Fallout 2 Temple Of Trials 8,2/10 2697 votes

Oct 21, 2013 - No, it's not something like where to go, or something noobish about the controls, but it seems very difficult to get a suave, evil smoothtalking. Oct 17, 2017 - After the introductory FMV, you find yourself at the entrance to the Temple of Trials. You could turn around and attack Klint, the guy guarding the.

Temple of Trials
Part ofArroyo
SectionsTemple Entrance
Temple: Foyer
Temple: Hallway
Temple: Inner Sanctum
QuestsFinish Temple of Trials

It's a peaceful village. Except for the plants possessed by evil spirits…and of course, the temple of trials filled with those deadly spear traps and the man-eating giant ants.

— The Chosen One, when describing Arroyo toRenesco

The Temple of Trials is a pre-War structure just outside the tribal village of Arroyo.

  • 2Fallout 2 Tutorial
  • 3Layout

Background[editedit source]

The Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church or museum. The carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by the Arroyo inhabitants.[1][2]

Its purpose is to prove if someone is worthy for their role in the village as a leader of society or the savior one [3][4]

In 2210 the Vault Dweller's daughter takes her mystic test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakunin's garden. She runs the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass most of the tests after her handgun jams (and is ruined) on the first level. She offers numerous criticisms of the test, resulting in many revisions.[5]

In 2241 like his mother few decades earlier, the Chosen One descended into the Temple and completed mystic test.[6]

Fallout 2 Tutorial[editedit source]

Game mechanics[editedit source]

  • Test of the player's combat skills in the fight against giant ants and small radscorpions
  • Or sneak ability, allowing player to avoid few enemies
  • Usage of lockpick, to open the door
  • Usage of explosives, to destroy the door
  • Possibility to use healing powder or antidote, showing basic of damage system
  • Example of traps

Cameron[editedit source]

  • Fight him unarmed after a conversation (and without access to your Healing Powder nor Spear) for 300 xp.
  • Steal his key and unlock the door behind his back for 600 xp.
  • Talk him out of fighting (IN 4 required and Speech must be tagged) for 600 xp.

Tricks[editedit source]

  • Attack your foe just once, then use your remaining AP to run away. They'll follow you, but may not have enough AP to strike back, which will simplify things. You can even run them around in circles if they refuse to die quickly. Masklinn adds: 'Actually, the Temple of Trials mobs (ants and scorpions) can only walk 2 hexes and still be able to hit you. All you have to do is run 3 hexes away from them and you're safe. This means that a character with 9 AP can land two punches before you have to run, 10 AP granting you one Spear attack and one punch, or one kick and one punch. So basically a character at or above Agility 8 will do the temple a tad faster and easier.'
  • Player can drop a spear before the battle with Cameron occurs, allowing him to use it during the battle. However, if you drop it too close to the man, he'll pick it up in his first round and whack you up pretty good. One can even drop a Sharpened Pole for him to pick up; he'll do a little more damage with it, but he should hit a little less often, and he gets two attacks with it each turn instead of three.

Notes[editedit source]

  • There's no point to using targeted blows in Temple of Trials or just afterwards, since critical hits are disabled for the first day of game time. Critical failures are disabled for the first five days.

Layout[editedit source]

Entrance[editedit source]

Foyer[editedit source]

Initial hallwayInfested with 2 giant ants
Southeastern hallwayInfested with 3 giant antsHealing Powder in pot
Western roomInfested with 2 small radscorpions
Northeastern hallwayInfested with 3 small radscorpionsSpear on dead body
Northern hallwayDoor needs to be lockpickedPassage to second area

Hallway[editedit source]

Initial hallwaySeveral pressure traps25 exp or sharpened poles per trap
Western hallwayInfested with 2 small radscorpionsHealing Powder in the chest
CenterInfested with 3 giant antsPlastic explosives in pot
Northewestern hallwayInfested with 2 giant antsAntidote in the chest
North roomDoors need to be blown apart
Pressure trap behind them
Passage to third area

Inner Sanctum[editedit source]

Main roomInfested with 2 giant antsAccess to the chest
Eastern hallwayInfested with 2 small radscorpionsHealing Powder and Antidote in chest
Final roomCameronCompletion of the Temple of Trials

Appearances[editedit source]

The Temple of Trials is the first area of Fallout 2, and was designed as a tutorial location. It's mentioned in Fallout Bible.


Fallout 2 Trial Walkthrough

  1. Fallout Bible 5: BTW, the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by the Arroyo inhabitants.'
  2. Fallout Bible 8: '66. In the temple of trials, you use plastic explosive to blow the door. How do tribals out of contact with civilization have military grade explosives?
    Don't even ask. They probably had it sitting around, along with that handgun in the Elder's tent in the opening movie. The entire Temple of Trials thing is one big mystery and is pretty implausible - the sliding mechanical doors are what really confuse me. I think it came down to an art decision.
    Anyway, the story I'm sticking to in the official universe is that the Temple of Trials is actually built on an existing abandoned church - or museum.'
  3. Elder intro: 'Come in, Chosen One. There are things you must know. The village is dying. The signs are everywhere. Withering crops... dying brahmin... sick children. There is hope, however. A slim hope that few know of. The old disks speak of an item called the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. It is said it can bring life to the wasteland.
    This will be your quest if you prove yourself worthy. For that proof, you must first journey to the Temple of Trials. If you survive, come back to me; we will talk more. Our life is in your hands, Chosen One. Prove yourself. Find the GECK. Be our salvation.'
  4. Klint: '{117}{}{Forgive me, but I have no answers to your questions. Take the trial set before you by the Elder and prove yourself worthy to lead our people.}'
  5. Fallout Bible 0: '2210 January 31 Vault Dweller's daughter takes her mystic test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakuinn's garden. She runs the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass most of the tests after her handgun jams (and is ruined) on the first level. She offers numerous criticisms of the test, resulting in many revisions.'
    'Note: The broken handgun is the one you see on her table in the opening movie of Fallout 2.'
  6. Fallout Bible 0: '2241 July 25 Fallout 2 Begins: Chosen One begins his mystic test, descending into the Temple of Trials.'
CharactersCameron ·Elder ·Feargus ·Hakunin ·Hunter ·Kor ·Jordan ·Klint ·Lucas ·Morlis ·Mynoc ·Nagor ·Reyna ·Smoke ·Warrior ·Villager
LocationsCanyon ·Hunting grounds ·Temple of Trials ·Village
QuestsFinish Temple of Trials ·Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden. ·Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear. ·Fix the well for Feargus ·Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds. ·Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo. ·Find Vic the Trader.
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Finish Temple of Trials


given by


600 XP for using Speech or Sneak skills
300 XP for fighting Cameron
+15 Karma
Vault 13 jumpsuit and the Pip-Boy 2000
I have the honor of being your final challenge. To continue in your quest you must defeat me in unarmed combat.— Cameron

Finish Temple of Trials is the first quest in Fallout 2.

Quick walkthroughEdit

Main Quest: Finish the Temple of Trials.
Enter the Temple of Trials.
Unlock the door in the northwest corner of the Foyer.
Take the plastic explosive from the clay pot near the chasm.
Demolish the door in the northwest corner of the Hallway, using the plastic explosive.
Speak with Cameron.Sneak past Cameron.
Defeat Cameron in hand-to-hand combat.Convince Cameron not to fight you.
Retrieve your items from the chest outside Cameron's chamber.
Reward: 300 XPReward: 600 XPReward: 600 XP
Enter the final chamber.
Reward: 15 Karma
A jumpsuit and a Pip-Boy 2000
Next quest: Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo
Find Vic the Trader

Detailed walkthroughEdit

Enter the temple and the player character will find themselves in a hallway. Kill the ants and press forward, exploring the side rooms and corridors. Open the second door using whatever Lockpick skill available to the player character. Kill everything, loot the chests, pots and bones.

On the second map the Chosen One will probably start spotting floor traps. If they don't, they can walk to and fro to make it happen, unless they have a woefully low Perception. Should they have the patience, they can disarm the traps for 25 XP each. If one is reckless and sets off a trap, one can pick up the sharpened pole which nearly lodged in your chest (or maybe did). To avoid the traps altogether, keep to the right-hand wall. At one point the Chosen One is required to set an explosive charge (found in a tall pot nearby) in front of a door, which shouldn't be too difficult. Beware of the trap on the doorstep.

At the entrance to the inner sanctum the Chosen One finds Cameron, who represents their final test. There are three ways to get past him:

  • Fight him unarmed after a conversation (and without access to healing powder) for 300 XP.
  • Steal his key and unlock the door behind his back for 600 XP.
  • Talk him out of fighting (Intelligence 4 or more required and Speech must be tagged) for 600 XP.


  • 600 or 300 XP
  • +15 Karma
ArroyoFinish Temple of Trials ·Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden ·Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear ·Fix the well for Feargus ·Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds ·Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo ·Find Vic the Trader ·Stop the Enclave
Broken HillsFix the mine's air purifier ·Find the missing people for Marcus ·Break Manson and Franc out of prison ·Blow up the mine's air purifier ·Divert more electrical power to Eric's home ·Beat Francis at armwrestling ·Defeat the professor's radscorpion in three challenges ·Typhon's Treasure ·Become an Expert Excrement Expeditor
The DenFind out how Becky can sell her booze for such low prices ·Sabotage Becky's still ·Get car part for Smitty ·Return Anna's locket ·Collect money from Fred ·Get book from Derek ·Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom ·Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church ·Get permission from Metzger for gang war ·Find weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church ·Help Lara attack Tyler's gang ·Listen to Stacy's kitty story ·Free Vic from his debt by getting his radio from his house in Klamath and paying Metzger ·Listen to Leanne's story about the Master ·Kill Metzger ·Free the Metzger slaves
GeckoSolve the Gecko powerplant problem ·Optimize the powerplant ·Retrieve the Economy Disk and deliver it to McClure in Vault City ·Get super repair kit for Skeeter ·Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter ·Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den
KlamathRefuel the still ·Rescue Smiley the Trapper ·Guard the brahmin ·Rustle the brahmin ·Kill the rat god ·Rescue Torr
ModocSomething strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc. Investigate and report back to Jo ·Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him ·Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to Farrel ·Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas ·Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Jonny back home to Balthas ·Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the infestation ·Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc ·Jo is suspicious of the Slags. Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl ·Go to the Den and tell Karl it's alright to come back home ·Kill the 'chicken' ·Help Bess the Brahmin
NavarroDeal with the deathclaw ·Fix K-9 ·Retrieve the FOB from the base Commander
NCRRetrieve Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15 ·'Take care of Officer Jack' for Mira ·Stop officer Jack from blowing up the power plant ·Complete brahmin drive ·Retrieve papers from Dr Henry ·Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills ·Eliminate Mr. Bishop ·Deliver Westin's holodisk to Lynette in Vault City ·Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver ·Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers ·Deliver Hubologist's field report to AHS-9 in San Francisco ·Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk ·Stop brahmin raids
New RenoRecover your stolen car ·Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose ·Suspect: Jagged Jimmy J ·Suspect: Jules ·Suspect: Lil' Jesus Mordino ·Suspect: Renesco ·Find a way into the Sierra Army Base ·Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an... example of him ·Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000 ·Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert ·Find some endorphin blockers to make a cure for Jet ·Bust up Wright's still beneath the train station ·Assassinate Westin in NCR without making it look like a murder ·Murder Carlson in NCR ·Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty ·Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge ·Deliver Big Jesus's package to Ramirez at the Stables ·Collect tribute from the Corsican Brothers ·Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino ·Purchase the Kesting Special ·Become a Prizefighter ·Become a Porn Star ·Bring Renesco some glasses ·Learn about Vault City and education from Mrs. Bishop ·Witness a secret transaction
ReddingFind out who cut the whore ·Find the excavator chip ·Break up the bar brawl ·Kill Frog Morton ·Clear Wanamingo Mine ·Golden Trail ·Evict the widow
San FranciscoThe tanker needs fuel ·The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work ·You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer ·Kill the Shi Emperor ·The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi ·The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship ·Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub ·Kill the AHS-9 ·The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists ·Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship ·The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand ·Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible ·Get Chip's spleen ·Get some hardened power armor from Crockett ·Get the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel
Vault 13Fix the Vault 13 computer ·Talk to Goris
Vault 15Rescue Chrissy ·Kill Darion ·Complete Deal with NCR ·Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR
Vault CityGet a plow for Mr. Smith ·Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno ·Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy ·Solve the Gecko powerplant problem ·Deliver Lynette's holodisk to Westin in NCR ·Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua ·Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia ·Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie ·Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark ·Enter NCR and return to Stark ·Find Mr. Nixon ·Gain combat implants ·Stop Bishop's raider band from attacking Vault City ·Resolve the problem with the nearby village
CharactersArroyo elder ·Hakunin ·Lucas ·Jordan ·Morlis ·Cameron ·Mynoc ·Nagor ·Smoke ·Feargus ·Klint ·Arroyo warrior ·Arroyo villager
LocationsTemple of Trials ·Arroyo settlement ·Arroyo hunting grounds ·The Canyon
QuestsFinish Temple of Trials ·Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden ·Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear ·Fix the well for Feargus ·Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds ·Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo ·Find Vic the Trader