Heroes Mount And Blade 5,5/10 9688 votes

Mount & Blade: Warband’s best mods and where to get them. In anticipation of the sequel hopefully hitting its potential 2017 release date, we’ve rounded up some of the best mods for you to try. Metacritic Game Reviews, Mount & Blade for PC, Calradia is a land at war, a land offering great riches and even greater dangers to the adventurers and mercenaries that flock to shed th.

Just as in Mount and Blade: Warband it is possible to collect a number of Companions to help you in your quest.These Companions will form part of your party and will gain experience as you progress in the game.Companions have two benefits over normal troops: they are fully customizable, and will not die, instead getting knocked unconcious.

Companions can be found in the Taverns located in most Towns. Some of the Companions will require a recruitment fee to join your party. This fee can range from a few coppers to tens of thousands of coin.

The starting location of the Companions differ from game to game, and each will change locations at times, so it's best to check the tavern whenever you enter a town. You can, however, select the 'Gather Companions' option in character creation to have most companions be in the starting tavern for the first few days.

Available CompanionsEdit

A nice chart done by Sergio_Morozov (version 2.1)


There are 29 known companions. Temporary stat pictures have been added. Please, add more information and custom charts, these should only be temporary. When done, delete the unnecessary.

This list will be updated as these preferences are known.

Updating for ACOK 6.2, Should be accurate (at least more so than before).

List of Companions*
CompanionLikesDislikesOffended ByLevelCostStarting Town**
Alen ClargyllAlynSer Bennis of Hollowhill3700Ashford
Mavros SandMaronGarrett LongleyFood, Heavy Deaths91200Sunspear
Arratos EntarionHalbert CrowsheadSer Jasper RiversHeavy Deaths73000Bravos
Berengar ParrenSer Jasper RiversGynir Pyke4FreeFairmarket
Bilaquo MentariosGyrnir Pyke6500Valon Therys
Brynden StormMaronMarvos Sand5FreeWeeping Town
Ser Clavis Lyberr


DrolloSer Roger OsgreyKanossos the HeadstrongRaiding


Ser Felton FlowersSer Jasper RiversBrynden StormRetreat61500Oldtown
FennaAlynSer Bennis of HollowhillLeaving Troops6Free
Garrett LongleySer Roger OsgreyMarvos Sand81500Kings Landing
Graznon zo PatonBilaquo MentariosArratos EntarionRetreat


Gynir PykeSer Roger OsgreySaathosRaiding2FreeLordsport
Halbert CrowsheadMartyn SnowSerol LynaqoFailing Quests7300White Harbour
Ser Jasper RiversSer Bennis of HollowhillMartyn Snow7500Saltpans
Kanossos the HeadstrongBilaquo MentariosDrollo71500Rhyros
Ser Bennis of HollowhillSer Jasper RiversMaronLeaving Troops41500Stoney Sept
MaronSaathosSer Bennis of Hollowhill1FreeHull
Martyn SnowHalbert CrowsheadRaiding6FreeWhite Harbor
Ser Roger OsgreySer Clavis LyberrGynir Pyke51500Oldtown
Serol Lynaqo?Serol Lynaqo?Martyn Snow123000Pentos
AlynBerengar ParrenDrollo3


Ser Titus Harper8500Tyrosh
LyneriaGarret LongleyGraznon zo Patton3250Bravos

*Tested at Version 1.4 without Mercenary Companions

**As of 6.0 Companions start in specific towns and stay there. I've filled in the ones I found if you don't use 'gather companions option.

Companion Relationships Edit

Not all Companions get on with each other and having ones that dislike others will cause friction in the party.

*Note that you CANNOT disable companions disliking each other by going to the 'Mod options' menu in the camp screen and ticking 'disable companion complaints'.

The lists below conflict with each other in your party, you'll have to pick the companions grouped together for the first column or second column in the same row to have a stable party (i.g Alen Clargyl, Fenna, Maron or choose to use Roderick and Ser Bennis Hollow Hill).

**Denotes companions that do not like raiding (at least so far).

ACOK 7.1Companions 1Companions 2
1Bilaquo Mentarios



Ser Titus Harper

Melly Waterman

2Berengar Parren

Ser Roger OSgrey


Gynir Pyke**

Ser Clavis Lyber

3Alen Clargyl




Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill

4Martyn Snow**

Arratos Entarion

Halbert Crowshead


Ser Jasper Rivers

Graznon zo Paton

Serol Lynaqo (or Halbert)

5Brynden Storm (or Ser Felton)

Garret Longley

Ser Felton Flowers

Mavros Sand

6Kanosos the Headstrong



Changes in 1.4Edit

In 1.4, the companion system recieved an overhaul, with all companions now being stationary, being recruitable from only one specific location. Additionally, several companions have had their names changed, and a new non-mercenary companion has been introduced.

The changed names include:

  • Yohnas > Alyn
  • Ser Kannut Bannside > Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill
  • Ser Matrim Osgrey > Ser Roger Osgrey
  • Alexos Sand > Mavros Sand
  • Colin The Mute > Saathos

The new companion is

  • Ser Medrick Waterman

Companions as Lords:Edit

AS OF 1.4

All companions now seem, in effect, to be 'noble' (regardless of what they say in their discussions with you), as they all have their own trait (upstanding, pitiless, etc.) when granted a fief, and this can be checked via the maester in your castle. I have compiled a list of those companions who are less troublesome than others when made into lords:

Upstanding and Good-Natured (these companions will not object, as lords, to other lords being granted fiefs):

  • Addam Blackwood
  • Alen Cargyll
  • Bilaquo Mentarios
  • Fenna
  • Ser Lucamore the Grim
  • Maron
  • Martyn Snow
  • Ser Medrick Waterman
  • Roderick
  • Serol Lynaqo


  • Alyn
  • Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill
  • Berengar Parren
  • Caul
  • Granzon zo Paton
  • Ser Felton Flowers
  • Halbert Crowshead
  • Ser Jasper Rivers
  • Kanossos the Headstrong
  • Ser Roger Osgrey

All other companions, if not mentioned here, are either calculating, quarrelsome, debauched or pitiless.

AS OF 3.0

Only 5 companions are good-natured:

Ser Clavis Lyber

Ser Titus Harper

Melly Waterman

Arratos Entarrion


Those are the ONLY companions which will not object, as lords, to other lords receiving fiefs.

Future CompanionsEdit

As part of 1.4, sellsword companies are now available for hire, and the leaders of these companies become companions once you have paid for the company. These captains will remain with you permanently, unless you choose to separate from them. In the current implementation, only the leader of each sellsword company becomes a companion, but the quote below was from a preview released by Cozur before 1.4, and may suggest that other members of the sellsword companies could become companions in the future.


'I've added a new feature - when you recruit a sellsword company, the leaders, captains, serjeants and paymasters are included, but not as regular troops, but rather as companions.

Mount And Blade Warband Companion Guide

So if you recruit the Windblown, you get a lot of troops, and a couple of new companions such as The Tattered Prince, Caggo, Denzo D'han and so on. Adding this feature also meant I had to do a companion overhaul - they're now stationary which will allow me to, in future versions, add some more interesting characters as companions (Sandor Clegane would be an example).'


Companion Stats (6.0) Edit

ACOK 6.0 Companion Starting Stats, Skills and Equipment Details: https://imgur.com/a/8oWG4hr

108 Heroes Mod Mount And Blade

Heroes Mount And Blade
NameLevelSTRAGLINTCHAWeapon Prof.*Equiv Total Stats**
Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill516147611539
Graznon zo Paton815913127042
Ser Felton Flowers616157715040
Martyn Snow6181210514040
Ser Jasper Rivers717910616036
Halbert Crowshead712917105042
Kanossos the Headstrong715815821040
Mavros Sand9161612816044
Garrett Longley820135418035
Brynden Storm31071676038
Ser Roger Osgrey1120612823036
Arratos Entarion7661863030
Ser Clavis Lyber41811878041
Serol Lynaqo1212816133038
Gynir Pyke2169557034
Bilaquo Mentarios61486912032
Berengar Parren414612126041
Alen Clargyll31657615032
Melly Waterman9151291014538
Ser Titus Harper814125712031

*A companion's initial weapon proficiency are the same for all weapons in ACOK 6.0.

**A comparison of total stats for a companion if they were all adjusted to be Level 1

Companion Roles (6.0) Edit

ACOK 6.0 Companion Starting Stats, Skills and Equipment Details: https://imgur.com/a/8oWG4hr

A brief analysis of the companions tells us that while their backstories may be filled out in depth, their skill distribution as of 6.0 are very shallow. Companions are very clearly divided into martial and support categories. Almost all companions with starting Weapon Proficiency above 75 also have zero starting Intelligence skills, and vice versa. No companion starts with Power Throw, Looting, Foraging, Tracking, Path Finding, Inventory Management, or Prisoner Management.

I offer here a simplistic method of allocating roles to companions in 6.0. Use all companions with Power Draw as archers. Of the remainder, select those with less than 75-80 proficiency as support/int characters and give them crossbows (except Carver, maybe). The last group should all have Riding of 4+ (except Ser Osgrey at 3) and good proficiency, which easily make heavy cavalry.