Fallout 4 Directorate Meeting 8,6/10 3372 votes

Attend the directorate meeting Sit on Father's chair Talk to Father and return to the main area of the Institute and head to the conference room, where the directorate meeting is to be held.

Fallout 4 Directorate Meeting

I talked to Father on the roof of the CIT building where he told me to attend a meeting in the institute.

Rather than go directly to this meeting, I went and did some quests for the Brotherhood of Steel. After completing Tactical Thinking, the quest Mass Fusion was triggered. I need to talk to Justin Ayo to continue that quest.

When I go to the meeting for Mankind Redefined, Father tells me to sit down in order to discuss some important things. The problem now is that sitting down doesn't change anything, father doesn't begin the meeting and I can sit there for several days without anything happening. Justin Ayo is one of the people at the meeting, waiting for Father to talk.

I already have tried the quest with and without a companion and have also tried progressing with the brotherhood.

Reloading isn't an option as I have progressed many hours since the then.

How do I continue with the Institute quest line?

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1 Answer

The faction quests during this part of Fallout 4 are heavily intertwined, and prone to bugs if you try to do too many things at once. It sounds like you've got yourself in a situation where Ayo is locked up in too many things and can't do any of them.

Mankind Redefined probably got screwed up when you started Mass Fusion after Tactical Thinking. If you can go to a save before finishing Tactical Thinking, that might fix it.

Directorate Meeting Location Fallout 4

Otherwise, it sounds like you'll have to continue the game with the Brotherhood. You would be unable to do any further Institute quests after completing Spoils of War anyway.

If you were on PC, I expect you could use console commands to finish Mankind Redefined and continue, but you've indicated that you're playing on PS4.

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Fallout 4 Directorate Meeting Won't Start

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Fallout 4 brings players to the war-torn wasteland of Boston. Most of the city is gone, but some landmarks still remain. One of these is the Freedom Trail, which is actually a very important part of Fallout 4’s overall story. At its end you will find the Railroad, a shadowy organization that is dedicated to saving Synths from the prejudices of society. You can join them or not, but at some point you’ll want to follow the Freedom Trail to find them, so here’s how to do it.

The Freedom Trail is located in downtown Boston, to the east of Diamond City. You can begin the quest randomly by listening in on a couple of Diamond City residents near the “Bounties” board, or by continuing in the main quest line until you are tasked with finding the Railroad.

The Freedom Trail itself starts at Boston Commons, a small park found within the ruins of the city. The first plaque is near the fountain, with a tour guide robot nearby that you can activate. You’ll want to highlight and activate the plaque to get the most info.

Essentially there are a few locations along the Freedom Trail in Fallout 4, with a plaque in front of each. They will have a number and a letter highlighted on it, which you’ll want to mark for use later (or keep reading for the full rundown). Of course, to find them all you’ll actually need to follow the trail, so how do you do this?

Next to the plaque on the ground you’ll see a red line running along the sidewalk. This is the path of the Freedom Trail. Follow it, continuing along its path when debris covers it, and making special note of when it turns, to reach the final destination.

The Old North Church is the last spot on Fallout 4’s Freedom Trail, with the Railroad residing within. You’ll have to clear the place of some Feral Ghouls, then head to the basement, which can be found to the back right upon entering the church.

At the end of some long hallways you’ll find another plaque with a door nearby. This is where those highlighted letters come into play. IF you took notes you should have 7-A, 4-L, 2-A, 6-O, 3-I, 5-R, 8-D, and 1-R. It should be easy enough to figure out, but if you haven’t and need the answer it is spelling out Railroad.

Place your cursor on the outer ring and you can rotate it so that the inner ring points to different letters. Spell the right word by activating these in the correct order and the door should open. You’ll now meet another of Fallout 4’s main factions, the Railroad. How you proceed from here is up to you.

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