Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage 6,0/10 1578 votes
  1. Mount And Blade Warband Best Marry Lady
  2. Mount And Blade Warband Female Character Guide
  3. Mount And Blade Warband Viking Conquest Female Character

Your Relationship towards a vassal, faction, town, or village exhibits how much they trust or like you. Supporting them usually improves your relationship with them, while fighting or disappointing them harms it.

Marriage is a feature that lets the player marry for love or for cold political gain. Suitable partners for a male character are all the unmarried sisters and daughters of the various lords; as a female, all the unmarried lords and male Companions (if they are made lords) are available.

While your character's relationship to factions and towns/villages always starts at 0, vassals can start with a better or worse impression on you, based on their personalities. Relation can range from -100 to +100. Note that once your Relationship with a vassal reaches +100, it sometimes doesn't deteriorate as it usually would. Similar results occur when you try to please a lord at -100. For example, a vassal with a relationship of +100 toward you may not mind if you give other vassals fiefs.This may be because while the game does not show values below the apparent minimum and maximums, such values can still exist and be used in the game's calculations. Thus, if a character is shown to be at +100, the real value could be bigger. So if such a lord has a real value of +125 and would lose 15 relations from not being given a fief, the apparent value doesn't change. Similarly, if your granting of a fief to a lord at -100 apparent and -125 real relations, gaining 15 points will not be enough to bring the value into the range visible in-game, and thus would allow its apparent value to remain unchanged. This, however, is an untested theory

Relationship affects your interactions with other vassals, and becomes very important if you start your own Kingdom. A very positive relationship with a vassal, for example, will allow you to talk in private with any vassal, giving you a chance to convert them to your kingdom. A very negative one, on the other hand, could cause them to hire assassins.

Mount and blade warband female marriage

Having a positive relationship with a married lady will allow you to ask them to improve your relationship with a vassal of the faction who currently has a negative relation with you by sending them gifts of 1000-3000 denars, boosting your relationship with them by +1 per 1000 denars.

If you have any negative relationship with factions, you will be at war with them, and they may attack you at any time.

A negative relationship with a village will prevent you from recruiting there, while a very positive one increases the possible number of recruits gained, as well as their tier.

Negative relationship with a town or its lord prevents you from buying land for a Productive Enterprise, while positive relationship improves prices, as well as the city's population initially assisting you when attempting to break into the town's prison.

There are several other parties you can increase your relationship with, including Tavern Keepers and Manhunters, but this has no noticeable impact on the game.

Relationship with Vassals Edit

The following actions will improve or harm your relationship with vassals. Note that some actions may have different results, depending on the vassal's personality.

Action Result
Being honorable (3 points of honor add 1 relationship with honorable lords) +?
Rushing to their aid in battle (depending on how many units they and their opponent have remaining) +0-12
Giving them a fief +10
Give Kingdom Provocation to Attack Another quest +10
Freeing a captured vassal +2
Meeting a vassal again after allowing them to go free +0-5
Allowing them to go free instead of capturing them +5
Appoint as Marshall +5
Follow spy quest +5
Lend surgeon quest +5
Destroy bandit lair quest +4
Train troops quest +4
Lend companion quest +3
Collect taxes quest +3
Hunt down fugitive quest +2
Rescue/Ransom a prisoner +?
Denounce Lord quest +?
Bring back runaway serfs quest +?
Capture enemy lord quest +?
Capture prisoners quest +?
Kill merchant quest +?
Meet spy quest +3
Collect debt from lord quest +?
Incriminate commander quest +?
Deliver message to friendly lord quest +?
Escort lady to town quest +?
Collect debt from lord -?
Being attacked by you (only up to -10) -1
While your vassal, being defeated in combat -1
Rushing to their (unneeded) aid in battle -0-2
While your vassal, giving another vassal a fief -2
Being captured by you -3
Attack villagers belonging to their village-3
Decline ransom for captured lord -4
Raze one of their villages -6
Meeting a vassal after letting them go free -15
Attack a vassal while you or your faction is not at war with him-30

Relationship with LadiesEdit

Duel for lady - Accept quest +3
Duel for lady - Reject quest -1
Duel for lady - Fail quest +6
Duel for lady - Complete quest +10
Escort lady +2
Rescue prisoner lord +8
Release lady without ransom after capturing a castle or town +1
Demand ransom for a lady after capturing a castle or town -..

Relationship with Factions Edit

Action Result
Protect villagers on the overland map +4
Rushing to the aid of a vassal in danger +4
Release a faction's imprisoned lord from a castle or town+2
Attacking a vassal -1
Capturing a vassal -3
Attack one of their vassals-3
Reject peace offer as king -5
Attack their caravan-5

Relationship with Villages Edit

Action Result
Train Peasants quest +3-11
Deliver Grain quest +10
Deliver Cattle quest +8
Clearing Bandit Infestation +4-8
Let Runaway Serfs go +1
Helping a poor peasant +1
Kill fugitive -1
Force runaway serfs back to village -1
Force peasants to give you supplies -3

Relationship with TownsEdit

Action Result
Persuade lords to make peace quest +5-8
Track Down Bandits quest +2
Deal with troublesome bandits quest +2
Give 1000 denars to the tavern keeper+1
Help poor townsman +1
Escort Merchant Caravan quest +1
Deliver Wine quest +1
Win a tournament +1
Move Cattle quest +1
Rescue kidnapped girl quest +?
Deal with Looters quest +?
Deal with night bandits +?
Collect taxes quest (from noble) -1
Attack villagers from a village near the town-3

I would like to know if there are any advantages or more disadvantages of being a woman in Mount and Blade: Warband. I know for example you need more points to become vassal (I believe it's called) and you need more points to get a fiev. Now I also know its harder to become an actual king. Are there any advantages of being a woman?

3,5496 gold badges34 silver badges59 bronze badges
Marco GeertsmaMarco Geertsma
4,77611 gold badges34 silver badges72 bronze badges

6 Answers

Disclaimer: I have never played Mount and Blade. The following information was gained entirely through secondary sources.

When you play as a female character, your starting stats will change - you will, relative to a male character, have +1 AGI and +1 INT, but -1 STR and -1 CHA [1]. In addition, a woman of noble background will have different starting skills to a man of noble background: women will get Riding, Wound Treatment, and First Aid instead of Power Strike and Tactics [2]. A similiar change in starting skills applies to a woman of nomad background compared to the male counterpart.

As a female character, you will need more Renown to do things. The base requirement to join a faction is 150 for men, but 200 for women[3]. In addition, it is more difficult to get a fief as a woman, unless you have a large amount of Renown (700). If you play as a woman, the lord who owns the castle associated with your village granted to you will deny you entry into his castle [4].

The marriage system for men and women is also different. The system for marriage for women may be considered simpler, but possibly more difficult [5]. It is very direct - find the lord you want to marry, increase your relationship with him, and then ask to 'cement the alliance to their house'. The wiki page suggests that a female character 'may gain more from a marriage than her male counterpart', but it doesn't elaborate on this. One last thing: female characters also can marry a Hero, which male characters cannot do [6].

Altogether, it seems like playing as a woman is overall a disadvantage [7], as it seems the cons outweigh the pros.


64.1k75 gold badges322 silver badges472 bronze badges

From my experience playing the game, playing as a female character could be considered the 'Hard Mode' within Mount and Blade: Warband. It's less of a disadvantage and more of a way to give a challenge.

They have a unique way of getting Renown as well, but it could be a gamble:

If you counter a lord's remarks about you being a maiden, it is possible that you may get Renown for this due to them admiring a quick tongue and an equivalent wit. However, they may also lose relations with you, try to duel you, or even send their army at you. [[1]]

Overall, it's more of a way to make the game much more difficult than it is as a male character.

Source (Last bullet in 'You can gain renown in a number of ways:')

55.7k44 gold badges222 silver badges356 bronze badges
Rose ArrendaleRose Arrendale

The best thing i find about being a female is mount and blade is that when you marry them and leave their faction, the husband will support you most of the time. About our ads.


If you're using the mods that allow you to control the garrsion of the spouse, then being a woman is an insane advantage. It means you can have an indefinite amount of troops without paying their wages (even their half wages).

This is also possible for men if one is playing a mod where female lords do exist (e.g. Clash of Kings with Asha Greyjoy, Maege Mormont et al). However, it is significantly more difficult to marry those (you'll probably have to be in the same faction first).

Mount And Blade Warband Best Marry Lady

Though to be honest, this is quite gamey and could probably ruin the immersion and make the game a bit too easy.

64.1k75 gold badges322 silver badges472 bronze badges
Avihoo IlanAvihoo Ilan

How the game mechanics work may vary by version/update for female toons.I played version 1.1.72 as woman and and man both and noticed little to no difference in renown gain. I did notice that in the 1.172 as soon as renown was 150 or more vassal and a fief was offered by the king of the territory I was in via messenger (neutral or positive in that faction ). I too noticed a difference in the response options for female toons when talking to lords . I suspect, but have not tested, getting a positive result will ( like capturing lords in battle) depend in the fellows personality. Wiki fandom has a personality chart that allows you to figure which lord has what personality by their first comments at meeting you (prior to merc or vassal in that lords faction) .Character builds 6: 2 female , 4 male. 1 noble 1 non on the gals.


Mount And Blade Warband Female Character Guide

Well, the disadvantage I have encountered, is simply that during sparring (a good way to give your troops XP BTW) on training fields, the female character wears a bikini and having people in the room you are in is awkward.

Mount And Blade Warband Viking Conquest Female Character


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