How To Download The Battlefront 2 Beta 5,0/10 835 votes

Star Wars: Battlefront II Beta Information Thread (self.StarWarsBattlefront) submitted 1 year ago. by Bronno7 Alderaan was an Inside Job M Well the time has finally arrived people, as of today, at 8AM UTC (chuck it into google to convert it to your time) - we will all be getting our first taste of Battlefront II. If the beta for the original Star Wars Battlefront is any indication, you should be able to download the game from the PlayStation Store, Xbox Store or the Origin PC client once it goes live.

TheStar Wars Battlefront 2 Beta is currently live on Xbox One PS4  and PC for pre-order customers, with the open beta for everyone else scheduled to start on October 6. As usual, the beta serves as both a stress test for customers and a kind of demo for prospective buyers, giving us all a chance to see what sort of improvements EA has managed.

For a full list of modes, times, PC requirements and more, head over to Erik Kain's info piece. 

Star Wars Battlefront 2 promises to be a much broader answer to the complaints that Star Wars Battlefront was short on content at launch. The new game has more modes, maps, and heroes, as well as a brand-new single-player campaign that takes place immediately after the destruction of the second Death Star. It's an encouraging spate of improvements -- its predecessor really was an excellent game in many ways, there just wasn't quite enough of it. It proved itself perhaps the most faithful depiction of the original trilogy in video game format I've ever seen, and in some ways the Walker Assault mode alone was worth the price of admission, at least once that price went down a little bit.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 has the right makings to be one of the biggest games of the holiday season. It has solid momentum coming from Star Wars Battlefront, as well as a marketing campaign that basically writes itself in the twirling lightsaber strokes of Darth Maul and Yoda. On top of that, it gets a massive infusion of attention from Star Wars: The Last Jedi in December, piggybacking off of one of the biggest hype machines in popular culture right now. The Battlefront series is by no means the only licensed video game out there, but the overall quality, timing and expansiveness of the franchise make it better-geared to taking advantage of movie marketing than any game I can think of.

For right now, it's time to dive in and see how the thing actually plays. Check back for more thoughts.


Remember: there's no recoil on blasters. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is EA's latest foray into the wide world of Star Wars, giving players a chance to place themselves in epic battles spread throughout every era of Star Wars, from Naboo to Endor and everywhere in between. And it's available to try now, if you're interested. The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta is currently live on Xbox One PS4 and PC for pre-order customers, with the open beta for everyone else scheduled to start on October 6. As usual, the beta serves as both a stress test for customers and a kind of demo for prospective buyers, giving us all a chance to see what sort of improvements EA has managed.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 promises to be a much broader answer to the complaints that Star Wars Battlefront was short on content at launch. The new game has more modes, maps, and heroes, as well as a brand-new single-player campaign that takes place immediately after the destruction of the second Death Star. It's an encouraging spate of improvements -- its predecessor really was an excellent game in many ways, there just wasn't quite enough of it. It proved itself perhaps the most faithful depiction of the original trilogy in video game format I've ever seen, and in some ways the Walker Assault mode alone was worth the price of admission, at least once that price went down a little bit.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 has the right makings to be one of the biggest games of the holiday season. It has solid momentum coming from Star Wars Battlefront, as well as a marketing campaign that basically writes itself in the twirling lightsaber strokes of Darth Maul and Yoda. On top of that, it gets a massive infusion of attention from Star Wars: The Last Jedi in December, piggybacking off of one of the biggest hype machines in popular culture right now. The Battlefront series is by no means the only licensed video game out there, but the overall quality, timing and expansiveness of the franchise make it better-geared to taking advantage of movie marketing than any game I can think of.

For right now, it's time to dive in and see how the thing actually plays. Check back for more thoughts.

Star Wars Battlefront. There's also Starfighter Assault, which lets players give the revamped ship controls a spin in a satisfying space battle. Strike provides a more traditional, small-scale objective-based experience without heroes to muddy things up. And finally, we've got Arcade, which pits one or two players against AI-controlled opponents.

I'll have full thoughts on this thing up for tomorrow, but so far it promises what it delivers: it feels a lot like Star Wars Battlefront, there's just a whole lot more of it. And while I never thought I'd actually be happy to see anything out of the prequel trilogy, there is something undeniably charming about the map on Naboo.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Editions


The Star Wars Battlefront Beta is already underway, letting players from around the world give the much-expanded Star Wars shooter a spin before release on November 17. People who pre-ordered the game have been able to play since yesterday but tomorrow, the floodgates open up. The open beta for Star Wars Battlefront 2 begins tomorrow, October 6, at 1 AM Pacific on Xbox One, PS4 or PC. all you've got to do is go to the store on your platform of choice (Origin on PC), download it and play.

Betas have become pretty par for the course for most AAA games with some sort of online component, and this is usually the schedule that they follow. Players who pre-ordered the game get early access by two days before everyone else gets to check it out, usually over a weekend. This serves a few functions: first, it rewards players who purchased early and gives them a bit of a reason to feel special. Second, it spaces out the server load for developers that are still seeing how a game will handle a large influx of players. This is a beta, after all: the primary function is to see how the game handles things when a massive wave of players start playing. It's possible we'll start to see longer wait times or connection errors once things open up, but the closed Beta has been pretty smooth so far.

Windows Xp support dropped and with Steam not supporting it anymore either this isn't a surprise. Star wars rpg gm tools. Dx10 is minimum requirement now. Dx9 support has been dropped only 0.01% of players have a gpu that is only Dx9.

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta, whether open or closed, lets players take part in four different modes. First, we've got Galactic Assault: a multi-stage, large-scale battle on Naboo that should be more than a little reminiscent of Walker Assault from Star Wars Battlefront. There's also Starfighter Assault, which lets players give the revamped ship controls a spin in a satisfying space battle. Strike provides a more traditional, small-scale objective-based experience without heroes to muddy things up. And finally, we've got Arcade, which pits one or two players against AI-controlled opponents.

I'll have full thoughts on this thing up for tomorrow, but so far it promises what it delivers: it feels a lot like Star Wars Battlefront, there's just a whole lot more of it. And while I never thought I'd actually be happy to see anything out of the prequel trilogy, there is something undeniably charming about the map on Naboo.