Sims 2 Hair Download 7,5/10 666 votes

Cool! I think I have some..
This is always fun-
.. I have more, somewhere.
I got some good hair sites as well.
Now that the site is free, there is plenty of good hair to choose. I especially like Newsea and Cazy hairs, but skysims also has some good ones
While the site is somewhat slow, there is a overkill amount of hairs varying in quality. Unfortunately some are pay, and you have to get them somewhere else
Another great site with many different hairs. Like peggyzone some are pay and you have to get them somewhere else.
A great site full of sims hairs (the first few pages are lower quality, but they get better as you go higher). All free
Well that is all I can think of for now
P.S. the hair my sims is wearing is called sailing away by newsea.
True Love
Terrific Family Play
Tiny Toddlers
The sims 2 forever
Peggyzone hairs are usually bad in-game. They show part of the scalp. Those hairs have since been redone by various people like Anubis, Newsea and others.
I usually get my hairs from ModTheSims. I love Nouk for ethnic hairs. (Nouk is a creator there).
Thanks for the links! I've just started playing The Ultimate Collection. I'm having a lot of fun. It will be nice to add some third party hairs.
Discord: Buttonsginger # 0116
Mini Micro Builds Challenge
Sprucer Upper Challenge: A Play to Build Challenge
The Sims Creators' Consortium
I love Nouk's hairs a lot:
'The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day. The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches. That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars and whether they had one, or not, upon thars.' -Dr. Seuss
Everyone is a Simmer.
I love Nouk's hairs a lot:
Scobre you are a godsend. I've been expanding my collection of sweet afro and curly hairstyles for ages. Some of those styles I've never seen before. Thank you!
I love Nouk's hairs a lot:
Scobre you are a godsend. I've been expanding my collection of sweet afro and curly hairstyles for ages. Some of those styles I've never seen before. Thank you!
Sorry so late getting back to you and your welcome. MTS has a lot of nice TS2 hairs. That is the game I started using the site. So many cute objects there too.
'The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day. The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches. That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars and whether they had one, or not, upon thars.' -Dr. Seuss
Everyone is a Simmer.
edited October 2015
I default a lot of the hideous Maxis hair using the default site:
Even when I just want CC, I still start at that site because it's going to have the good/updated versions of most hair. People don't bother defaulting broken or unusable hairs. Usually I find something I like, figure out who created it, google them and see if they have a site or any other good downloads.
Was on my way of totally downloading all Lyran's content but the site has been gone for a good few months now

Sims 2 Hair Downloads
Even when I just want CC, I still start at that site because it's going to have the good/updated versions of most hair. People don't bother defaulting broken or unusable hairs. Usually I find something I like, figure out who created it, google them and see if they have a site or any other good downloads. Explore Bohemian Rapture's board 'Sims 2 Downloads Hair', followed by 324 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Download hair, Sims and Sims 2. Find Sims 2 cc in SimsDay. Artists' share photos and custom contents here. Find friends, and even find amazing artists here.
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