Memory: The Origins Of Alien Mkv 5,6/10 4682 votes
  1. Alien Origin Movie

Screen Media and Legion M have acquired all North American rights to Alexandre O. Philippe’s documentary feature film Memory: The Origins of Alien (read our review), an exploration of the classic sci-fi film Alien, writes Deadline.

Alien Origin Movie

Memory: The Origins Of Alien Mkv

Memory: The Origins of Alien unearths the largely untold origin story behind Ridley Scott’s cinematic masterpiece Alien, and reveals a treasure trove of never-before-seen materials from the archives of Alien creators Dan O’Bannon and H.R. Giger – including original story notes, rejected designs and storyboards, exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, and O’Bannon’s original 29 page script from 1971, titled Memory.

If you’re as passionate about cinema and Alien as Philippe clearly is, you’re sure to find this to be a fantastic documentary celebrating the classic that is Alien and the power it still holds 40 years later. From Adam Zeller (‘RidgeTop’) for AvPGalaxy, I award Memory: The Origins of Alien 8 out of 10 stars.

The documentary also takes fans on an exploration of the mythical underpinnings of Alien and dedicates focus on the film’s iconic “Chestburster” scene. Memory: The Origins of Alien premiered in the Midnight Section at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and screened at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, CPH: DOX, Hot Docs and many others.

Screen Media and Legion M plan to release the film in theaters this summer, timed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the theatrical release of Alien.

Alien – specifically the demise of John Hurt’s chest – is a seminal moment in cinema – one where you remember exactly where you were when you first saw it,” said Seth Needle, SVP of Worldwide Acquisitions at Screen Media. “Alexandre and Kerry have done an incredible job creating the buzz from that film with Memory: The Origins of Alien, and we know hardcore fans of the series and mainstream audiences alike will love watching this.”

Co-founded Bloody Disgusting in 2001. Producer on Southbound, the V/H/S trilogy, SiREN, Under the Bed, and A Horrible Way to Die. Chicago-based. Horror, pizza and basketball connoisseur. Taco Bell daily.

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