Tatu Dangerous And Moving 320 Deluxe 9,1/10 812 votes
Tatu discografia completa discografia completa! OJO: solo 1 link para todos los album y ep y singles! Bitrate: 320 kbps. Dangerous and Moving (Intro) 0:49. All About Us. Cosmos (Outer Space) 4:11. Loves Me Not. Friend or Foe. Nov 1, 2013 - Milow - Milow Deluxe Edition (2009) - Pop - 320 kbps Uploading Minus the. Dangerous And Moving (2005) - Full Album - Pop. Dangerous and moving Dangerous and moving Obstacles and signs Perilous and looming Dangerous and moving Dangerous and moving No mercy for the lost No soothing for the sad The line is never crossed They are the living dead And this is how they move And this is how they sway That danger is the truth They die and live again Chorus x2.
Singles from
Dangerous and Moving
- 'All About Us'
Released: September 2005 - 'Friend or Foe'
Released: December 2005 - 'Gomenasai'
Released: March 2006
Dangerous and Moving is the secondEnglish-language album by t.A.T.u. The album was first released onOctober 5, 2005 in Japan then on October 10 in the UK, October 11in North America, and in Europe & Latin America on October14.
- 1Album information
- 4Certifications,Peaks & Sales
- 5Personnel / Credits
Production on Dangerous and Moving spanned out from LosAngeles, to London, and Moscow. There are two notable recordingsessions with the record's producer, Sergio Galoyan. The first was August 4 -August 20, 2004 a recording session in Moscow with just Lena thatproduced songs like 'Cosmos', 'Sacrifice' (one demo ft. Claire Guy)and demos 'All My Love', 'I Know', 'One Love' and 'You' ('I MissYou'). The second recording session was from January 17 - April 18,2005 in Los Angeles with 'Sacrifice', 'Perfect Enemy' and the demoof 'We Shout' titled 'Reach Out'.
Although Sting, Dave Stewart, Richard Carpenter and The Veronicas didwork on the album, they did not actually meet the girls forproduction. Sergio Galoyan became a liaison for the production.Although, Richard Carpenter did meet the girls after the recordingof the album at their video shoot for the single Friend or Foe.
- All About Uswas the lead single of the album, released in August 2005. Itpeaked 8 in UK, 1 in Poland, 3 in Austria, 4 inItaly, 5 in Russia, 6 in Sweden, 7 in France and Germany, 9 inSwitzerland. In Austrilia chats it wasn't a huge hit, peaking at39. It was the only single of the album to enter US Charts, peakingat number 13 in US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play.
- Friend or Foe was released as thesecond single in the US and UK, also in some Europe countries. Itpeaked at 16 in Italy and Russia, 30 in Spain and 48 in UK.
- Gomenasai wasreleased as third single, as the second single in some Europecountries in May 2006. It was not released in the US ans UK. Itpeaked at 30 in Germany, 47 in Austria, and also 75 in Russia.
- Loves Me Not was released as thefourth single in November 2006. It was released only as a promosingle for compilation album The Best. It failed to peakany important chart. It peaked at 28 in Russia.
- 'Dangerous and Moving (Intro)' (I. Shapovalov) –0:49
- 'All About Us'(J. Alexander, B. Steinberg, L. Origliasso, J.Origliasso) – 3:00
- 'Cosmos (Outer Space)' (S. Galoyan, M. Kierszenbaum, L.Alexandrovski, V. Polienko) – 4:12
- 'Loves Me Not' (E. Buller, A.Kubiszewski) – 2:55
- 'Friend or Foe' (M.Kierszenbaum, D. Stewart) – 3:08
- 'Gomenasai'(M. Kierszenbaum) – 3:42
- 'Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)' (L.Lindley-Jones) – 3:50
- 'Sacrifice' (S. Galoyan, M. Kierszenbaum) –3:10
- 'We Shout' (Nekkermann, M. Kierszenbaum, L.Alexandrovski, V. Polienko) – 3:02
- 'Perfect Enemy' (S. Galoyan, M. Kierszenbaum, T.A.Music, V. Polienko) – 4:12
- 'Obezyanka Nol' (V. Adarichev, A. Pokutni, V.Polienko) – 4:25
- 'Dangerous and Moving' (I. Shapovalov, M. Kierszenbaum,L. Alexandrovski, T.A. Music, V. Polienko) – 4:35
Bonus Tracks:
- 'Vsya Moya Lubov' (Only in Japan, U.K., Europe, Brazil, Australia, Latin America) – 5:49
- 'Lyudi Invalidy' (Only inEurope Deluxe Edition and United Kingdomedition) – 4:35
- 'Divine' (Only in Japan) – 3:17
- The Japanese version comes with a bonus DVD containing music videos for 'AllAbout Us' and 'Dangerous and Moving' making-of footage for the 'AllAbout Us' video, EPK, and a t.A.T.u. Remix Package that has isolated sounds forGuitar, Bass, Drums, Synths and Vocals for the track 'Loves MeNot'.
- The Taiwanese limitededition comes with a bonus DVD containing the video for 'All About Us' -(Uncensored Version), two lyric/picture booklets, and fold-outguitar/piano music poster for the song 'Gomenasai' presented in a unique embossedcard picture slipcase.
- The European version of this CD comes with a fold-outguitar/piano music poster for the song 'Gomenasai' and a bonus DVD containing 'TheMaking of All About Us' video shoot (including the finished,uncensored video at the end of the programme) and a t.A.T.u. RemixPackage that has isolated sounds for Guitar, Bass, Drums, Synthsand Vocals for the track 'Loves Me Not'.
Certifications, Peaks &Sales
Country | Peak Position | Certification (If Any) | Sales/shipments |
Austria[1] | 13 | Gold | 20,000 |
Czech Republic[2] | 23 | 20,000 |
Finland[3] | 20 | 25,500 |
France[4] | 23 | Silver | 80,000[5] |
Italy [6] | 15 | Gold | 50,000 |
Japan[7] | 10 | Gold | 150,500[7] |
Korea | 20,355[8] |
Mexico | 1 | Gold[9] | 90,000 |
Poland[10] | 1 | Gold[11] | 50,000 |
Russia | 1 | Gold[12] | 300,000 |
Sweden[13] | 23 | Silver | 50,000[14] |
Switzerland[15] | 23 | Silver | 30,000[16] |
Turkey | 23 | Silver | 20,000[17] |
United Kingdom | 78 | Silver | 30,000 |
United States[18] | 131 | 50,000+ |
Worldwide | 2,300,000+ |
There are only 2 shared tracks and 5 tracks which have aRussian/English counterpart.
- 'All About Us'
- 'Loves Me Not'
- 'Обезьянка ноль' / 'Obezyanka Nol (later reworked into 'Nulland Void' on the album 'The Best')'
- 'Люди Инвалиды' / 'Dangerous and Moving'
- 'Космос' / 'Cosmos (Outer Space)'
- 'Ничья' / 'We Shout'
- 'Новая Модель' / 'Perfect Enemy'
The musical arrangement of 'Loves Me Not' is different onDangerous and Moving than on Люди Инвапиды. TheEnglish version of Obezyanka Nol', 'Null and Void', is found onThe Best. The Englishversion of Vsya Moya Lyubov', 'All My Love', was never released,but was released a demo by Lena Katina.
Personnel/ Credits
- t.A.T.u. - Vocals
- Tom Baker — Mastering
- Ed Buller -Producer
- Cindy Cooper — Production Coordination
- SergioGaloyan - Producer
- Trevor Horn -Producer
- Tomoko Itoki — Product Manager
- David Junk — Executive Director
- Martin Kierszenbaum - Producer,A&R
- AndyKubiszewski - Producer
- Robert Orton - Producer, Engineer,Mixing
- Boris Renski — Executive Producer
- Andrea Ruffalo — A&R
- Ami Spishock — Product Manager
- T.A. Music - Design, Photography,Concept
- Tony Ugval — Engineer
- Xudoznik — Producer
- ^IFPI Austria – ChartTrajectory
- ^IFPI Finland – ChartTrajectory
- ^Disque En France – ChartTrajectory
- ^Parcours de plus de 870 ALBUMSdans les charts français !
- ^F.I.M.I.
- ^ abJapan Sales
- ^Korean Sales Database
- ^OLiS Poland
- ^IFPI Sweden – ChartTrajectory
- ^Parcours de plus de 870 ALBUMSdans les charts français !
- ^IFPI Switzerland – ChartTrajectory
- ^Parcours de plus de 870 ALBUMSdans les charts français !
- ^Parcours de plus de 870 ALBUMSdans les charts français !
- ^Billboard – ChartHistory
Tatu Dangerous And Moving 320 Deluxe Download
See also
- Dangerous and Moving Tour - The Associated Tour
- Truth: Live in St. Petersburg
Tatu Dangerous And Moving 320 Deluxe Video
200 km/h in the WrongLane·Dangerousand Moving·WasteManagement 'Ya Soshla SUma' ·'Nas NeDogonyat' ·'30Minut' ·'ProstieDvizheniya' ·'Ne Ver', NeBoysia' ·'LyudiInvalidy' ·'BeliyPlaschik' ·'220' ·'Snegopady' 'All the Things SheSaid' ·'Not Gonna GetUs' ·'30 Minutes' ·'How Soon IsNow?' ·'All AboutUs' ·'Friend orFoe' ·'Gomenasai' ·'Loves MeNot·'You andI' ·'Snowfalls' ·'WhiteRobe' ·'Sparks' 200 Po VstrechnoyTour ·ShowMe Love Tour ·Dangerous and Moving Tour Anatomy oft.A.T.u.·Podnebesnaya·Screaming ForMore·t.A.T.u.Expedition·Truth: Live in St.Petersburg·You and I Discography·Awards·'Khuy Voyne!' ·t.A.T.u.Come Back·IvanShapovalov·Sergio Galoyan t.A.T.u. |
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