October, then close down the cabin for Winter, get the Christmas decorations up, etc, etc. Not complaining--we are fortunate to be able to do it all with just a few aches and pains.

We did manage to get a new kitchen in February, an experience everyone should go through once. . . but, just once!

Wishing you all Happy Holidays
Wayne & Carol

2007 Resolution. . .to keep in better contact with all of you.
2008 Resolution. . .same as 2007, but make a better effort this time.

When asked how she coped with 18 guests around her Auckland, NZ Christmas table, Lynette responded:

All went well thank you, now I am catching up on sleep, I fell asleep twice yesterday afternoon & slept all last night after not much sleep the night before. I should have crashed on Christmas night but for some strange reason did not sleep most of the night.


Tania and John Mahoney will be leaving their New Zealand home to spend the New Years with relatives in Perth, Australia:

Hi Mike

Merry Christmas to you also, we are flying out on holiday tomorrow morning, for family reunion of John's family in Perth. He has been ill this year battling cancer, has had operation, radiation treatment and appears to be on the mend, all will be revealed once he goes to follow up appointment in new year.

Hope you and your family all stay safe and well for the holiday season


Tania & John Mahoney
& Anna-Louise & Anton (Photo attached of update of kids, we dont change much, except wider!!)

note: Tania is Lynette Matulovich Sebalja's cousin (Lynette being a prime co-conspirator on this page)

Christmas Greetings from Home
Novi Vinodolski, Croatia

photo taken by Suzy Devcic
Christmas Day 2007

Greetings from Croatia

Cestit Bozic i Sretna Nova godina

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Augura un Buon Natale e un Felice 2008

All the best wishes for you,

good health, peace and prosperity in the New Year

Dubravko Šegulja and family

Greetings from South Africa


Dear Michael and Cece, Have a wonderful festive season, may all your wishes come true!

Lots of love and kisses!

Love Karmen, Hubert and Mariyana

And, in her Rocky Mountain community in Colorado, congratulations go to Toni Reynolds (photo at left) who was named Volunteer of the Year by Sheriff Weaver last night.

In congratulating Toni, the Sheriff pointed out that she always made herself available when he asked her to photograph events, even on extremely short notice.

The Sheriff also had very kind words of appreciation for all the volunteers.

This photo, of Toni in action, was taken at Cousin Paula's son's (Dustin's) wedding.

Toni, is the daughter of (Arizona) Mary Segulja, grand daughter of Petar Segulja Sr., and great grand daughter of Roko Ivan Segulja.

At right, view Elden Whisman (son of Johanna Hansen, grandson of Annie Segulja, great grandson of Petar Segulja, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja and Maria Jezic) returning a hard smash, launched by his father, Don Whisman. The venue was at Big Bear Lake California where three cabins of the Arizona Seguljas met up with three cabins full of Cece's family.

Mike took his bow and arrow along with his bear and bobcat licenses and didn't see a thing (still being unable to walk did not help)

Traveling the farthest to attend the festivities was Cece's sister, Carolina--The Captain--who flew in from Tucson with boyfriend Darren.

Poor Margay, recently engaging a new round of chemotherapy, was stricken by every possible side effect of the drug--thankfully she is better now.

Big Bear was beautiful, though it could use a little more water; neighboring Baldwin Lake was completely dry. The ascent up the mountain had evidence of the recent fires. and fire crews were still removing large sections of burnt fire hose that were destroyed during wind changes during the fight. The areas closer to Lake Arrowhead were not so lucky as the fire blackend a huge swath through the forest.

Dustin Berg, son of Paula Hansen, Grandson of Annie Segulja, Great Grandson of Petar Segulja and Johana Mudrovcic, and Great Great Grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja, continues to put the family to shame by harvesting his 3rd buck in the last 5 years. Languishing in a tie for second is Yvonne Peck and your webmaster Michael Pottorff, with just one buck. The rest of the family's hunters, too numerous to name, remain in a tie for third with -0-!!!

One of the last pictures of Pete Segulja, before his untimely death, this past November 11. Pete was the oldest namesake of the Seguljas, descended from Roko Ivan Segulja in America. The image in the artwork is of San Ysidro, the patron saint of farmers.

Yvonne Peck was there; here is her account:

Dear Family,

Since I was able to attend the services for Pete, I thought you would like to hear from me first hand. The services were held at the Terrazas Funeral Chapel The chapel was quite large and there must have been nearly 700 people in attendance. People came from Silver City, Deming, Las Cruces, and Hatch, New Mexico, and from Midlands, El Paso, and Rio Hondo, Texas, and from Tishamingo, Oklahoma.

The stand of red roses were placed next to the bronze urn containing Pete's ashes. It was lovely. The urn was marked with the Rafter 2S. There must have been 50 or more flower arrangements. Carolyn arranged to have many of them sent to the local hospitals and convalescence homes. One of Pete's best friends, Harold Bray, officiated and gave the eulogy. A PowerPoint presentation of several pictures representing many aspects of Pete's life was played, accompanied by the song No Vuelvas Mas sung by Linda Ronstadt, one of Pete's favorite singers. Patsy Cline was the other, and her songs were heard prior to the service and at the end. Harold did an outstanding job. I will attach the text. I gave the CD to Mike so that he could put in out to everyone because I couldn't do it. Maybe he will be able to make a link. The service started at 10 am and lasted about an hour and a half including the reception line.

After the service, most of those who attended and many who did not, showed up at a potluck luncheon put on by many of Pete's friends and associates. There were 18 tables with 14 chairs at each table, and people rotated in and out from 12-3:30. Beef Brisket, green chili stew, meatloaf, lasagne, enchiladas, refried beans and tortillas, pinto beans, baked beans, green salads, potato salads, macaroni salads, veggie trays, breads and a variety of pies, cookies and cakes were part of the menu.

After the luncheon, Pete's buddies returned to the meat house down at the ranch to raise a glass in Pete's honor. The last person left about midnight. The entire day was a real tribute to Pete and showed the numbers of lives he touched. One story that I can share that brings home how well-known and loved he was occured on Friday. Kathy Greeman (Pete's daughter) and Michelle Greeman (Kathy's daughter-in-law, married to Ty) and I were in Walmart looking for a copy of the Linda Ronstadt CD. We couldn't find Pete's. I finally approached the cashier and asked for her help. She looked and told us that she could order it and have it in about a week. When we explained that we had wanted it for tomorrow for Pete's memorial service, she exclaimed that her husband knew Pete and thought highly of him and that she had a copy of the CD in her car and that she would get it for us. She presented Kathy with the copy and told her to please use it and keep it. Time and again we were blown away with this kind of thoughtfulness. People just couldn't say enough good things about Pete. There were many stories that were also accompanied by a laugh. He was well known for his pungent commentary, sprinkled with bad words in both Croation and English.

I was glad to be able to arrive Thursday and stay through Sunday. I got to meet a grown up Ty, and his wife Michelle, and their two year old, Trey. He is Robert Patrick Greeman, III, hence the name Trey. I also had the pleasure of spending time with Kathy and Pat. Everyone is all grown up and getting older as we speak. It is a shame that we only meet at weddings and funerals anymore. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them by email or you can call me at my mom's. I will be spending time with her while she goes through this latest round of chemo.



Please visit the Notice for Peter Segulja. View Pete's eulogy and the opening and closing prayers.

Asja Mrdja, daughter of my second cousin Visnja Spoja Mrdja, granddaughter of Blazanka Segulja Spoja, great granddaughter of Josip Segulja, and great, great granddaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja updates us on her life:

Asja (in white) at a natural park
Close up of Asja (rt) and
her friend Tina
Hi, Mike

It's been really a long time since I last time wrote so here I am... So, the summer past away and I came back in Rijeka (I was in Novi during the whole summer, working in tourist agency and taking care that everything goes smoothly around the house, apartments, guests... grandfather...). I think I've told you that we had plenty of job with old Mary's house in Scedine, we redecorated it totally, there are now five apartments in it – in order to rent it in a season. This was some kind of testing year and we are satisfied how did it run.

I'm sending you picture of house just to see how does it look like now. Mary has been a few days during the summer in Novi but she is weak and still living with mom in Ogulin. Dejan, my brother has a full part job in some German company here in Rijeka and he's quite satisfied with that.

About me... – well, I still study, actually, writing final exam and definitly planning to graduate in January/February . Anyway, here's everything runs normally, no extra news, as much as I know... We're not in contact with the rest of the family – it's sad, I know, but that's the life also, I guess... :/I'm sending you some of my last pictures with friends ; I don't have any news of the whole family –as a matter of fact, we used to take much more pictures before but not anymore so I hope this one will also be ok...

Take care and send regards to the family...


Asja (second from left)
at the botannical garden
Aunt Mary's (daughter of
Josip Segulja) house in the Scedine district of
Novi Vinidolski

Carrie Segulja gives a Texas sigh of relief that her California fire refugee cousins are well and updates us on the events in her life:

So glad to hear ya'll are alright! I was thinking about you today and hoping you were all ok.

Sorry I have not contacted you in so long, I've been really busy and have had a lot of trouble w/ the internet and my computer. Have lots to catch you up on but will try to be brief...

I quit my job in Houston at the end of July and then went to Antigua for vacation for the following 10 days. I met a GREAT guy on the plane on my way home from San Juan to Dallas and we have been dating ever since. We are now officially 'boyfriend/girlfriend'!!

About a month after getting home from vacation I packed up my house and headed off to Massachusetts where I am now working. I've started doing the traveling therapy that I've been talking about forever and am LOVING it! I am at a rehab hospital in New Bedford and am living in South Dartmouth (which is right on the coast). My company found my job and housing, and they pay for everything. It's so awesome! And all the people here are really nice, friendly, helpful...

My boyfriend, Jorge, and I went to 'THE' Red Sox game the night they won the League Championship at Fenway Park, which was TOTALLY awesome!!!! We also went to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for the fall foliage (BEAUTIFUL!). I went to the Cape with one of my new friends from work who is also a traveler with the same company as myself. And I've been on a quick tour of Boston (will go back soon) with a friend from home. I'm planning to go to Maine this weekend. The foliage is slow this year and this last week the colors have really come out so I'm thinking this will probably be the last weekend to see anything in Maine before the leaves fall off the trees!

This assignment ends Dec. 21 and I'm looking at going to South Carolina or Texas next for the winter. Hoping to go to Charleston, SC for the spring.

Keep me posted on what's going on there and how your mom is doing too! I'll be praying for ya'lls safety! Tell Cece and your mom and everybody I said hi!!!


The Great San Diego Firestorm, October 24--Fallbrook, California

View of the afternoon sun, through a front window of the webmaster's house. 150 homes were lost down the street to the East and another 100 were lost up the cross street to the North. This was not fun!

Mike brings home the bacon!
Arrowing two pigs in one week: one on the West coast (Oct 8th); one on the East coast (Oct 14th). Note the differences between the forests of Southern California, with the 'clean air' coming up the hill from Los Angeles, and the forests of Northwest Florida. In the picture to the left, my pig is the one being skinned by our guide; the pig on the right (of the left picture) and the arm in the picture belong to hunting buddy, Charlie, who provided this hunt as a present for my 60th birthday. The picture to the right is of me and my Florida pig. I was actually hunting whitetails--got shots but hit trees instead. I got the hunt off of EBAY. It was very reasonable. It is a weekend only affair, and the owner/guide, Danny Riley, was very attentive. We stayed in a B&B in Florala, Alabama, just up the road.

This was Charlie's first big game animal in California, so now I won't have to listen to old New Joyzy hunting stories.

Cece went along, applying her blackbelt shopping techniques to the local storekeepers. After my hunt, we went to our Gulf Coast timeshare at Destin, Florida. Driving through the countryside, there were numerous stands selling boiled peanuts. View Cece--born in New Orleans, raised in South Carolina, above, eating boiled peanuts, pronounced 'balled peanuts.' You can take the girl out of the South, but you cannot take the South out of the girl.

Julie Sheridan Kelly, daughter of Katherine Dobric (neice of Roy) and granddaughter of Roy Sr. and Katherine Bujanovich Dobric has found our page. Welcome home!

What an amazing family tree you have documented. May I add a few additional notes?

Julie Sheridan (Dobric tree)

Married Sean Kelly (b. 24 Nov 1968)


11) Quinn Thomas Kelly (b. 19 Aug 2000)
11) Aidan Patrick Kelly (b. 19 Feb 2002)

Sincere thanks for all your hard work and maintenance of this information.


Cousin Suzie and Bryan Tippit in Maui
film at 11:00

Cousin Suzy (Carrie's, Michael Harp's, Dustin's, Aaron's, Julie's, Olivia's et. al's third cousin) is coming to America. Suzy's mother, Maruska, is second cousin to Bryan, Debra, Robert, Tom, Joe, Kathi, Peter (III). Antoinette, Bill, Paula, Johanna, Laurie, Steven, Yvonne, and, uh Mike. Check out where she is coming from in Croatia and whom she is bringing. She will be staying at Chez Mike & Cece's, in between flitting around Southern California if you want to drop by, on the nights of January 2nd, 6th, or 11th (these dates are tentative).

Suzy and her million dollar balcony view of the Bay of Kvarner

The Bay of Kvarner without Suzy

Our humble home ..haha, wishfull is a castle in Varazdin - which once was a capital of the kingdom of Croatia... couple of centuries ago... or more? we went to see this wknd the cemetery in Varazdin - a tourist attraction. nice....

Suzy's daughter, Emma--Alyssa, Alex, Morgann, Jonathan, Vivian, Cameron, and Ian's 4th cousin

Bruno, Suzy's main man

Dustin Berg (son of Paula Hansen, granddson of Annie Segulja, great grandson of Petar Segulja and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja) is now a married man. He brings his wife Debbie, and her two daughters to the family hearth. Dustin beamed throughout the ceremony, caring little that he fell a few months short of the 35 year mark--a record eclipsed by his uncle Mike by 18 days.

Well, Yvonne and Ron are all retired up, and have moved to Texas to their house on the arroyo. Being skeptical about the claims of fabulous fishing, we attempted to cool the warm Texas night by repeatedly opening the ice chest while we fished. Here I am (unretired brother Mike) with the results. The majority are seatrout, with a couple of redfish thrown in.

Unaware that she is a Segulja (great, great, great grand daughter of Petrus Segulja, and daughter of my third cousin Ivan Cvetko, Andrea Cvetko contacts us via the webpage to let us know of her existense and that of her brother, to add to our page.


I am not Segulja, but I am relative from Segulja.

As I see that You wrote my father on list of relatives Ivan Cvetko, born 05.04.1947, I wanted to inform You also that he has son and daughter,daughter Andrea Cvetko, born 11.07.1976 and my brother Ivan Cvetko born 12.01.1975.,so You can add in Your list about us.
Best regards,

Andrea Cvetko

This is how Andrea's father is my third cousin:

News from the Sebaljas in New Zealand:

How is everyone? your Mom, Cece & have you seen Debbie recently?
I am still doing gene up to 91,500 names now & still going I want to reach that 100,000

Boris just started new job 3 days ago, same job just working for the opposition. Gary is working in Dublin in Ireland. Wayne is still working same job for Telecom, Lisa has also changed jobs, working for a larger firm of Lawyers, kept very busy now & of course getting more money.

All our goss, love to everyone.

Lynette, Boris and family

Do you need to buy a brand new ferry boat? Contact Dubravko Segulja.

Carrie Segulja updates us on her career:

Long time no talk! Got lot's to tell ya about but don't have much time at the moment cuz I have to get ready for work. But... I am quitting my job in July (I think) and am going to start working as a traveling therapist. I choose which state I want to go to and tell them the area (like Boston, Mass) and they find me the closest clinic that's looking for a short-term contractor in that area. They pay the travel expenses, housing, and per diem.

I'm going to start in Massachusetts for the fall, then maybe Tennesee for the winter, then North Carolina for the spring, South Carolina for the summer... I also want to go to California, Hawaii, and maybe Montana (in the warm months!).

Each assignment is typically 13 weeks.

I am also helping organize a 5 and 10 K race that will be at the end of this month. It is a charity fundraiser for a memorial fountain at our church in honor of our pastor who passed away earlier this year. So that is keeping me busy!

Well, gotta go. Talk to you soon!


After several years of grueling study, the Tippit family is proud to boast an honors grad in its ranks--way to go Robert (Dion). This was no easy feat, juggling a job and four kids! Below, view Robert, several months belatedly as your webmaster was distracted. Mother Suzie notes, that while waiting for Dion's triumph to be posted, daughter Autumn replicated the feat by also graduating Summa Cum Laude

Dion at his graduation ceremony

.And, if that wasn't enough to be proud of, [double second cousin] Bryan [son of Anne Segulja] and Suzie stop by Mike and Cece's to show off 2 of their grandkids

photo by Suzie

Well, I finally got my bobcat without being struck by lightning. We let the dogs loose on the scent at 6:30 a.m. and caught up with the cat within 30 minutes--it took me over 2 hours to get to them. This was in the Sequoia mountains in the Southern Sierra range. I did not get back to the truck till 9:11 at night!! I was thoroughly beat. The next week, I was getting out of the car in front of the house and my knee locked up. I went to the emergency room that night and missed the entire turkey season. I have to thank God that my knee waited until I was home rather than 10 miles on the other side of a roadless mountain, or else, they might be preserving me in addition to my cat. I will have surgery scheduled soon. Margay, Cece and I (on crutches) still went on our Western Caribbean cruise.



Teresa writes:Alright well it is summer [and im bored] . and I absolutely agree with Kat on the Rushmore picture--it hardly does any justice--and just want to say what is going on over here in Colorado.

The Reynold's Family, 2007
Mary Segulja Kriskovich front row center

First mom [Toni] is now a Safety Volunteer for Douglas County. Dad [Larry] is still a fire fighter for the town of Castle Rock, Kat is now [after some mishap with UW going to University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, and spent her second semester there and actually owns a house in a nice neighborhood, which she rents out to roomates, including her boyfriend Joel Fassler, who played for Douglas County Huskies[5A state football Champs]and who also is playing on scholarship for UNC. Teresa[me] is now a sophomore quitting the tradition of going to DC and is attending a new high school in the area called Castle View. I am a student trainer and manager for lacrosse and taking advanced science courses. also dating a guy named Nikko Yanase. Daniel has finished 6th grade and is still obsessed with guns and shooting sports. right now his newest hobby is woodwork and paintball. which my father plays with him


Will you please post this under the family gossip?

Thanks, John.

Ok, here it is:

If any of you are visiting the Southeast Idaho Area (Pocatello) please call me as I would like to meet you. You are welcome to stop by for a visit, when in town, or at our home.

My email address is or my phone number is (208) 478-1010 or (208) 237-5173

Dustin has 'another day at the gun shop. . .'

We have this customer that comes into our gun shop every week . He is 81 years old and has been collecting firearms since he was 21 after he got out of the service from WW2 . Today he brought in some revolvers . These firearms were authenticated by Colt and Remington by their records . The Colt was traced back to the owner , name of Wyatt Earp , yes Wyatt Earp . The two Remingtons were traced back to William Cody . We were blown away at this and to top it off we had the privilege to handle and look at these six shooters !!!!

These firearms are somewhere in the ball park figure of 500K-1Million !!!!This will be a day I will never forget .


Mike arrows a fallow deer in TexasMike, Cece, and sister Debbie go to New Zealand!!!

Lynette, Boris, and Cece at the Sebalja home in Auckland. Boris, my Uncle Tony's 'other' nephew is his spitting image. If he would have pulled an accordian out of the closet, I would have screamed.

Lisa Sebalja in the kitchen with Boris and Cece.

Debbie and her new friends at our Lake Rotorua timeshare

Lynette and Boris with Lynette's sister and husband (and Cece) in front of Lynette's sister's coastal home. Lynette and her sister are from the Matulovich clan.

Cece and Lynette take in a view from their balcony

Mike. Debbie, Cece, and Boris amid volcanic activity

3 Cro fourth cousins: A Sebalja, a [Segulja] Pottorff, and a Dobric.

Another fourth cousin, Ivan Paladin!

Two days before the stream opened, (15 feet to the left of me) the locals were pulling out limits of these (the lake was open).

Rachelle Dobric (like Lisa) a fourth cousin, once removed.

2nd cousins galore! Me (Michael Pottorff), Mary Posa, Helen Franich (in front), and Drina Dobrec to the right. Goris Dobrec (Drina's husband to the far right) and the fellow in the middle is their first cousin (another second cousin to the American branches), Ivica Butkovic, who just happened to be visiting from Novi Vinodolski

Deb. Cece, and Lynette getting ready for the days activities.

A sad relationship to the above:

On the plaque to the left you see the name of Zravko Paladin Silvestrov. and, in the album of New Zealand photos, above, you see an Ivan Paladin. Ivan's father, Josip, had a brother Silvestre, who had a son named Zdravko, Ivan's first cousin. Also on the plaque, you see the name of Dragomir Mudrovcic Viskov, son of Visko Mudrovcic, brother of the Arizona (Ivana) and Texas (Marija) Mudrovcic-Segulja matriarchs and father of (Matthew) of the New Zealand Mudrovcics, as well as the Novi Mudrovcics (including Ivica pictured while visiting New Zealand with his 1st cousins, Mary Posa, Helen Franich and Drina Dobrec.

They are forever related on this plaque as victims of fascist atrocities committed during WWII

Howdy, Autumn & Jeff have a new baby boy and Bryan And Suzie have another grandson...

Davis Bryan Leavitt...born March 8th, 2005 at 11:15am
7 lbs 14 oz.....And sooo cute!!

Cash, Amber, Suzie, Davis and Autumn

Mom and baby are doing great....Autumn has had her sister Amber, and Cash too, there to help since Feb 27th. Thank You Amber

Margay, Mike, and Cece returned from Europe after frostbitten visits to Germany, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands. The next to the last day, it got up to 0.0 C; the last day it got up to 3.5 C--the rest of the week it was 'really' cold. The food was great. Unfortunately, did not hook up with cousin Vinko in Koln.

We think a summer trip would be more pleasant.

Autumn, working on genealogy with her Aunt Shirley

provides real gossip for this page! :By way of gossip I'm expecting again.

Asap ant addie pinto beans

My due date is March 14th but everyone hopes that I'll have the baby a little early.

The ultrasound said it was a boy and we are all very excited, Leah would love a little brother to smother.

Other than that things are pretty much the same.

Keep in touch,


Suzy gives us news from the Miletic branch in Kastav, Croatia:

Hi, Mike

sorry for not replying to your last mail before. I've accidentaly deleted it and have forgotten to reply to it. And you already know I am not the bestat writing letters(i.e. lazy).. , unlike you. Also, the language is definitely standing on the way to expressing all my thoughts and emotions, and this iswhy I subconsciously (or without the 'sub'..) keep postponing answering to your letters. Which, by the way, are always written in such agood style and with the best selection of English words ... I am joking - but, honestly, your vocabulary is different from any otherEnglish native speakers' that I know of. And it sometimes takes me a bit of effort to understand what you were trying to say. I am not complaining, in fact, it is kind of refreshing to read your letters.. but, not easy to answer them.... a hard work, actually... (only I *?)
Anyway, things are fine here. I still work for and am happy with this job. I have lots of free time to spend with Emmaand can organize my work as I like. I get pretty busy in the spring & summer , but I love the job and it's not a problem. I meet new people all the time and am never stuck in one place - always on the way. Arghhh - I feel my English sounds more like Croatian - I keep translatingliterary (literaly?) Hmmmm... sorry
Emma was 8 last October. I will try to find some recent photo of her to send you. She is very good at school and I am really proud of her.She likes sports (unlike me) and is training karate.She just loves it. you should see her doing all those movements with her legs and arms...pretty good....CHECK HER OUT ABOVE RIGHT
We moved to a flat last summer - I didn't really enjoy our terraced house - it was getting old and needed lots of investment and redecoration..This is why I decided to sell it and buy something more convenient for a single mother - a brand new flat in a house with 6 flats - very close to where we lived before. I am very happy here - Emma is as well. I don't have to worry of broken roof, new tilings, new windows, leaking chimneys...what a relief !! Here is a view at left.

Here is a recent photo of me (at right, in black) with a friend, sampling wine in nearby Trieste, Italy.

++If I remember well, you invited me to come to US.. Well thank you very much.. maybe one day.. when I earn some more money. My boss sent me an e-mail last week saying that he thought I was brilliant !! I wish he materialised his words - so, if he does, I might be able to come and visit you one day...
In the meantime, I will watch the sun set into the Adriatic, rather than the Pacific!

A Croatian Sunset

Say hello to your mother and Cece - hope they are both fine. . .hey, this came out like a pretty long letter...


Roy Dobric and Wila
An email announced that Roy and Wila would be in town, so phone numbers were exchanged. The phone rang and it was party time. My mother, Margaret, showed up, as well as my sister Yvonne. Cece was the perfect hostess, while 'cousins' were reunited after 50 years
Roy and Mike drinking wine from Bribir (courtesy of cousin Dubravko Segulja)

Steven Cooper lets us know that business in good!!!

MikeIt is good to hear from you. We have been busy as always with Dillon turning 8 and Connor now 4. Bobbie has left her career for the moment and is staying home with the boys. She has found that she stays as busy with the demands of their activities as she did with her job.

We have just opened our third Goodwood Barbecue Company in Orem Utah and will start construction on the fourth in March.

We are looking forward to 'Ma' Coopers next visit this spring as the boys love her activity laden stays.

Hope all is well. Take care and our best to you.


Check out Steven's website, or, better yet visit a Goodwood Barbecue! Click Here

Hello dollies!!! View Cece, at left with Carol Channing on her 80+ birthday. It seems that the beautiful people were invited to this shindig in Beverly Hills, so Cece gave me a list of things to do and went by herself! At right, it appears that Mr. Blackwell will not be putting Cece on his list as he was quite taken with her ensemble

Sometimes the webmaster gets complaints, for instance, Kathryn Reynolds opines that the picture of her, at Mt. Rushmore, along with her brother and and sister--that was supplied by mother Toni (Kriskovich Reynolds)--was a dreadful image of her. To make amends, the 'editorial staff' is posting the following images, deemed to be more representational. Behold Kat!!!:

A little bit of Africa visited its Segulja kin late January. It seems that Marijana Antic's (great great grandaughter of Roko Ivan Segulja) boyfriend, Nick, was visiting/working in America during his summer vacation (November, December, and January are summer months in Africa) and they coerced him into visiting their relatives in Southern California to find out just how weird they are. Well, we put our saffron robes and chicken blood in the closet and welcomed our prospective family addition. At the left, view Nick, Cece, and Margay in Margay's kitchen, the first night. At the right, view Nick at Peohe's restaurant in Coronado, California on San Diego's west bay, where he (pictured) is contemplating consuming a drink called the smoking volcano. The next day, Monday, we went to the Zoo. Nick was particularly impressed by the hippo display, where they swim within a foot of you. And, of course, we saw the Pandas. Nick then came home with me (Mike). The next day, we got his Social Security/tax documents in order, then proceeded to tour the Mission in Oceanside, built by the Spaniards in 1798. We then went and saw some authentic Indians (at Pala Casino) where Nick learned the American custom of getting scalped. The next day I was summoned before the Grand Jury (as an expert witness, whew!!!) so, I gave Nick the keys to the car, a scribbled map, and a ticket to the Wild Animal Park in San Pasqual Valley (the site of Kit Carson's battle with Mexico during California's Mexican War in 1846). Nick was impressed with our Center for the Reproduction of Endangered Species and the open plains format of the Park, though he noted that Kruger National Park in Africa will not lose much sleep over it.

That night Nick got on the plane for New York, then Dakar, then Johannisburg. Perhaps, more Antics will visit America, providing Nick didn't find the chicken blood!!

Highlights of the Pottorff Segulja clan's trip to Texas included a trip to the Alamo, with Cece and Margay located near where Davy Crockett made his last stand (at left) and a grinning Yvonne, posing with her first deer and the California clan's only deer of the season.

Ron's neice, Kim, and Yvonne put the finishing touches on Yvonne's deer

Douglas Segulja, son of Thomas Edward Segulja and Diane Nipp Segulja, scores academic honors

Lynette gives us a post operative New Zealand appraisal of Boris's hip replacement surgery:

Boris had his op 4 days ago & came home yesterday so not running to the hospital every day now. He is doing fine, walked the day after his op did the stairs the next day so was able to come home. Just living on pain killers now for the next few days. All going well will hopefully be back to normal in a few weeks.

Luis Agustin Sokolic (son of Ranko, grandson of Katarina Sokolic, great grandson of Genevieve Segulja Maricic, and great great grandson of Roko Ivan Segulja) reminds us that Argentina has its share of Seguljas/Croats as they celebrate the 5th anniversary of the passing of Croatia's first post communist President, Franjo Tudjman:

Buenos Aires, diciembre de 2004.

Con motivo del quinto aniversario del fallecimiento del Dr. Franjo Tudjman, primer presidente de la ReCroacia.

Se invita a los socios y amigos a asistir a la misa conmemorativa que se celebrara respectivamente en nuestros centros catolicos- San Leopoldo Mandic- San Justo a las 10 hs. y en San Nicolas Tavelic-Capital a las 11 hs del domingo 12 de diciembre.

Nuestro respeto,

Joza Vrljicak, Vicepresidente
Milan Zoretic, Secretario


Buenos Aires December 2004

Regarding 5 year anniversary of the death of our 1st Hrvatski President dr Franje Tudjman

Inviting members & friends to come to Holy Mass which will be held in our local Catholic Church - Fr Leopold Mandic San Justo at 10 o'clock & Fr Nikola Tavelic Buenos Aires at 11 o'clock Sunday 12 December


Joza Vrljicak (Vice President)
Milan Zoretic (Secretary)


'Cro' (Hrvatske)
Buenos Aires, prosinca 2004.

Povodom 5. Godisnjice smrti prvog hrvatskog predsjednika dr. Franje Tudjmana.

Pozivamo clanove i prijatelje da pristupljuju na Svetu misu zadusnicu koja ce se sluziti u nasim katolickim sredistima- Sveti Leopold Mandic-San Justo u 10 sati, i Sveti Nikola Tavelic-Buenos Aires u 11. sati, nedjeljom 12. Prosinca.

S postovanjem

Joza Vrljicak, Dopredsjednik
Milan Zoretic, Tajnik

John Klema gets a star for his Thanksgiving expertise in the pit barbecue department. Spending the night in a flaming pit, before gracing our Lakeside, California table was: (parts of) my bear, John's Marlin, my sailfish, John's catfish, a 24 pound turkey, a chicken, and some other assorted ocean fish.

Needless to say, we had plenty to give thanks for!

And, try as we might, no one was able to bring any venison to the table this year, though Dustin and Michael have a death pact to do so next year.

And, Margay made her world famous pumpkin pies, along with homegrown stringbeans in a caserole. . . .and, I think there was some wine too!

Marijana gives us an Afrikan update:


Sorry I'm so slow, this is Africa you know, we're a bit slower here ;o) ha ha

So here are some photos of when I went to the Kruger National Park. It was fantastic.

The middle picture is wild dogs, lions in the last one and me holding a lion cub!

Well just to keep you updated, I have passed my 5th year of medicine, I have one year left before I graduate, so at the end of next year I'll be 'Dr Antic.'

At the moment I'm spending some time in paediatrics, in the prem unit with all the small guys. It's great but sad to see how many babies here are infected with HIV, and that's most of them. it's terrible.

Sorry if the pictures are big, I tried to shrink them but I'm hopeless with stuff like that. (computers+moi=aaaaah!!!)

Well that's all for now! There's more pictures in the next e-mail.



and, here is the next email. . .

Saubona!! (Zulu for hello)
That's me, a friend and 'Simba'!! Isn't that the cutest thing on paws?!

When asked if brother Michael and wife Jennifer had made her an aunt again, Carrie Segulja replied:

'Yes, it's a boy! Ian Frazer - finally one that looks more like the Segulja's!

He looks a lot like Alex did, but reminds me more of Michael than Alex did (I see more Segulja/Gooding characteristics in him).

I Will send pictures when I can.'

The family mourns the passing of Katherine Dobric after a lifespan of 101+ years.

John, catching dinner for Mike and Dustin, along the Colorado River.

Lynette apprises us of Boris's Auckland appointment with the knife!

Hi Mike

Boris is about to have a total hip replacement next month.

So now we know what his problem was while we were away.


Asja gives us a Rijecka update, her educational status, and her US travel plans:

Hi, Mike!

It's been a long time since I've last heard from you, so it was a really pleasant suprise to read your mail!! Hope You and the rest of a family are all right. Talking about news, honestly, there aren't any 'spectacular' ones. As usuall, Mary is still with mom in Ogulin, but during the summer she was in Novi. (her condition hasn't been changed, most of the time she's lying in a bed and doesn't go out so often). Grandparents are permanently in Novi, living their own lives, they're ok. Dejan is working for couple of months in some car shop, selling car equipment and car accessories.

I'm still on a Faculty of tourism and hospitality management, now I'm on the third year of faculty. So, lately I'm quite busy (learning for exams, lectures, etc.). Next summer I'm must pursue some practical work ('training'?) to get some experience, which is connected with my further studying. I'll be probably working in some travel agency during July and August of '05. And then in September I'm starting with the 4th year on Faculty. That's why I can't tell you exactly the date of my arrival, but I'm affraid I won't be able to come for at least one year. But, don't worry, I'll let you know on time, when I decide to come. I hope you can understand what I'm writting, because I think my English isn't so well... Well, that would be all for now.

Stay well and take care!


Dustin formally announces his change of address:

Hello fellow Burachos !!!! Here is the latest news on this end....I'm now officially a Riverside resident. In Sunny Temecula....So if you don't see me in or around Ramona, thats why .

Hope all is well with all you Buracho Amigos !


Check out Mike's bear--his first one after 40 years of trying! A classic Southern California hunting adventure! He even got to use his 4 wheel drive, in earnest, for the first time as the snow was a foot deep.

The intrepid hunter and his guides followed an old logging road until it was blocked by a fallen tree. The tree was winched off the side of the road, and one half mile past the obstruction the dogs picked up the scent.

The dogs took off up the mountain and you could hear them baying across the crest of the mountain range, but then it sounded as if they were headed our way. I looked down the road and here was this big ol bear running right towards us---I thought, these dogs are really well trained!

But, then the bear saw us and jumped off into the canyon, with the dogs in hot pursuit. Soon they treed the bear with Mike in attempted hot pursuit.

The guide explained that, at that point that his fee was earned and that he could not guarantee my shooting; he also asked if I would like a gun back up (which would disqualify the bear for an archery kill) which I declined. I then found the bear on top of a giant sequoia--he looked like a pine cone in the top of the tree. My fears that I would expend my entire quiver of arrows without hitting him, were put to rest with the memory that my recent shooting was quite good and that I had achieved mastery over my new bow.

I then proceeded to the point to where I would have the clearest shot, pulled my bow, aimed at his lower left rib cage, hoping for an exit on the forward rib cage on the opposite side. The shot was in excess of 50 yards, but my angels guided the arrow--I would have hit a 3 inch circle painted on his 'kill zone.'

One guide shouted good shot. I saw him dart up the tree a couple of steps before I focused my vision on my bow where I was immediatedly trying to nock another arrow, fearing that he may come down (and eat me). The guide shouted, he's coming down, and I tried again to get the next arrow ready to shoot. I cast my eyes towards the tree to get a glimpse of the bear coming down before he ate me, but all I saw was a bear free falling, back first to the ground. Suddenly, 'he's coming down' had an entirely different meaning. He hit the snow bank, twitched twice, and that was it. The guides made their way to my bear, while I stood frozen in my tracks, still not comprehending that I had actually killed a bear in 5 seconds with one arrow. The arrow cut one rib in two upon entry and sliced three ribs in two on exit--I suspect the arrow is still flying as it did not strike a tree or rock. . .at least with audible impact (admittedly arrow impact sounds were not the focus of my attention, though).

Toni (Kriskovich) Reynold's Children June 2004 at Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota: Kathryn age 16, Daniel age 9, Teresa Age 12

Grandmother Mica Segulja updates us on her grandchildren:


has entered a one year internship, following her degree in Bio-Chemical Medical Engineering


celebrated his 21st birthday in Zagreb with a visit from his parents.


is enrolled at the University in Rijecka, majoring in Mechanical Engineering


has entered her first year of High School

The Sebaljas have returned to Auckland, following their European tour, during which time they crossed paths with everyone in Rijeka, Novi, the Dalmation Coast, and with fellow tourist/cousin, Australian John Paskulich, who was also touring Europe and with cousin Nicolas Jezic in Paris. . .an interesting guide for planning one's own trip, and, if nothing else, we have someone to call for travel advice!! The 'travel journal' begins with an answer to my question, if she got to hold 'the book'--the hand written historical tome that greeted me several years ago when I was introduced to Novi's resident genealogist, Krsto Zoricic. Lynette writes:


No I did not get to hold the book as Krsto does not have it any more. I spent quite a bit of time with Krsto though & guess who got more out of it than I did. I can always get in touch with him now whenever I need to. Hard to believe he is 84 years old. You should have seen him when he saw what I had in the computer. I had him stripping down to his shorts, he got so hot with what I was producing for him. I think at first he thought just another person wanting info from him. I have got bits of info for different people, just give me time to send it to them. He has all the up to date info but does not have names going back as far as I have. He would have liked me to stay for 6 months & he would really have loved to keep the computer we took with us. Wayne borrowed a laptop from a friend & carried it around with us for the whole 13 weeks & Gary was also able to put all his photos from his digital camera on to it. It was the best thing we did after leasing the car, a getting a croatian cellphone number . We met all the relations on both our sides. In Split I filmed 32 years of records from my mothers village, so all that has gone on to the computer & that is what is keeping me busy at present. Where to I begin.

We arrived Hong Hong with a 5 1/2 hour stopover, everyone thought we were silly not stopping over in Hong Kong but as we had already been there & done that & had a lot of luggage & would have to carry around for 13 weeks anything we might have bought we decided no Hong Kong & thank goodness decided against a stay in Hong Kong on the way home as I knew we would all be ready just to come home. (Gary is staying in London for 2 years on a working visa so winter & summer clothes had to be taken.) We also need 2 cars for transport unless one of us is driving. The kids had something to eat, Gary had bought a digital camera but had not got around to getting a carry bag so did that, (our next door neighbour & I had him rewiring my kitchen before he left for London as I need a new kitchen), went on the free internet at Hong Kong airport, watched some sport on t v & the time passed quite easily. We left H K 11 p.m. got fed on the plane & went to sleep. Could not land at Munich because another plane had landed on the wrong runway so had to circle around a bit so saw a bit more of Germany from the air. We landed at Munich airport 6.30 a.m. thinking we had an hour to kill as we were told Eurolease cars open 7.30 a.m. & we would have to ring them to pick us up & take us 9 kms to where we pick up the Lease car. We were resorting bags, reducing from carry on bags to just suitcases & less carry on bags ( 5 LARGE suitcases, laptop, video camera, digital camera, etc). Next thing we know a guy comes around asking if we are Sebaljas from N.Z. that he has come to pick us up & another 2 ladies who were also getting a car. So by 7.30 we had done the paperwork & had instructions on which highways to take to get down to Croatia. Boris took over the driving, we are talking about driving on the other side of the road but all went well. Drove through Germany, Austria, Slovenia & down to Rijeka where one of Boris 1st cousins lives. I had been communicating by email with his son who lives in Switzerland for some time before we left. We had an address but no instructions how to get there. We asked around, everyone gives you different instructions until finally we met someone with a road map & BINGO got to the correct area but then could not find the road, again asked a bunch of young guys & got told you had to go around the block as the road does not come through to the main road. In the meantime Boris had got a bit flustered & in the middle of Rijeka Gary tells him to get out he is taking over the driving. We are talking peak hour traffic, he turned on the wipers a couple of times instead of indicators as everything is back to front from our cars but we got there & of course his father did not get the car back again. They had been out looking for us as someone we had met rang them at home, they rang back later only to be told we were at such & such a service station. They came home just as Gary & Boris came down from their apartment and as we knew what kind of car they had & their son had emailed me a photo of them. There were big hugs & kisses in the middle of the road. After a while they went to Novi with us, Boris & I going in their car with them & the kids followed in our car. We get to Novi & Pero decides to shoot into the cemetery forgetting that Gary is following behind not knowing where we are going. All of a sudden he remembers Gary is not behind, Gary had been held up & did not know which direction we had turned yet alone that we had ducked into the cemetery. We drive up & down the main road, Gary is doing the same, luckily had sense not to go too far & finally we saw them. They had booked us into an apartment in Novi so did the paperwork, unloaded then went out for dinner.

Met Peros sister Venka who lives in the house where Boris father lived. She was the one that sorted everything & everyone out for us to see & do in Novi. GREAT.!!! We expected not to wake the next day thinking of Jetlag, still dont know what this means as we got up next day just as if we were back home. The summer Mesopust was on. We spent 8 days there, Gary became an expert on Novi, managing those narrow roads as if he had spent all his life there, Venka was very impressed & believe me so were we all. We are talking about a big station wagon, laden down to where you can only see out of the wing mirrors not the back window. At times the wing mirrors had to be pulled in so cars could pass each other, you had to pull into some very narrow bits to let cars pass & sometimes dead end roads meant you backed out the whole way as there was nowhere to turn & as for driveways what are they. Originally we were going to stay 7 days but Krsto wanted me to come back one more time. Worked out well as Gary had a friend that lives in Zagreb whose parents & brother were visiting from N.Z. they were on their way up from Korcula going to a wedding in Austria & thought a stop in Novi would be good. We organised accommodation for them as Venkas son-in-law has a tourist agency & Gary met them on the outskirts of Novi & got them sorted. He drove them down to town where we all had dinner together. Time to go home, it was a cool evening so rather than wait until Gary took them to their accommodation & returned for us can you imagine 9 people in the car. We went & saw them the following morning before we left only to find out they were staying with Boris 2nd cousin whom we had briefly met before but only after getting his family info did I work out where he fits in. Gave me a wrong surname on female side but the first names rang a bell for me & sorted them out.

We did the Plitvice Lakes while in Novi - absolutely amazing. We left for Zadar as I had relations living on Island of Ugljan who had been to our place. We had let them know we were coming but not knowing what time we would arrive as everything takes twice as long to travel as over here we said we would ring when we were on ferry going across to island. That coast is absolutely amazing & the water so clean. Gary had forgotten to recharge cellphone so had turned it off. Could not remember password as this was first time he had turned it off, I couldnt remember where I had packed card that came with his Croatian number or if I had. We are talking about a packed car on the ferry. Luckily my uncle's car had been playing up so he decided to go & wait for ferry, keeping an eye out for us but not knowing what car we had. Luckily I spotted him as we got off the ferry. Spent 2 nights with them. Carried on to Split where I was to meet up with a cousin I had only discovered over the internet regarding the family tree. Found them, only to be told no way were we going to stay anywhere but in their apartment, they moved in with her mother & handed us over the key, leaving one daughter with us as she had hooked on to Lisa & wanted to stay with her. We had never seen them before we could have been anybody. Absolutely amazing. We found the Museum was closed until the following month so I could not look at the records from my mother's village so decided we would carry on & return on our way back up.

Headed for Drvenik for ferry only to miss last ferry (they had to feed us before we could leave). Went back to Podgora, got an apartment. Headed for ferry next morning only to be told 1 pm ferry full, would have to line up for 7pm ferry so parked up the car in line once the 1pm ferry left & spent day at the beach. We went to island of Korcula for 8 days as one of my sisters & her husband & son were there & wanted to meet up with them before they returned home. Stayed there with my fathers first cousin, got calls to say Boris cousin from Switzerland was in Dubrovnik with his wife & they would come over to Korcula to meet us & also John Paskulich rang to say he was in Dubrovnik with his girlfriend & they also would meet us on Korcula arriving same day. Met John at bus, got them accommodation then met Kreso & his wife on ferry, got them sorted. John & his girlfriend stayed only the one night as they were restricted for time, took them to bus following morning & spent 4 days with Kreso & his wife. Gary took my sister to bus & we left heading for Vrgorac where my mother came from. Went across to Peljesac by ferry, looking at map decided already half way to Dubrovnik why not do that first. Had 2 rooms with shared kitchen, great family. Lisa got on well with their grandson & they would sit up talking as he could speak reasonable amount of english.

Everywhere we stayed met great people, food & drinks come out immediatley & you feel like of the family.I am not talking about relations only also people that we just got accommodation from. Spent 3 nights there, rained 1st morning so decided to drive down to the border, did Stari Grad by night, much nicer than by day. Gary took us in & came back to pick us up. Driving & navigating was starting to catch up with him. Walked the walls following day. Where we stayed told us to leave car there & catch bus into Stari Grad as parking is bad. Decided to give it a go with car & if it did not work would bring car back & Gary would get bus in. Waited in queue for carpark, were 4th in line & people are always leaving so was not a problem. CAR WAS ALWAYS GOOD. Meant we could shop at supermarkets also so kept costs down.

All that was destroyed in war is well on way to being rebuilt. I did not realise that people actually live there in Stari Grad.. From there went up to Vrgorac, stayed with my 1st cousins. Met my mothers sister the only living aunty or uncle that I have. Her health had deteriorated in the 2 weeks before we arrived, she was no longer able to walk. This was very emotional for me especially as I could not do anything to help her. I believe she is only living on the drip so it was definitely the right year to go. Went to Mostar from here, saw the Mostar bridge as it was just opened, a big RED BULL sign on side makes it look quite stupid. I guess Red Bull sponsored some of the rebuilding. Driving down the main road, bullet holes in lots of buildings, army & police everywhere. Policeman spotted our red French number plate, thought he could make some good quick cash. Stopped Gary, said did he realise there were were 2 lanes & Gary was in wrong lane for going straight. Lanes were virtually invisible. Said the fine was 200 Euros not kunas but Euros ($400N.Z.) & was he prepared to pay. Gary said NO, I thought here we go the fine will increase. We were only speaking english not croatian. I opened the window from the back seat & asked what happens if we dont pay, he says you go to court. He then says, he can see we are not from here & he would let us off. Gary & Wayne said he would pocket the money if we had paid.. Telling my cousins afterwards they said, should have taken his number & reported him. Boris has had problems with his back & leg since the beginning of the year & was walking quite badly by now. My cousin insisted he see a doctor there. Gary & Lisa drove down to Podgora to meet up with another friend from N.Z. who has been in Europe for the past 2 years, they were only there for 10 minutes we called them back as Boris had to go to have an xray elsewhere. The following day was a holiday & the xray dept in Vrgorac had spilt out the xray fluid so we had to go to Hercegovina to a private xray. Doctor said it was coming from his spine, that it is out of place. He has been living on anti inflammatory tablets the whole time. Spent 10 days there. Met up in Drasnice with a N.Z. cousin & his friend & her family. Tried for accommodation there, thought it was too dear, 2 small rooms, not even a bed for Lisa so decided to again go to Podgora along the road. Went back to where we stayed before but they were full, they found us room next door. Stayed there & did Makarska from there. Headed back to Split, again had their apartment handed over to us. Met up with John Paskulich again, if we had planned to meet it would not have worked out so well. My cousins husband took us to the museum, Wayne came with digital camera hoping we would be allowed to film which we were. I am sure she thought we would film only the odd page but we did all 32 years while I wrote out the few years of deaths. From there headed for Zagreb only to find out all Boris cousins were headed for Novi so decided Okay we would also head for Novi. Spent another 8 days there, again spent time with Krsto. Went to Pula & Island of Krk. Cousins kept coming to Novi for weekends & working during week & as we had met them all decided to do Zagreb anyway. Stayed with Gary's friend whom we had met in Novi, her flatmate was away on holiday so she gave us her room, Boris & I had her bed, boys slept on double bed sofa & her & Lisa went into her flatmates room. Spent 5 days there. Went to Opatija out from Rijeka, went to Triest while here. Took off for Bled in Slovenia, weather turned wet & cold, wondered why we were freezing while down in Croatia it was boiling hot. Enjoyed this as Slovenia is so picturesque. Headed for Munich, stayed in Rosenheim as agency said only Hotels in Munich & we would have no trouble finding accommodation in Rosenheim as beer festival in October & this was beginning of Sept. We get to Rosenheim only to find beer festival here before Munich. The guys had a great time, it was an unbelieveable sight.

If we did not have a car we would have seen nothing, done nothing. We would get to a tourist agency, ask for what accommodation was available number 5 wasnt always good but always found something. Having a car meant we could always check it out, if we did not like it or it was too dear we tried elsewhere. Final day drive to Munich, did a test run out to the airport as we were leaving 7.20am so would be driving to airport in the dark. Found it was an easy drive, right to the front door of Lufthansa airlines. Drove to where we had to drop the car off & checked as to the best method of getting back to the airport. Repeated the procedure so knew all would be well. Drove back to Munich, found another festival there, so filled in the night. Drove to the airport, arrived about 1.00pm, reduced down our luggage as much as we could. The boys took the car back only to find the service station closed where we were told we could ring a taxi from so back to the airport with the car, rang taxi from there & once again took the car back. We did over 7000 kms, hit the 7000 km on the way to the airport, Gary says cant do more than 7000 we walk the rest of the way. While waiting for our flight Boris, Gary & Lisa had some sleep. I woke Lisa when it was time to go. She must have slept on one side & when she went to stand up her leg collapsed under her & she fell. I thought she might have broken her leg as it was all red & swollen immediatly luckily I had a bottle of cold water & a flannel with me so was able to walk after a while, limping. Thought this would be great we have to fly to London & she has broken her leg. Arrived in London, spent 2 nights there before our European tour. Bus load of 53 people mostly Australians, we headed for France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France & back to London.

It was an amazing experience & probably the last holiday together as a family. We had hoped to see Nicholas Jezic in Paris but we felt it would be too hard for us so disappointingly it did not eventuate. He suggested meeting up for a different can can show. It was the last evening for us with the group, we would have had to get into Paris by train, go to the show & get back to our Hotel, leaving 6.15 the following morning for London. If we did it with our tour we were taken there, it was an early show & we were brought back. Last 2 nights back in London. Said goodbye to Gary & returned home to horrible cold weather. Washing in a washing machine again is real good as washing by hand for 5 people & clothes drying everywhere is not fun. I am now processing my Vrgorac info as I had to write it all out by hand just as I do the Mormon films then put it all into families but at least I can do it sitting at home. We have put it all on one computer then I am transferring it to the Family Tree programme on the other computer.

You asked for this. Lynette

We are saddened to learn that one of Rojo Gato's senior gurus, the 20 year old Pearljam has gone to the catnip patch in the sky.

John moans, Paula writes:

I am pleased to announce that my cat, Rojo Gato, has surpassed the Hunting Arizonians (Mike, Ron, Dustin, John, Aaron) in his quest for the KITTY GRAND SLAM.

To date Rojo's Kills are:

4 Rattlesnakes (he brings them in the house to me)
2 Rabbits
12 Lizzards
20+ Rats
17 Mice
20+ Gophers
70 Spiders

In the Spirit of Uncle Blackie, Rojo Gato is once again keeping the neighborhood of Sunny Lane and Woodland Vista Drive SAFE....from predators!!!@!!!

I'm A Fake Grandfather!!!

Cece and I got to visit our fake grand daughter, Avery! Avery was born to our fake daughter Cathleen seated left. (Our five fake daughters were carefully chosen from the ranks of the Southwest's finest beverage consultants). Seated to the right is fake daughter Caitlin. I, of course, am overseeing the festivities from behind the couch.

The photo was taken by birth grandmother Janet

The dove opener saw the doves get a reprieve from the family's west coast sharpshooters as the Wednesday opener saw Aaron, Ron, John, and Dustin tied up with school, work, relocation, or recuperation. But Mike, recognizing a holy day of obligation went and bagged a limit including 1 whitewing and 9 mourning doves. The morning started slow, seeing just 4 birds in the first hour (getting two), but after a move to a new location, the other 8 came within 30 minutes.

Joe Segulja also reported a successful, albeit slow, hunt from Texas:

I got my limit. It took all day. We went back on Saturday and it was bad. We are hoping the cold front that came through yesterday brought some northern birds down.


At lower left view Cece, with a group at a Thalian charitable event. The woman in the purple dress in the center of the picture, for all you oldies radio fans, is Carol Connors, the lead singer for the Teddy Bears (to know, know, know him, is to love, love, love him, and I do. . . ).

She is one of the few people to have won a Grammy, an Emmy, an Oscar, and a Tony award for her performances. I think someone said that meeting Cece ranks right up their with those awards. Carol, Incidentally, will be doing the musical score for the remake of the movie '10;' the producer of that movie is the fellow in the top left of the photo. The woman in the lower right, Mara, is a fashion designer.

Mike, in hand cuffs, draped with a prison smock, also did his part for charity, serving time in the March of Dimes 'jail' for businessmen, until his friends bailed him out (I served the whole sentence, thanks a lot!)

Autumn has news:

Hey Mike,
I'd love to write more often but it's seems we are doing the same stuff as we were a year ago. Well, at least Jeff and I are, Leah does a lot more :) She's starting to talk now and she's been walking for about 6 months. She's adorable, everybody says so :) LOL. Anyways, Jeff's still in school at UNLV. He'll finish December of 2005 so we're nearing the end. Jeff loves the program though so that helps the fact that he has classes during the Summer too. I think Physical Therapy will be a great career for him.

As for me, I work from home for my father-in-law who runs Leavitt Insurance Agency. Oh yeah, I have been doing some genealogy research lately and I was wondering what computer program you had the Segulja info on :) Other that that I keep busy taking care of Leah.

As for Leah she turned a year and a half two days ago and is learning something new each day . She talks a lot and has a fascination with the movie Finding Nemo. She's constantly pointing at the TV and saying his name as to signal me to put it on. The funny thing is we don't even own it! She watches it at her Grandma Leavitt's! Anyways, I've attached some pics of Leah to prove how cute she is :)

Talk to ya later,

Julie has news from her Segulja branch in Texas:

We started Laughlin Home Builders in March of 2003. In April of this year I started working full time with LHB and let go of my job at Wells Fargo. We are really busy with 5 houses going right now. Did you see the Designing Texas piece on our website?

Alyssa graduated from Kindergarten in May. She is playing indoor soccer this summer and finished up dance lessons with a recital in May. All the brothers are doing well.

We’re off to Colorado this Wednesday for 11 days; a welcome sabbatical from the heat. That’s about it.

Talk to you later…

Laughlin Home Builders, Inc.
Lipan, TX. 76462

Cousin Nicolas Jezic, living in Paris, France, reminds us (in America) of the Jezic contribution to our national culture. As evidence he points to the Jezic Ensemble, a vocal group started by his cousin (our third cousin) Dragan Jezic's late wife Diane Peacock Jezic, an exemplar and advocate of American women composers. Check out the Jezic Ensemble.

Mike, Cece, and Margay went to Virginia, visited the house where Washington and Jefferson planned the battle of Yorktown, wherein the British surrendered, acknowledging America's existense.

while drowning in a sea of perspiration, they also visited the Capitol

They visited the National Museum, the Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roosevelt monuments, as well as Arlington National cemetary, the new WWII Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Viet Nam War Memorial Wall, and the Marine Corps' Iwo Jima Memorial, depicting the flag raising on Mt Suribachi--a scene originally viewed first hand by Margay's husband, and Michael's father, Nathan who recounted a brief intermission in the battle when a spontaneous patriotic cheer erupted. Today the monument commands a loud silence as it casts an intermission of reverence over the lives of those who glance upon it. Other side trips included Jamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg and Presidents' Park. On a day trip to Hampton's Road they went on a Harbor cruise and visited Fort Monroe where Chief Blackhawk was held prisoner after being captured by Jefferson Davis, and, stood in the room where Jefferson Davis, himself, was held prisoner after his short lived stint as President of the Confederacy.

Hi Mike!

I noticed that Michael emailed you a while back and told you that we were expecting our 3rd baby this fall. After having 4 or 5 doctor's appointments now, we have established the due date to be 9/26/04. We also know the gender of our little bundle, but Michael has chosen to keep that a secret from the rest of the family. So, it's pure torture around here :) No one seems to want to be surprised! Too bad they don't hold 'the power', huh?

Have a great day!
Jennifer Segulja

Paula Hansen Klema and John Klema have a new address in Lakeside!! In an extended family affair, they made the move this Sunday, May 23, 2004. She will live across the street from her 'Aunt Ma,' Margaret Segulja Pottorff.

Speaking of Margay, Margay turns 80!

Margaret Segulja Pottorff boarding the party limousine that took her, daughter Yvonne, son-in-law Ron, grandson Aaron, Aaron's girlfriend Holly, friends Mike and Leslie Brumley, 'adopted' son Mark and Cheri Gabler, and son Michael and Cece on a birthday wine tasting tour of the Temecula Valley vineyards. Wines getting a consensus approval were Callaway's Muscat Cannelli and Pinot Gris, Wilson Creek's Almond Champagne, Van Roekel's Gewertztraminer, and Baily's TV white, among others. . .it gets pretty foggy after that.

As best as we can remember, a good time was had by all.

Going 'home' to Croatia? Cousin Suzy, from the Miletic branch, can find you a place to stay!

Hi, Mike

sorry for being lazy and not answering before.
We're fine, hope the same with you ?
I 've found a short term job with one British tour operator - looking for villas to rent in Croatia.( and I'm quite happy with it.


The world travelling Radetic branch returns from their South American cruise.
Dianne Miller Havertine reports:

Dear Mike-

We had a great trip to South America--no we did not look up any family and we do not have any pictures--we are still using the throw away cameras! We used to take loads of pictures on our trips and carefully mount them in scrap books along with trip memorabilia but when we moved from Illinois to Arizona neither the kids or we wanted the albums--so we don't do that any more.

We started the trip with 3 days in Santiago, then boarded the Holland America ship for the 14 day trip around Cape Horn, Antarctica, Faulkland Islands and ending up in Buenos Aires for a 3 day stay. We loved the varied landscape, wildlife and people.


Western Australia reports in the person of John Paskulich:

Hi Mike

Lots of interesting things have been happening to me recently.

I've decided to become a SKIN (spend the kids inheritance now) and organised some trips away.

December 2003 i travelled to Auckland New Zealand, met up with Sebalja family who showed me great hospitality. I saw a lot of the north island including a trip to the gum fields (fossilised kauri gum mines) where my grandfather Frank Piskulich worked 1911-1917. Met Piskulich, Paladin, Sokolich and Dobric families in NZ. Some had heard the old stories about Frank who by all accounts was a wild young man.

April 2004 travelled with my partner Mavis (Maeve) to North Queensland Australia including Cairns, Townsville and Charters Towers. In townsville i attended an ANZAC Day reunion of my old army mates (that's Aus for buddies) that i served with in Vietnam war.

July 2004 Maeve and I are travelling to England, France, Part of Switzerland, Italy and Croatia. Maeve needs to return to Australia and work early August but I will remain in Croatia for an extra two weeks!

If you have any contacts in Novi interested to talk to an aussie Piskulich please pass their names on to me. Also any ideas on accomodtion there? The last was in 2000 and I only spent two nights in a gostiona owned by Sokolich family.

My second daughter Fiona is currently working in UK we hope to catch up together in Novi in August.


Pete Segulja III (Petey) reports that he is raising alfalfa and running cattle 20 miles outside of Wells, Nevada on Highway 93. . .and that the elk and antelope are foraging in his fields (he had to let Mike know that!).

Mike and Cece flew to New Jersey to attend the wedding of their 'fake daughter' Cathy.

At left, view Cathy, Mike, and Cece.

The wedding was held on the Jersey shore on the beach at Lavalette, New Jersey--the beach, the dunes, the bays, the rivers, and forests looked very East Coast.

On the trip over, they had a scheduled layover in Chicago, where Dubravko was attending a caterpiller engine convention from Novi, Croatia. Unfortunately, late flights aborted a hoped for meeting.

Dubravko did make phone contact with Margay though

Suzie recounts a baptism as a family affair (this one starring grandson Cash)

....We (Bryan & I ) were in Idaho for Easter and went to church with Bill & Amber....Cash (Bill the 6th)
was baptized and here's a photo...that baby had both sets of great-grand parents attending along
with 3 sets of grandparents.. a wonderful day!!!!!

Love Suzie

Novljani are coming to America

Dear Mike
Caterpillar (engine`s factory) organizing visit to their factory in USA - Mossvile (Ilinois) and Lafayette (Indiana) . Within that group I will arrive in Chicago on 29 April , 2 May we will travel to Pretoria , 5/6 May will be in Lafayette and leave Chicago on 7 May.

Dubravko Šegulja

Yvonne and Margay cruising aboard
a chartered boat on Lake of the Ozarks

Cece taking the wheel of the amphibious
vehicle on Table Rock Reservoir

Yvonne and Ron joined brother (in-law) Mike and Cece and Margay on their foray to the Mid-West.

Ron rented a minivan where we touched down in Kansas City, and, we proceeded to make our way to central Missouri. We took a different route, coming and going, so we got to see much of the countryside

First stop was at Mike and Cece's condo at Lake of the Ozarks, where the ducks, geese, deer, and turkeys had fun taunting Mike. Highlights of the trip included the exploration of a cave 2,000 feet beneath a mountain and a cruise around a portion of the lake. The lake is huge, filling numerous canyons and valleys and providing more miles of coastline than exists along California's Pacific edge!

After three days of immoderate wining and dining, we then went to Branson, where Mike and Cece have another condo that they can use. We took in shows by Shoji Tabuchi, Yakov Smirnoff, the Oak Ridge Boys, the Mighty Oaks, Pierce Aero, and the Yearys. Mike and Ron found time to sneak off to go to the headquarters of Bass Pro Shops, where the fishing rod department comprised over an acre of fresh water fishing poles--there was another section for ocean gear!--the store was enormous. Other side trips included land and lake rides on converted WWII 'ducks' (see Cece at the helm at left), a tour of a butterfly zoo, and a trip to a trout hatchery. The girls managed to squeeze in 30-40 hours of shopping and the [over]eating and drinking binge continued

Jon (of our Dobric branch) tells of a moose hunting trip in Alaska, about the one that got away. . .but was eventually taken by Jon's friend:

. . .I hunted for about 10 days with two other guys and we did not get a thing. The week after our hunt, one of those guys took off work on a Thursday to rainbow fish about 2 hours out of town. After a thermos full of coffee, my buddy and another guy pulled off in a gravel pit to . . . .censored. . .and there standing 50 yards away was a big bull. Needless to say, they didn't have time to go fishing. See the attached photo. The bull was taken last fall out of the lodge I used to work at. I was told the rack was the world record when green, but they didn't think it would stay at number one. They were pretty sure it would stay at number two. check it out at right

Jon's friend with monster rack

Well, Mike's company, Poet Properties entered the big time world of competitive racing. . . soapbox cars, that is.

Without a driver, Mike purchased the car and waited to be assigned a driver from a list of kids whose families could not afford a car.

Soon a 10 year old 62 lb. driver by the name of Ryan was assigned to my car and 'Team Poet' was born. Check us out on the right. Check out our 1st win on the left!!!

Marijana will send photos from her African Safari:
Marijana being the daughter of my (the editor's) 2nd Segulja cousin, Karman Miletic Antic--and Jason's 3rd cousin.

Hi Mike!

Sorry my computer is giving me trouble. In actual fact it's the modem so the internet connection has a few faults. I've had no news from the lottery, unfortunatelly. I'll try again this year.

I'm now in 5th year medicine! and next year will be my last year! We're all great otherwise. My dad's business is going well so he's happy.

I have about 3 reels of photos that I still haven't developed! There's some of me when I went to the Kruger Park and all the animals we saw there! it was great. Promise I'll send you some as soon as I develop them.


Jason has a new email address in New Zealand:
Jason being the son of my (the editor's) 2nd Segulja cousin, Margaret Maricich Aleksich

jase here.
just wanted to update my email address.< />< />
Jason Aleksich< />

The Radetic contingent checks in advising of new family additions and travel plans:


I would like to add the following to the web page:

Jack Richard Havertine was born to Richard Mark and Linda Havertine on 2-28-03. Mark is our son (Richard and Dianne Havertine).

We are leaving today for a South American cruise!


Dianne and Dick
Diane is a 3rd-8th cousin to the Sebaljas, Jezics, and Seguljas in our family

Mike failed to get his bobcat during the last weekend of the season, but he did get two nice foxes:

Mike's foxes

Mike and Cece visited their timeshare in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, along with Margay and footed airfare for nephew/grandson Aaron as an 'almost graduation' present. While neither Mike nor Aaron were able to hook a Striped Marlin or Swordfish, Aaron made the family proud with his rendition of a tequila swilling, boot stomping Mexican hat dance. Those of us who recognized his dance detected strong Eastern European moves in his version--fortunately there was no accordian music to give him away. A gringo from Washington state was a distant second. Below, view Aaron posing with his prize: a silver bracelet and an engraved tequila shot glass (only one of 350,476 known to exist!)

Aaron and his prizes for boot-stomping and swilling

More Kiwi Seguljas, Tracey Posa writes:

Tracey being the wife of Anthony Posa, the son of my (the editor's) 2nd Mudrovcic cousin, Mary Mudrovcic Posa.

Hi Mike

Just a quick note to finally let you know that we have a new little girl to add to our family tree.

Her name is Caitlin and she was born in January 2003. I have been on maternity leave for the last year and have only just recently returned to work. . .hence this very late email!

Anthony and I are thrilled and as you can see from the pic attached, Caitlin is absolutely adored by her big brother Matt.

Hope all is well with you.

Kind regards,

Tracey Posa

Caitlin and Matthew Posa

More Texas Seguljas, Michael Segulja writes:
Michael being the son of my (the editor's) second Segulja/Mudrovcic cousin, Robert Segulja, for those of you keeping score

Hey Mike,

I have some new news for you, but I was waiting to replay to this until I spoke with Grandma Segulja. I didn't want her hearing from somebody else. I talked to her yesterday, so it's okay to post this now. Jennifer is pregnant again!! It's a total surprise to us because we were definitely not expecting this. We found out about 3 weeks ago. She has her first official doctors appointment next week, so I imagine we'll find out the due date then. Right now, she is estimating sometime in October as the due date.

Well, this will make number 3, so we're going to have our hands full!!

Talk to you later,

Michael Segulja

---News From Southern California---

In December, parts of the Pottorff clan (Mike, Cece, and Margay) hooked up with parts of the Kriskovich clan (Bill and Mary), and, met in San Jose, where they took off for Marina where they stayed in Mike and Cece's timeshare. The next day, they went to Hearst Castle (see picture below) and the following day they went to the Aquarium in Monterey Bay. They also saw a herd of elephant seals, that looked as big as beached whales, and some sea otters.

Above view (back row) Bill and Mike and
(front row) Mary, Cece, and Margay

Upon returning home, we were saddened to learn that Margay's 'adopted' Japanese daughter, Asako's (a relative we picked up during Yvonne's residence in Japan) father-in-law had passed away.

Sadness soon struck closer to home as we learned of the sudden passing of Anne Segulia Tippit Desilets. Mike and Margay travelled to Blythe to attend the California memorial services, while the bulk of the Texas clan attended the graveside services conducted in El Paso Texas. To view Anne's obituary--prepared by Suzie, Debra, Robert et. al.--click HERE.

Tragedy continued to haunt Cece throughout the holiday season. Following the passing of her 21 year old cat, Tiger, we were all stunned with the sudden passing of her former husband, business partner, and dear friend Isak to a remarkably advanced, albeit undiagnosed, case of Leukemia. And, three weeks later, sadness again visited Cece as her 25 year old cat Melissa used up every ounce of her ninth life. Throughout this ordeal, Cece's father, Jack, has been in and out of intensive care 3-4 times!

At left view Cece with the movie star Ruta Lee, and with her friend Mary Ellen to the right. In the right photo, view movie star Debbie Reynolds, Mary Ellen, and Cece. Both Ruta and Debbie were very happy to get Cece's autograph < vbg >.

In November, Mike, Cece, and Margay went to Venezuela. On a day trip, they hired a small plane and flew into the Amazon to view Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall. From the Airplane window, you could see the top of it but not the bottom--the pilot flew a distance aways to get this picture

At left view Cece swimming with the porpoises on Isla Margarita (too many teeth for Mike to get excited about doing). In the right photo, view Margay in the front of a dugout canoe (a boat made from a hollowed out tree) cruising up one of the tributaries of the Orinoco River. Cece took a hike with the braver folks and walked behind a waterfall.

Dustin does it again!!! His second nice deer in two years!

The Southern California clan suffered much anxiety during the great fire and evacuations in October. Below, view Margaret Segulja Pottorff as she points to the charred hill behind her house. The fire eventually made its way down the hill where it was stopped at the corner intersection. The family survived without any losses, though at least 6 friends lost their homes.

Ooops--we have sadly learned that Paula and Frank's journey from Croatia to South Africa to Julian, California crossed paths with the fire, destroying their newly purchased home

Margay in her backyard
pointing at the charred hill
in the backround

Mike and Aaron went hunting in South Texas, and got drenched. All the hunting was from the road as all the blinds were under water. Mike got skunked, while Aaron managed to arrow a javelina.

Wila Dobric reports:

Roy's mother, Katherine, is still doing well for 100 years + 7 months. We will see her this wkend when we go to celebrate # 2 grandson's 13th b-day.

There is a new William Peter Vander Pol on the scene--William Peter vander Pol, VI (the 6th) to be exact!. . .as proud Grandma Suzie gushes. Congratulations to Bill (the 5th) and Amber!

We are all saddened by the passing of Jack Hansen, husband of Annie Segulja Hansen and father of Paula Hansen Klema and Johanna Hansen Whisman--see Jack's obituary.

Paula's friend, Al, has been released from the hospital following an encounter with a rattlesnake--he is alive, and, it appears that his kidney function has returned--be careful Al!!

Asja recounts her trip down the Balkan Peninsula

Hi, Mike!

I think you asked me about the family tree but I don't know if it has arrived because I was in Rijeka last week. Today I'm going to Novi, maybe it has arrived in the meantime. I also wanted to thank you for your postcard, hope you had a nice time. I had a great time in July in Dalmacija. I went with my friends, we were in the city called Vodice, it's near Sibenik. We also traveled to Split, Sibenik and on the island near Zadar (Pasman and Ugljan). Really wonderful places.

I'm in Rijeka now, preparing my 2 exams, hope everything will be ok.

Aunt Mary regards you also, she was in Novi for 2 weeks during my mom's vacation. She's all right, only her eyes are bad, she can't see very well. My grandmother also had an accident with her eyes. Doctors presume it was a brain stroke, and she lost her sight on one eye. She's fine now but still getting used to it.

You asked me for your great grandfather's grave and I hope I'll be able to tell you that information, but I must ask Mary or my grandmother.


Dove season opened in Southern California this September 1--50 of the 'birds of peace,' formerly residing in the Imperial Valley, are at peace now as Dustin and John each took a limit near the East Highline Canal south of Niland, while Aaron and Ron got their birds along the Alamo River north of Brawley, and Mike took his limit North of Holtville. Not to be outdone, Joe Segulja took his limit opening day (and a couple times since) near Throckmorton, Texas.

Margay, Cece, and Mike spent a week in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The featured destination was, of course, the Butchart Gardens, pictured at the left. They also had high tea at the Empress Hotel--eating off of the King's China--on 10 August, which was Mike's birthday. They took the high speed ferry over from Seattle and even though they had a return ticket they had to take the slow boat back and rent a car as the ship had been over-booked. They arrived at the airport with 'two drinks time to spare.' Other items viewed, included the Museum of British Columbia--featuring a collection of Chinese dinosaurs--a tour of an old 'castle,' a pedicab ride, watertaxis, a city tour, a narrated tour of an old cemetary and a horsedrawn carriage ride. Cece and Margay also found time to sneak away for a massage, facial, hair styling and a bunch of other girl stuff. . .and they ate rather immodestly every day, including a foray through China Town where they walked through Fan Tan Alley--the narrowest street in North America. They all had a great time just marvelling at the view from their penthouse suite (which they got by the luck of the draw)

Paula has news, some happy, some sad:
Happy----> Dustin turns 30!


We had a nice huge party with about 30 people. Great Aunt Maw Pottorff was there with Mike and Cece. Mom and John and all his friends helped him bring in his 30th year...CONGRATULATIONS DUSTIN!!!

some sad

I have sad news. My 'other' dad passed on July 12th at the age of 89. I have worked for Doctor Mitchell (DAD), (Charles H. Mitchell, M.D.) since 1975. We had a wonderful funeral mixed in with some Indian rights too. Dad was Lakota Sioux Indian. They had the Indian singers and a Christian Funeral. This was the hardest death I have had to deal with. We were all very close and I wanted to share this with everyone as he was my dad too. There is a hole in my heart where he was. He went to school with Jim Thorpe and his first patients were Lloyd Bridges and Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan). I have attached a photo of me with Dad at his funeral.
The Tippit Clan welcomes a new addition, Leah!

Autumn, Leah, and Jeff


Leah, again

Pfc. Travis Scott Armstrong

The family is in shock with the news of Travis Armstrong's death from a fall from a cliff in the Big Bend area of Texas. Funeral services will be conducted, Friday July 25th. View obituary

Suzie Tippit is a proud grandma (with photos to appear on the Anne Segulia page soon)

Asja Mrdja gives us a Rijeka update:

Hi, Mike!

Dejan doesn't have any e-mail address, everyone usually write on mine. He's totally occupied with motorcycling; he sold his old bike which was crashed in the accident last summer and now when his leg is much better, he's planning to buy a new one. Three years ago he joined the motor club here in Opatija and they're travelling around the country.

Every month they go somewhere else on different places, it depends where the meeting is organized. They also go abroad, usually in Slovenia or Italy. I've been several times with him, and it's nice, people are coming from all parts of the world , there is always some concert, games or something like that, quite interesting.

This week I'm having my last exam in this semester, and then I go on 'summer vacation' for 2 months. In the end of July I'm going in Sibenik (Dalmatia) with my friend. We'll stay there for one week, I'm really looking forward to go there. We're going by car, I suppose it will take some 5-6 hours driving but I think it'll be a nice trip.

'Till next writing, stay well !

Katherine Bujanovich Dobric turns 100!

See Katherine, flanked by daughter Katherine and son Roy

The family mourns the death of Mira Krpan--from the Jezic branch. Mira was a close friend of Blazenka and Mary's family in Rijeka and Zagreb. . .and she was a third cousin to all my first cousins in America and my second cousins in Croatia and America.

Mira with your webmaster, during a February 2002
visit to Marija Segulja's apartment in Zagreb

News from proud grandma Anne Segulja

She reports that she just got back from attending her grand-daughter, Mary Kathryn's wedding, who was married to Joseph Kenneth Nader. It was a very lovely wedding with all the sisters as attendants..Hopefully pictures will soon be here on the web page.

Ann also reported that Liz is attending Baylor, Kristin is a senior in high school and Sara is a freshman. The above four girls are Joe Segulja's daughters.

Tom's boys are now attending Tech. Matt will graduate next year and Doug is in his sophmore year.

Bob and Chris are enjoying Michael's children, Michael Alexander who is now 3 years old and Morgana who is seven months old. Carrie got her degree in physical therapy this last May.Thanks Anne for the update.

Now some news from El Paso. Mary Cooper is doing fine. Plays bridge once a week or is dancing when she's not flying to Idaho to visit her two grandsons. Daughter Laurie is back in El Paso now.

John Klema (Paula Hansen's better half--daughter of Arizona Annie Segulja
John Klema catches a Striped Marlin in Mazatlan!
(Mike caught a sailfish)

Michael Pottorff, son of Margaret Segulja

Below, check out the rest of the gang at the Shrimp Bucket, one of Mazatlan's gastronomical landmarks.

From left to right of the left side picture, view Margay, Paula, John, (friend) Judy, (Cece's sister) Debbie, and Cece. To the right, view Cece and Debbie with one of the friendly iguanas (Mike took the pictures).

Suzie (again) writes from Blythe, reporting on the exploits of yet another neice--a champion steer raiser and ballerina!--who garnered the Miss Blythe beauty title and who took a shot at the Miss California title

Suzie writes from Blythe:

Well, thanks for writing, I haven't heard anything from Mike in a long time and since I got a new computer my scanner won't work. I will try to send you a photo of Autumn's little girl and if it works you can show Mike.

Anne seems to have adjusted well. last summer we had a scare. The meds she was on didn't mix well and it threw her for a loop. That is when Mary and Anne came for their visit. Since that time the problem got corrected and she's gotten better.

Debbie has moved back to Bakersfield. Bobby is still here. Bryan has been working nights for a while(1 1/2 yrs) yuck.....

Autumn and her husband Jeff are BOTH graduating from college this weekend, May 3rd. Both have a Biology major/chemistry minor....after that they will be living in Las Vegas (closer,yea!)

Thanks again for writing........miss ya,Suzie

Ann Segulia sends news from Texas

Hi Mike,

I have not been too active on the computer. Mine is so old it doesn't work half the time. Tom came and cleaned it for me and it is doing better. I never heard from the Bako you had told me about. I guess it was when the computer wasnt working. It still gives me a little trouble. I hope to get more time and a new computer later later this year, maybe then I will get with it.

Things are fine with all of us in Texas, with graduations and a wedding. I have been trying to get myself ready for it all. Tell all hello,

Bye now,

Ann Segulja

We are saddened to learn of Charles Jezick's passing (see )

Not impressed, Julie writes:

Where were you? We just got back from Maui two weeks ago.


What Internet Ghoul?--I was too busy working to notice my nephew's handiwork

The INTERNET GHOUL hacks in:

Well Michael Pottorff and his mother Marge left for Hawaii on Tuesday morning, leaving their less loved family members back at home. Personally this less loved family member is hoping the weather in Hawaii is miserable.

On a separate note, since Mike is gone and the page is without supervision I have taken this opportunity to play internet ghoul and screw with the website while he is not here to do anything about it. If there is anyone out there besides myself who might like to post some notes without the normal editing done by Mike, please email them to the Internet Ghoul (no longer active). This is the perfect opportunity to get even with Mike for going to Hawaii without us.

The Internet Ghoul

Carrie Segulja reports:

Happy New Year everyone! I am an aunt again! (brother) Michael and Jennifer had a girl on Dec 16. She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and was 19.25 in. Her name is Morgann Shirley-Adele. She's a cutie!

Click here to see Morgann and Aunt Carrie.

God bless you!


The Segulja women in Lakeside had much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving--thanks to them correctly identifying sports figures--Alabama football coach Bear Bryant and Australian golfer Greg Norman--they managed to lose only 2 of their 3 games with the men. The running score is now 148-5 in favor of the men. The womens' 'victory' set off a rather raucous banter--neighbors described it as akin to a witches' convention in a henhouse.

Many of you have written, asking, 'Mike, how is the pheasant hunting in Southern California?' Well, I have to admit that it exists, but that, in my experience, it is none too good. I have hunted a private field for the last 3 years without firing a shell. Well, this year was different! When we got to the end of the drive we were looking at a line of other hunters on the end of the field. And, wouldn't you know it, a pheasant jumped up flying between the two lines, but as I was was on the end it was flying straight away from me, without being in the line of fire. I was, of course, the furthest away from the bird, but the only one that could safely fire before the bird veered to the right or left. I got one shot, and got one feather but the bird kept going, veering in the direction of other hunters, so I could not safely fire either. We went through the field a couple of more times and I gave up, deciding to finish my limit of doves. I had about an hour left of daylight when I came to a favorite brush pile. I loaded my gun and entered the brush, only to be greeted by a 'no hunting/no shooting' sign. Dejected, I walked back to my car unloaded the two shells from the magazine and pulled the ejector lever for the shell in the chamber, making a fine mid-air catch of the ejected shell. The noise from the gun's mechanism caused two pheasants to jump out of a sugar beet field, leaving me standing there with an empty gun in one hand and a shell in the other--I quickly reinserted the shell and took a Hail Mary shot that knocked down the bird. That shot startled yet another bird who took off. I quickly grabbed another shell, put it in the gun, hailed Mary, and fired, but got nothing. I did get the one pheasant though and a limit of doves.

Proud Mama Paula reports:

On Nov 3rd of 2002 Dustin Berg got his first deer. A forked horn buck. He was hunting in the Imperial Valley of CA near Bard, in the desert along the Colorado River. He walked up about 2 1/2 miles from coyote pond in a canyon. The cell phone message was so great all I heard was 'I AM SO STOKED!!!' Dustin is Annie Segulja's (Hansen) eldest grand son and Mike Pottorff's cousin once removed. CONGRATS TO DUSTIN!!!

Margay reports:

Marija Segulja from Rijeka writes that she spent most of the summer in Novi. She was disappointed with the weather as they had a lot of wind and rain. She reports that Milojka and Dubravko are suffering from the empty nest syndrome. Cedo, their son, has enrolled in the school of Electrical Engineer at the University of Zagreb. Their daughter, Dragana, will return to the University also, to continue her studies in Medicine. This is her fourth year.

Ivica is still working on his new home. It's been a bit frustrating to him but it's well on it's way to completion. His wife, Tajana, and their children spend the summer in Umagu. and are back in school now.


She sends her best regards to all.

Michael, Cece and Marge took a couple of days off last week and flew to Tucson, Arizona. The plane trip was only an hour and five minutes long. Just enough time to sip a drink. While in Tucson they visited the Karchner Caverns in Benson, Arizona. Not nearly as big as the ones we saw in Slovenia last February but very lovely. We saw seven different types of formations. The most outstanding one was named Kubla Khan. It's the most massive column in Arizona and stand 58 ft. tall. Thursday we visited the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This Museum is a world-renowned zoo, natural history museum, and a botanical garden, all in one place, All the animals and plants on display are native to the Sonora Desert region. It was very informative and educational.

Friday morning , I, Marge, drove to Yuma, Arizona to attend my 61st high school reunion. I don't usually attend reunions, but was talked into attending this one. I'm glad I did because I not only saw many of my classmates but got to see many old friends that were family friends and neighbors. Some I haven't seen since I left the valley to attend college in l94l. It's funny how you expect to see the same young face you last saw, but no way we've all gotten older.

Who says the Seguljas don't run in a fast crowd?? Check out Suzie Tippit's neice, Jennifer Downes, age 19, in her racing regalia at Blythe Speedway

And, they televised the speed truck series here on Saturday night (10-19) to be broadcast Thanksgiving and the weekend following....during intermission some kids got to do a little cheer and my (other) nieces (Robert's, Amber's, & Autumn's cousins) kids Justin 8, and Alyssa 8, got to speak on the microphone.....they said it should be part of the show on Fox (Television Network's) Sports Speed Truck Series on Thanksgiving Day !!!!! --Suzie. For more information on Blythe's racing program, click here.

Other Tippit/Blythe updates include news that Autumn is expecting a stork during Spring Break in January; Bryan's 30 year High School Reunion is coming up; Robert and Melissa will have their 10th, and Amber and Bill will have their 5 Year Reunion.

Kathryn offers a sad note from Colorado:

Butt, the Reynolds' family chicken, was swept from his roost on the edge of the horse trough, by a gust of wind. Butt's final wish, that he be transformed into a duck was denied, and he drowned. He was preceded in death by one of his clutch-mates who also drowned while looking up at the sky while it was raining. And, one of the laying hens had an aneurism while trying too hard to lay an egg. You won't get that kind of news from CNN!

Well, here in Good old Colorado no rain snow or any thing like that for the longest time. Ski season has opened and well let's just say 15 inches is not the greatest amount to ski or snowboard on.

School has been out for the high school for a week and the other elementary kids get out just in time for Thanksgiving.


Who is gonna help with the next family reunion?

Julie offers a news flash from Texas:

We moved into a new house that Don built, Alyssa turned five, Travis isjoining the Army, Mark has a new job, Gary bought a new house, and Jake isthe cutest three year old boy in the family.

Quick News!!


John Paskulich contacts us from Western Australia:
I am in the process of writing up a 'potted' history of Croatia and my family roots for my kids. Are you interested in extracts for the Segulja page? Two reasons - to share what I know and give others the chance to comment and feedback any extra info or corrections. I would like it to be as accurate as possible given what has been lost thru passage of time. Check out John's history.

Meanwhile, back on the home front, Asja reports:

As soon as I find a suitable picture of us, I'll send it to you.

Mary and Blaza are in Novi, I go there every weekend when my mother comesfrom Ogulin.

Mica is in Rijeka since September, I think. I don't hearanything from Nina and Stefan, it was last time I saw them on Daniel'sfuneral. Cedo is studying in Zagreb on Faculty of electrical engineering andcomputing and Dragana is on Faculty for chemist's assistant, or somethinglike that.

At left, view Mariyana Antic, flanked by Marin and Sasha Sokolic during her recent visit to Novi Vinidol. At right, view Mariyana, disguised as

the woman in red at the Medicall Ball (along with her friend Dawn) at a function held at Cesar's Casino in her hometown of Johannesburg. Below, view friends of the Antics as they visit Margaret Segulja Pottorff in San Diego, where they purchased a home prior to their emigration to the States.

Nicolas Jezic comes to San Diego from France. . .does he drop a dime and call his cousins to get some good California wine?? NOOOOOOO!! Quel domage!!!!

Hello MichaelAs you will see Colette and I were very close to your home last month. We stayed 2 nights at La Jolla Hilton and visited Marineland. At Coronado, just in front of that little place where we took these two pictures, I went in a DHL office to try to find you in a telephone directory but they had only the Coronado island directory. So the drink will be for another trip. I thought you were living on the island since one day you told me about the US Navy base. I looked at every stars and stripes flag to see if you were standing behind but they were so many flags there..... :-))

We spent two and a half weeks in California traveling by car without any plan made in advance. We landed in SF and left from LA, spent a few days in Carmel where we have very good friends met in Paris who live in a beautiful house in the valley. It was our fourth stay in California but the first one in the San Diego area.

Best regards

Margay wants everyone to know that she (Margay) and Cece beat Mike and Aaron at bridge a couple of weeks ago, but she didn't expect to read anything in the gossip page except accounts of how the men relentlessly stomp the women in Trivial Pursuit. There!!!! I've published it for the world to see!

Asja writes:

Hi, Mike!
It's been a long time since I wrote to you. It's because I've been in Novi all summer and I don't have a computer there, so I wasn't able to write you back. Now I'm in Rijeka. I've read all your e-mails and found out that a lot of things have happened. Here everything's as usual. Aunt Mary is still in Novi with my grandmother because she's not able to be alone in the house (her sight is very bad). My mother has bought a new apartment in Ogulin so Mary will probably be with her this fall/winter. Of course, she sends her regards to you and Aunt Marge.

This summer, in July, my brother (Dejan) had an accident. He was riding a motorbike and some car hit him so he fell of the bike and his leg, just below the knee, was broken. He still isn't able to stand on that foot and he probably won't for the next 3 months. It was a really bad crash and, thank God, because it could be even worse.

As you know, this year I started to study at the University of Rijeka. Actually, that's a Faculty of tourism and hospitality management in Opatija (that's a town near Rijeka). My lectures started two weeks ago, and it doesn't seem so difficult, but who knows...

This is all the 'news', lot of regards to all of you and hope to hear from you soon!


Margay notes:

Yvonne and Ryan (at right), Ron (at left) are back from their trip to Alaska where they spent two days fishing for salmon and halibut. They didn't catch the biggest one but did manage to catch enough to ship home. They saw the glaciers and were impressed as everyone is that sees them. Ron has a new digital camera and had fun taking pictures of the lovely scenery.

Michael, Marge and Cece had a great time exploring the islands in the Caribbean. They spent the first night in Puerto Rico and then flew down to Dutch Sint Maarten. While there, they visited French Saint Martin and the islands of St. Barths (French) and Anguilla (British). When not enjoying the lovely beaches they took a sunset cruise one evening and then one day went down in a glass bottom boat to view the coral and the fish . The shopping was great and the BBQ'd ribs were fabulous. View from our room --->

Karmen provides updates from Africa (her family), and, Croatia (Robert, Biserka, Denis, Zeljka)

Dear Mike!!

We're back!! As you know we were in Croatia! We were there for 3 weeks and we really enjoyed it a lot. Now we're back and it's taking us a while to get used to life on this side of the world. We took many photos but I just haven't developed them yet, believe me when I do you will be the first one I send them to :o) I'm really glad to see that Robert has contacted you, unfortunatelly this time I didn't get to see Biserka, but I saw Zeljka and Dennis and his family and I will send you more information for the family tree about them (and photos).

I'll write again soon!
hugs and kisses


Tracey Posa provides a Kiwi Mudrovcic update:

--Helen Franich celebrated her 60th birthday a few weeks ago. Her daughter Soniaorganised a beautiful lunch for family & friends at a local restaurant. Areally nice day!

Asap Ant Addie Pinto Full

--Mary Posa moved into her lovely new home, just a few minutes from us andShirley & Paul, so all her children and grand-children can now visit on aregular basis!

Grandma Ann Segulja reports:

Mary Kathyrn Segulja has a busy year ahead of her: next month (August) she will have an engagement party where she and her intended (longtime beau Joseph _________) will announce their wedding plans for next June. In the meantime, however, she will graduate from Oklahoma University in May.

Cecilia Sokolic makes her introduction from Argentina, and wishes to speak to her long lost cousins in Africa--Karmen! Mariyana!

Queridos parientes, me alegra mucho recibir noticias de ustedes; ya que por un error habiamos perdido las direcciones de ustedes y perdimos contacto hasta que nos encontramos con el primo Luis Sokolic y nos dijo que el nos conectaria nuevamente con ustedes. Yo soy hermana de Silvina Sokolic, me llamo Cecilia Sokolic, tengo un hijo de 9 años que se llama Franco Sokolic y soy la hija mayor de Antonio Sokolic hijo menor de Antonio Y Catalina. Espero tener contacto de ustedes mas seguido. quisiera que me mandaran la direccion de los parientes de SudAfrica. El unico problema es el idioma, que yo no entiendo muy poco su idioma y no se si ustedes entienden el español.les mando la direccion de Silvina:

Yvonne just flew off to Puerto Rico where she went to help a friend. . . sure! Next month, she and husband Ron and son Ryan are off to Alaska where they will battle salmon and halibut.

Make room in the trophy cabinet, Elden Whisman just garnered another trophy--this time for his prowess as a tennis player!

Empty Nest Syndrome Strikes Ramona, California

News from Ramona, CA

Paula is suffering empty nest syndrome. Her son Dustin has moved out to his own house. She made him take a week to do it. She has been over every night to make sure he is doing fine. She is impressed at his decorating ability and now feels a lot better about making him cook and do house work while living at home. The first night he slept there it took 2 men to peel her hugging arms off him. Then she and John got in the car and left. She made it 2 blocks to Main Street before the tears started. She was thinking that she spent 18 yrs without Dustin and 30 with him. Anyone having items they no longer use please donate them this way.

Mike Pottorff and friend Mike Brumley led the Segulja mens' team to victory over the women in Trivial Pursuit. The running score is now 146-4 in favor of the men. Out numbered 2:1 the men fought valiantly against the women who let victory slip from their fingers not once, but twice as they failed to answer a sports question.

Mary Segulja Kriskovich was the surprise guest at her 80 1/2 birthday. The party, arranged by children, Bill and Toni, was a complete surprise. Mary thought she was going to a benefit dinner for Bill's swim team.

Steven's 'new' restaurant--Goodwood Barbecue--in Boise, Idaho has a webpage

Suzy reports of Africans in Kastav!

My phone rang 10 mins ago and someone asked me in English 'Is this Suzy' - I immediatelly recognized my aunt Karmen (she was surprised I did!)Apparently, she is in Klenovica at my parent's place... What a surprise? No one knew she was coming, she just appeared at the gate...

I'm looking forward to seeing her and Marijana-theyare going to stay here another 15 days...Wow, what a surprise ...!I still can't believe they are here!

Dragan Jezic receives the photos of his 1st cousin and my 3rd cousin Mira Krpan with me and with Margaret's 1st cousin Marija Segulja, and responds:

Puno hvala na lijepim slikama.

Asap Ant Addie Pinto Recipe


Asap Ant Addie Pinto Video

Suzie reports:

Hi Mike.....Bryan and I are going to be GRANDparents !!
Robert & Melissa (Tippit) are expecting a boy August 4th !!
And Autumn & Jeff (Leavitt) are expecting a surprise the 4th of January 2003....

Amber & Bill (VanderPol) were showing llamas in May and Amber won 1st in her class. They then took the llamas and got them Master Packer Certified in June....after an 8 mile trek thru water,cliffs, and other obstacles....
